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General Forge Forums => Conventions => Topic started by: Ron Edwards on April 25, 2004, 02:39:56 AM

Title: [GenCon 2004] Sign-up instructions: the time has come
Post by: Ron Edwards on April 25, 2004, 02:39:56 AM

I'm opening up sign-ups for GenCon. Play by the following rules; I'll just deny anyone who makes life difficult by not being clear. This thread is not about logistics for the con, i.e., stuff like "how will we know where to go" and "where do I stash my stuff" and "how do I register at the hotel" and likewise. That will be a new thread coming next week.

For booth-monkey participation
Paypal $55 to You will get an exhibitor badge from me and are expected to work a jhalf-day for every day you're at the con. Working at the con means participating in demos, meeting & greeting people who venture within reach near the booth, directing people to appropriate targets within the booth ("Pro wrestling? You must go talk to that guy named Matt, right there"), and generally helping to create the specific high-sales, intense-play, coffee-house atmosphere for the booth. Sometimes that means recognizing that you have to leave and get out of the way, too. You'll also help set up and break down the booth for each day you're there.

You'll get into the hall long before the GenCon attendees, and be able to hang out there afterward. All kinds of "industry get-togethers" will be made apparent and available to you, that others don't know about. You'll get plenty of your own time for demo play, wandering about, shopping, and panels.

I am limiting the number of people who can participate at this level to one dozen, with full discretion over who and who-not being held by me, Luke, Ralph, and Jake.  I will actually hold some of the slots open for a while so that people who don't see this message immediately will have a chance.

For minimum publisher buy-in
Paypal $100 to Make sure to include your name, your mailing address, your company name, and all contact information (cell phones especially) in the message box. You should also include $55 per person who wants an exhibitor badge (so if it's just one person, that's $155 total). You may buy in at this level without someone being there, in which case you pay for no badges, and just have to trust us to hawk your game.

What this entitles you to is this: (a) your game on the shelves of the booth display at all times, with rotating positions (i.e. it will not be relegated to a low-priority spot), (b) opportunity to demo your game at all times, although not in a booth-scheduled fashion, and (c) cashier & accounting service at the Forge cash-box. This is in addition to the benefits listed in the category above.

I am limiting the number of people who can participate at this level to one dozen

For maximum publisher buy-in
Paypal $200 to Make sure to include your name, your mailing address, your company name, and all contact information (cell phones especially) in the message box. You must also include $55 per person who wants an exhibitor badge (so if it's just one person, that's $255 total). You can't buy in at this level without someone being there.

What this entitles you to is this: (a) banner space on the back wall and curtain, (b) inclusion in a spiffy handout pamphlet (logos, shiny paper, etc), (c) scheduled and volunteer-supported demo play (your demos will be played), (d) credit card payment privileges. This is in addition to the benefits listed in the two categories above.

I am limiting the number of people who can participate at this level to five, with discretion as listed above, with discretion and holding-policy as described above.

Final point for everyone: no funds whatsoever are returnable. Once you've paid, it's gone; doesn't matter whether you suddenly can't make it, and doesn't matter if some aspect of the terms didn't work out like you expected. So be damn sure you mean it when you hit those keys.

Title: [GenCon 2004] Sign-up instructions: the time has come
Post by: Ron Edwards on April 25, 2004, 03:55:34 AM
Oh yeah.

Replying to this thread does not constitute "dibs." Let's keep discussion here limited to questions and clarifications, and leave all the actual signing up to Paypal exchanges and email.

Title: [GenCon 2004] Sign-up instructions: the time has come
Post by: lumpley on April 25, 2004, 04:10:06 AM
When's the due date?

Title: [GenCon 2004] Sign-up instructions: the time has come
Post by: Ron Edwards on April 25, 2004, 04:23:23 AM
Good question, Vincent.

Sign-ups start now. They'll close as of midnight between June 30 and July 1. That will give us time to come up with a cool pamphlet for those who will be in it, and otherwise get a whole lotta stuff accomplished that wouldn't be possible if we were still wondering who's going to be in, and how.

Also, obviously, each category will close when it's full.

