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General Forge Forums => Conventions => Topic started by: John Kim on May 09, 2004, 10:51:13 PM

Title: Forgeites at KublaCon '04 in SF Peninsula
Post by: John Kim on May 09, 2004, 10:51:13 PM
So who is attending KublaCon?  It will be May 28-31 in Burlingame on the SF Peninsula.  

I'll be there and running two events.  Neither of them will be Indie RPGs, unfortunately.  The first is a Conan RPG (cf. Conan Test Run), while the second is a Star Trek event using the HERO system.
Title: Forgeites at KublaCon '04 in SF Peninsula
Post by: Michael Hopcroft on May 16, 2004, 11:35:22 PM
I'm going, running one game that was never mine (Slayers d20 and one game that is mine no longer HeartQuest.

Is everyone secure with rooms? I have one reserved, but might have to cancel if I can't rasie enough cash fast enough to pay the bill. So if anyone has room space, let me know.