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Inactive Forums => Forge Birthday Forum => Topic started by: Sydney Freedberg on April 06, 2005, 04:53:41 PM

Title: Married? Have Kids? Pets? Demons?
Post by: Sydney Freedberg on April 06, 2005, 04:53:41 PM
Real purpose of this thread: Sheer cussed curiousity.
High-minded purpose of this thread: Break down the stereotype of gamers as alienated isolated misfits [or at least college kids with nothin' better to do]. The last two guys whose homes I played in featured wives (one each!), kids (two each), and cats (uh, they don't stay still, but I think one each), so I suspect the stereotype's bunk.

I'll go first, of course:

Wife: Yes
Kids: One (girl, 1 year 1 month old)
Pets: No (except when our building doesn't spray for roaches)
Demons: Purely metaphorical
Title: Married? Have Kids? Pets? Demons?
Post by: joshua neff on April 06, 2005, 04:56:54 PM
Wife: yes, and she's part of my gaming group. For life!
Kids: one, my wife's daughter (who I will be adopting as soon as time and money permit--although if time permits and money doesn't, I'll try to adopt her anyway, because being her legal father is very, very important to me).
Pets: none, although both the wife and the kid have become very vocal about wanting some sort of pet.
Demons: of course, but they're all internal.
Title: Married? Have Kids? Pets? Demons?
Post by: Victor Gijsbers on April 06, 2005, 04:57:11 PM
I'm sorry to disappoint you.

Wife: No.
Kids: No.
Pets: No.
Demons: (You're not supposed to know about them!)

But then, I'm only 22, so I might come around to changing those No's.
Title: Married? Have Kids? Pets? Demons?
Post by: Andrew Cooper on April 06, 2005, 04:59:23 PM
Wife: Yes.  (And she's prettier than yours too.  *eep - There goes my Gamist side.*)
Kids: 1 boy who is 14 months old
Pets: 2 dogs and a fish.  (Joshua - you can have my dogs.)
Demons: I have a Cute Cthulhulu... does that count?
Title: Married? Have Kids? Pets? Demons?
Post by: Ron Edwards on April 06, 2005, 05:01:04 PM

Married? Yes, to a wife (just in case that other thread has anyone all bent out of shape for whatever reason)

Kids? No. Unless you count all you wankers.

Pets? One cat. I love her but I also miss our dog.

Demons? See answer to "kids."

Title: Married? Have Kids? Pets? Demons?
Post by: Sydney Freedberg on April 06, 2005, 05:01:07 PM
Oh yeah, and since we have a gay marriage thread: if you're gay and have a partner you would marry if it were legal (or did marry in Canada or Hawaii or whatever) -- feel free to put that in place of "wife."

And no disrespect meant to people who aren't married with kids and cats, obviously. I spent a long time single, and I'm still allergic to cats.

[EDIT 1: crossposted with Ron on gay marriage]

[EDIT 2: Or you could be a woman and married to a husband. Duh. Me am feel smart now.]
Title: Married? Have Kids? Pets? Demons?
Post by: Fabrice G. on April 06, 2005, 05:02:54 PM
At least I can try...

Wife : Not yet... but after May 21 this will be another story :-)
Kids : whoa... slow down a little bit, it's planned, soon after sometime in may
Pets : want to, but no.
Demon : it all depends on what's your definition, then we'll have to look at you Humanity's too.

Take care,

Title: Married? Have Kids? Pets? Demons?
Post by: Keith Senkowski on April 06, 2005, 05:04:00 PM
Wife: Yes
Kids: No, but not for lack of trying...
Pets: Two cats with hopes of a dog in the near future.
Demons:  His name is Bob and he tells me to burn things.

Title: Married? Have Kids? Pets? Demons?
Post by: Emily Care on April 06, 2005, 05:06:09 PM
wife: none yet
kids: ditto
pets: 3 cats, live with 3 dogs, 6 sheep & 10 chickens. (Not all in the house, mind you. We're not quite that medieval on the farm.)
demons: just one, I think, but it rides around quite nicely in my belly so I guess it can stay for now.