Title: [GenCon 2004] Sign-up instructions: the time has come
Post by: Michael S. Miller on April 25, 2004, 05:18:48 AM
Some others might be in a similar situation: I don't think my game, Excelsior, will be ready for GenCon, but there's still a slim chance that it might. If I sign up at the BoothMonkey level now, and at some pont before July 1 it becomes clear that it will be ready, it is possible to "bump up" to one of the publisher tiers, assuming there are still slots available?
Title: [GenCon 2004] Sign-up instructions: the time has come
Post by: Jürgen Mayer on April 25, 2004, 08:21:40 PM
I'd like to be a booth monkey (ninja!).
Title: [GenCon 2004] Sign-up instructions: the time has come
Post by: Valamir on April 26, 2004, 01:16:03 AM
Quote(c) cashier & accounting service at the Forge cash-box. This is in addition to the benefits listed in the category above.

This should probably be expanded on in the following 2 ways.

1) participation in the cash box is both a perq and a requirement.  There are absolutely NO money transactions at the booth permitted except those that pass through the cashier.

2) neither the cashiers nor the cash box are bonded.  Every effort is made to get it right and to balance out so that everybody gets paid what they're owed.  Last year the count came up a little short on the first day for games that I was responsible for so I made it up out of my own pocket.  The the other three days balanced perfectly.  But this is very much a "you pays your money, you takes your chances" operation, and neither the Forge nor the paid participants will be held liable for non fraudulent mishaps.  We're all volunteers in this engaged in mutual promotion...not a professional retail outlet.  So be aware of that possibility and if it's unacceptable to you don't sign up.

It should also be noted that some inventory shrinkage is almost always inevitable in an environment like a con, and while I don't recall any major incidents, I do know I came home with a couple books unaccounted for.  Another factor that new signees will need to be aware of.
Title: GenCon rooms
Post by: btrc on April 30, 2004, 09:13:59 PM
I've managed to successfully navigate the Housing Bureau reservation system and booked a double room at the Marriott. More than enough room to share, if anyone wants to. It's adjacent to the convention center and I'd love to find a way to drop the $150 per night cost (after the local 12% tax is figured in).

I'm checked in from Wednesday night through Saturday night.

Greg Porter
BTRC games
Title: Shelf Space
Post by: AdAstraGames on May 03, 2004, 04:12:18 AM
Ron -- I still plan on bringing the industrial shelving units to use as the border of our booth.  We'll be in early -- but it gives a place for "extra inventory" storage.

Tee Shirts:

I am willing to cut a Forge discount on my Divide By Zero shirts for pre-orders for Forgeite Booth Monkeys.

I also have a place where you can order buttons with a logo on them if you'd like.
Title: [GenCon 2004] Sign-up instructions: the time has come
Post by: xiombarg on May 03, 2004, 03:18:19 PM
Is "non-attending participation" possible? That is, can I send someone print copies of a game to sell? Or is that not kosher?

I ask because I'm hoping I'll have the print version of Unsung done by GenCon, but I can't afford to attend the con, really.
Title: [GenCon 2004] Sign-up instructions: the time has come
Post by: Lxndr on May 03, 2004, 03:38:09 PM
That's possible at the minimum-publisher level.  

Quote from: Ron's Post AboveYou may buy in at this level without someone being there, in which case you pay for no badges, and just have to trust us to hawk your game.
Title: [GenCon 2004] Sign-up instructions: the time has come
Post by: Ron Edwards on May 05, 2004, 05:10:39 PM

All discussions of buttons, t-shirts, slogans, logos, and other gear discussions should go over to Luke Crane, who's much better at dealing with that kind of stuff. Email's probably the best way to handle that.

If someone wants to take responsibility for coming up with a Forge Monkey t-shirt design and production, they can - but it's totally subject to Luke's judgment. If he says "no," then it's no. And just because you make'em doesn't mean anyone has to wear (or especially buy) them.

Kirt (xiombarg), to be clear, if you send $100, then Unsung will be displayed at the booth. It won't get as much play-time as the others, but so far, in the past years, I have made good on the promise that such games do get demo and promotion.

Title: [GenCon 2004] Sign-up instructions: the time has come
Post by: smokewolf on May 24, 2004, 09:59:16 PM
Any slots left for minimum publisher?
Title: [GenCon 2004] Sign-up instructions: the time has come
Post by: Ron Edwards on May 25, 2004, 05:51:06 AM
Hi Keith,

Contact me by PM or email.
