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Archive => Indie Game Design => Topic started by: daMoose_Neo on November 30, 2004, 04:50:34 PM

Title: [Dungeons/Dummies] Ranking a Dungeon-still needs work :P
Post by: daMoose_Neo on November 30, 2004, 04:50:34 PM
In my previous threads dealing with Monsters & Adventurers and Dungeon Design, the one factor I kept stumbling over is how to rank a dungeon.
I was digging around the text today, decided to cut it up and take out what was functional...and to my surprise, a fair bit of it is. Adventurers need a couple more details, but otherwise its pretty decent.

So, heres my other thought: Base Dungeon levels per 100 points invested into it.
The Imps earn Praise Points as they are playing, which they can use to level themselves up for better abilities or traits, but how about using those points to enhance the dunegon? A more complex dungeon has more traps, monsters, rooms, and puzzles, assign each a point value and presto?
Anyone out here following the game enough to know where I'm going with this?
Title: [Dungeons/Dummies] Ranking a Dungeon-still needs work :P
Post by: Tobias on November 30, 2004, 05:20:33 PM
I'm following it.

I like it. As the imps grow stronger, thus the dungeon grows stronger. Since the imps are effectively immortal, so is the dungeon, but as imp power rises and falls, so does the dungeon power. Basically, the imps are the dungeon's blood, or energy, or whatever motive force.

You could have a simple modifier on it... say, if all imps in the party of, say 5, raise & expend 1 PP, you could multiply by 5 and add that many points, or you could square the used PP and add that power to the dungeon - in the monsters and traps sections.

You could of course also turn it around - play is to add monsters, traps, treasures and lure adventurers to the dungeon, and the imps get PP for the amount the dungeon rating goes up (divided by some number, or taken the root of).

I like tying imps to dungeon directly.