Title: Married? Have Kids? Pets? Demons?
Post by: Andrew Cooper on April 06, 2005, 05:07:23 PM

Trying is the best part anyways. :)
Title: Married? Have Kids? Pets? Demons?
Post by: Brennan Taylor on April 06, 2005, 05:07:39 PM
Wife: Yes, her name is Krista and we got together in large part because we are both gamers.
Kids: Two, a 9-year-old son Crisping and 7-year-old daughter Dirdre. Crispin is really into roleplaying and card games and geekish activities, Dirdre is into Bratz and Polly Pocket and Girl Scouts.
Pets: None at the moment (renting), but I would like a dog. Terribly allergic to cats, much to my wife's chagrin.
Demons: His name is Self-Doubt and he plagues me daily.
Title: Married? Have Kids? Pets? Demons?
Post by: Andrew Norris on April 06, 2005, 05:09:44 PM
One wife-to-be, although it seems like "to-be" is a formality. The wedding's still a year off, and she's nearly got everything planned. Also a gaming partner, and she deserves a medal for letting me talk out my Sorcerer game prep with her.

Two cats (one from each of us), one of which unequivocably qualifies as a demon. She's not evil; she's just the center of the universe. And things get ugly when she's deprotagonized during the never-ending roleplaying session that is her life. She had a serious "whiff" while chasing invisible mice last month, and ran into a wall; we made the mistake of letting her see us laugh, and she punished us for weeks.
Title: Married? Have Kids? Pets? Demons?
Post by: xenopulse on April 06, 2005, 05:11:48 PM
Married: Yes, to the love of my life. She and I met in an online RP forum (CompuServe's RPGAMES, RIP). I moved across the Atlantic to be with her and never once regretted it.

Kids: Two stepsons (12, 10), one toddler boy (14 months). We're homeschooling the older boys, NOT for religious reasons. There will not be any more additions to these three, I saw to that.

Pets: Three cats, who make more trouble than they're worth. Except when they come to sit on my lap while we watch Deadwood. EDIT: Almost forgot, we also have three hermit crabs in fancy painted shells. Though they seem to be trading them all the time.

Demons: Between cats who have a habit of throwing up all over the place, and three boys with very strong wills, we've managed to exorcise even the hardiest demons from our house.
Title: Married? Have Kids? Pets? Demons?
Post by: Brand_Robins on April 06, 2005, 05:12:43 PM
Wife: Yes, 8 months as of tomorrow.
Kids: No, nor will I ever have any of my own. We do plan on adopting once I get status in the country, however.
Pets: Not currently, as I'm living la vida condo. I had a dog and a cat my whole life until I moved here though, so I'm planning on fixing the situation asap.
Demons: Only the kind that keep you awake at night. My wife helps keep them away most of the time.
Title: Married? Have Kids? Pets? Demons?
Post by: lumpley on April 06, 2005, 05:15:21 PM
Spouse: One, a woman.
Kids: Two, both boys. One's 8, one's 5 on Monday.
Pets: Three, all cats. They suck but I kind of like them.
Demons: Legion. Heh.

Title: Married? Have Kids? Pets? Demons?
Post by: Sean on April 06, 2005, 05:17:45 PM
Wife: Yes, 7 1/2 years together now, and I love her.

Kids: One, six months old and I love her.

Pets: No. Once upon a time we had a cat but my wife developed allergies. We may get a dog someday if the kid begs us and we think my wife's allergies can tolerate it.

Demons: Two. One is a floating eye that watches everything I do. The other is a succubus. Those of you who think the latter would be fun are wrong.
Title: Married? Have Kids? Pets? Demons?
Post by: Lxndr on April 06, 2005, 05:18:28 PM
Wife:  Not currently.  With the way marriage is currently set up in this country, I'm pretty sure that if I do eventually marry, it'll be a business arrangement more than a romantic one.  But then, I'm still young and foolhardy.

Kids: None yet.  Might adopt or foster one day.  Will never get someone pregnant if I can possibly help it (snip)

Pets: One dog, three cats, both actually belonging to roommates who are renting from me.

Demons:  I have a passer demon (my gf), and a parasite demon (my muse).  Probably others too.
Title: Married? Have Kids? Pets? Demons?
Post by: ScottM on April 06, 2005, 05:27:34 PM
Spouse: No, but do live with my girlfriend.
Kids: None
Pets: She brought Max, a cat, who I'm slowly stealing away with treats.
Demons: Manifest as boxes and boxes of books; always in the way, wherever you are.
Title: Married? Have Kids? Pets? Demons?
Post by: jrs on April 06, 2005, 05:31:56 PM
Wife: None.  However, Tod and I have been living together for almost 15 years now.
Kids: No, thank you.
Pets: Three cats.
Demon: No comment.

Title: Married? Have Kids? Pets? Demons?
Post by: Harlequin on April 06, 2005, 05:33:05 PM
Title: Married? Have Kids? Pets? Demons?
Post by: Christopher Weeks on April 06, 2005, 05:34:39 PM
One wife(35), one son (10), one daughter (3), six cats (13,11,7,6,5,5).
Title: Married? Have Kids? Pets? Demons?
Post by: Trevis Martin on April 06, 2005, 05:39:33 PM
Wife:  Yes, Erin and I have been married almost 12 years now (it's really been that long?  Seems like yesterday.).  She's not a gamer (though I try.) But she is supportive. (My entire gaming group gains weight because of her.)

Kids: Not yet, but we're both beginning to feel it.  Maybe in this next year.

Pets: Two goofy little dogs, Biscuit and Daisy, both Bichon Frises.  Adorable and spoiled.

Demons: Only my computer.


Title: Married? Have Kids? Pets? Demons?
Post by: Rich Forest on April 06, 2005, 05:43:52 PM
Married: Yeah, goin' on eight years.
Kids: Nuh-uh.
Pets: Nope.
Demons: I've had a few, but then again...
Title: Married? Have Kids? Pets? Demons?
Post by: Clinton R. Nixon on April 06, 2005, 06:03:55 PM
Married: Have been, divorced. Working on #2 currently. Thinking very hard about popping that question in the next few weeks.

Kids: None. Want them badly.

Pets: One cat, Violet ( I love her to death. She's awesome and weirder than me.
Title: Married? Have Kids? Pets? Demons?
Post by: Andy Kitkowski on April 06, 2005, 06:28:17 PM
Married: this is the first quarter of the seventh year (I'm 30).
Kids: No, most likely never.
Cats: Hells yeah.  2, which we brought back from Japan with us: The super-intelligent Subaru, and the muscular yet easily frightened Chobi.
Title: Married? Have Kids? Pets? Demons?
Post by: Frank T on April 06, 2005, 06:32:06 PM
One ex-wife, no kids fortunately, one ex-cat and a demon called laziness.
Title: Married? Have Kids? Pets? Demons?
Post by: Jason L Blair on April 06, 2005, 06:33:26 PM
Married, for almost 12 years.
Kids: One daughter, 18 months old.
Pets: Udo, my mini dachshund; Klaus, the Maltese; Katiko, a chinchilla
Demons: Many, and most are older than I am.
Title: Married? Have Kids? Pets? Demons?
Post by: Chris Goodwin on April 06, 2005, 06:36:06 PM
Married, one child (three years old, boy), no pets (yet).
Title: Married? Have Kids? Pets? Demons?
Post by: Andrew Morris on April 06, 2005, 06:46:28 PM
Married: Technically, but we'll be getting divorced as soon as time and finances allow

Kids: Nope

Pets: Nope (because monkeys and badgers tend to attack you, and squirrels usually just run away)

Demons: None that I'm aware of, unless you count the nicotene. But that one never grants me any powers other than susceptibility to respiratory illness. As powers go, that one kinda sucks.
Title: Married? Have Kids? Pets? Demons?
Post by: Ben Lehman on April 06, 2005, 08:31:53 PM
Wife: None yet.
Kids: See above
Pets: Nope.  I love dogs (and cats, but mostly dogs) but my lifestyle doesn't allow it.
Demons: Three.  Valentine (possessor), Jabberwock (possessor), and Jacket (object).  Possibly others that I don't know about.

Title: Married? Have Kids? Pets? Demons?
Post by: Vaxalon on April 06, 2005, 09:16:00 PM
Spouse: One, female, gamer chick.  Also guitar chick, and geek chick.
Children: Two, twins, one daughter, one son, elven years old; both aspiring gamers.
Pets: Two, both cats, both neutered.  Maxie is old and feeble, Brideag is young and energetic.
Demons: See Brideag, above.
Title: Married? Have Kids? Pets? Demons?
Post by: Meguey on April 06, 2005, 09:55:36 PM
Spouse: One, male, 15 years (!) in the fall. It's a good thing you have a form to keep this short, else I gush, embarrassing one or both of us.
Kids: Two, boys 8 and 5, both avidly budding gamers.
Pets: Three cats; one big and goofy, one smaller and neurotic, one middle-size and bossy.
Deamons: Hm. A little self-defeatist beastie. A little over-commit-so-people-will-think-you-have-worth monster, mostly under control. No doubt ten years from now I'll look back and see others. Oh, and the 'there's not enough ___' one is really still evil from time to time.
Title: Married? Have Kids? Pets? Demons?
Post by: nellist on April 06, 2005, 10:03:09 PM
spouse: married, 8 years.
kids: 2 boys, 7 and 5
pets: none
demons - sleeping
Title: Married? Have Kids? Pets? Demons?
Post by: Matt Wilson on April 06, 2005, 10:43:15 PM
Spouse: yes, since last July.

Kids: nope. I prefer to retain that role for myself.

Pets: yes, my dog Emmett, who rules.

Demons: two cats, who were a package deal with spouse, above.
Title: Married? Have Kids? Pets? Demons?
Post by: John Kim on April 06, 2005, 10:55:45 PM
Spouse: Yes, for 7.5 years -- poet, translator, and gamer chick
Kids: One, 5 years old, best kid in the world
Pets: Two Siamese cats -- very affectionate, also very vocal
Demons: mine is a Parasite demon who lives in my head (Psychic Force and Cloak, I think); spouse's is a Passing demon which masquerades as her sister.  :-)
Title: Married? Have Kids? Pets? Demons?
Post by: Bryan_T on April 07, 2005, 01:36:25 AM
Wife: yep, for over ten years now (although it seems shorter.)  Not a gamer, actually somewhat anti-gamer, after bad experiences with a former boyfriend in high school.
Kids: a boy, for over seven years now (although it seems longer sometimes!  Great kid, just.....spiritted.)  Demands for made-up bedtime stories has kept my imagination fresh during long gaming drought.  Currently obsessed with Pokemon, I'm hoping I can somehow leverage that into an interest in gaming.....)
Pets: a cat, for some period of time between wife and boy.  Also a betta fish, a more recent addition.
Demons: I have suspicions about the fish....

Title: Married? Have Kids? Pets? Demons?
Post by: daMoose_Neo on April 07, 2005, 02:00:15 AM
Spouse: Nope, but an in-house GF who's attached at the arm a good portion of the time. Gamer chick too, my fault. 21/22 respectively, so its funny watching the HS single gamer geeks hitting on her at cons and shows ^_^

Kids: No, but I often end up parenting friends of mine. Scary.

Pets: A dagu (looks like a fat gerbil) with very particular tastes and an attitude worse than most cats.

Demons: The Wal*Mart demon, a possessor. Does grant a decent power, a Paycheck, but it sucks your soul out of your nose with a straw. Damn bastard demon. "CURSE YOU MEESTER SKEEPERDOO!"
Title: Married? Have Kids? Pets? Demons?
Post by: greyorm on April 07, 2005, 04:26:40 AM
Wife: Yes and no. We're not "legally" married but we've been together for over a decade and have a more stable relationship than many of the people I know (including married, or formerly married couples). Our state doesn't have/recognize common law marriages or we would have qualified. Yes, we plan to get married, eventually, sometime, when we have the time and money for it. Until then? Seriously, who cares? She sort of role-plays, and did more before we had kids.

Kids: So, I answered that, didn't I? Four. Yes, I said four. I am provably insane (effect, not cause). One boy, three girls. 8, 5, 3, and 1. My son has some serious difficulties I won't get into here, making even normal family things (even just around the house) exhausting and very tough. Oh, and the minute one of those girls becomes a teenager, I buy a shotgun and a rocking chair (anyone who doesn't get the joke either doesn't have kids or doesn't have daughters). The older two are starting to get into RPGs.

Pets: Two cats. I want a dog. I used to be horribly allergic to cats until we stayed with my wife's parents for six months while job/house-hunting (maaany years ago). Obviously they weren't getting rid of the cats because of (at the time) some boyfriend, so I guess I developed an immunity. One of our cats only thinks it is a male; this is aggravating for a number of reasons. Since my family has been raising and breeding Golden Retrievers my entire life, I grew up with dogs and thus want to continue the tradition. If I had the money I'd clone my first dog for a pet (er, again?): best dog ever. EVER. ANYWHERE. Seriously. I want a raven, because they're one of the most intelligent birds, but it is illegal to cage them in the US for a variety of very ridiculous reasons that have nothing to do with the animal's safety, well-being, or need for a natural habitat (ie: reasons I would agree with).

Demons: I already said I had a wife and kids (ba-dum-da). But seriously, where do you think all those Sorcerer illustrations came from? Serious.
Title: Married? Have Kids? Pets? Demons?
Post by: Yokiboy on April 07, 2005, 09:22:18 AM
Married: Like Trevis Martin I'm going on 12 years of marriage. She's a non-gamer and a seroiously bad loser.
Kids: Two daughters, 6 years and 10 months. The oldest one loves Harry Potter and dad's gaming collection.
Pets: I unfortunately have a cat... Comes with my wife apparently, got rid of the last one by moving from the US to Sweden, then all of a sudden we had a new one.
Demons: Those darn cats keep showing up around me!

Oh, and some comments.

Alexander Cherry, what, you cannot marry for love in Arizona?!

Christopher Weeks, just the one cat is killing me...

Greyorm, I am right there with you on the shotgun/rocking chair combo.  ;)


Title: Married? Have Kids? Pets? Demons?
Post by: Domhnall on April 07, 2005, 09:39:40 AM
I swore off marriage in 1987.
No kids.
3 cats between my 2 roomates.
Demons are everywhere!  EVERYWHERE!!!
Title: Married? Have Kids? Pets? Demons?
Post by: droog on April 07, 2005, 11:15:00 AM
Spouse: One (1) woman. Duration of spousehood four (4) years.
Kids: One (1) female, 3.75 years old.
Pets: One (1) cat, neutered male. One (1) female cat under next-door house, four (4) kittens; being fed by soft-touch spouse.
Demons: N/A--lack of belief in said entities.
Title: Married? Have Kids? Pets? Demons?
Post by: pete_darby on April 07, 2005, 01:41:22 PM
Spouse - Yes, Kelly, female, 10 years together as of my birthday (best. present. EVAR!) last year, when we did our own handfasting / "get over it, we aren't getting married, you may buy us household goods" thing.
Offspring - Alex (6) and Ruth (3).
Pets - 6 fish, 2 African Land Snails, 3 Newts, 3 Toads, time share on a cat (we don't feed it, it didn't get the hint until the weekend, when we had a dog in the house)
Demons - Self doubt, debt, Baatezu lord of the Flames (or was it the Dance?)
Title: Married? Have Kids? Pets? Demons?
Post by: Walt Freitag on April 07, 2005, 02:29:53 PM
Well, because it's a particularly important topic, I'll make an exception this time...

Spouse - One, female. Answers to Barbara. We've been married over ten years now, after almost ten years engaged.

Kids - None between us; she has a daughter from a previous marriage. "Kid" may be a misleading word though; she's coming up on her own 10th wedding anniversary soon.

Pets - One absolutely delightful miniature schnauzer, April, one year old.

Demons - When I walk around at night, streetlights go out as I walk under them. Just once in a while, but regularly. Other people I'm walking with notice. I say, "Oh, that happens all the time to everybody, right?" And they just give me a blank confused stare.

- Walt
Title: Married? Have Kids? Pets? Demons?
Post by: lumpley on April 07, 2005, 02:51:43 PM
Quote from: WaltWhen I walk around at night, streetlights go out as I walk under them. Just once in a while, but regularly. Other people I'm walking with notice. I say, "Oh, that happens all the time to everybody, right?" And they just give me a blank confused stare.

That's something to do with vibrations in the sidewalk and shorts in the wires and something. I'm pretty sure. I'm almost positive. It happens to me too. Sometimes when I'm driving - vibrations in the road, then, too. It happens all the time to everybody, I think. Right? I mean, um, right?

Title: Married? Have Kids? Pets? Demons?
Post by: Ben Lehman on April 07, 2005, 02:55:38 PM
Quote from: lumpley
That's something to do with vibrations in the sidewalk and shorts in the wires and something. I'm pretty sure. I'm almost positive. It happens to me too. Sometimes when I'm driving - vibrations in the road, then, too. It happens all the time to everybody, I think. Right? I mean, um, right?

I have a terrifying story about this.

This used to happen to me.

Then, something changed about my internal life.

Then, the streetlights started *coming on* when I walked under them.
Title: Married? Have Kids? Pets? Demons?
Post by: pete_darby on April 07, 2005, 03:21:29 PM
Quote from: lumpley
That's something to do with vibrations in the sidewalk and shorts in the wires and something. I'm pretty sure. I'm almost positive. It happens to me too. Sometimes when I'm driving - vibrations in the road, then, too. It happens all the time to everybody, I think. Right? I mean, um, right?


Suuuure, you keep telling yourself that...
Title: Married? Have Kids? Pets? Demons?
Post by: J B Bell on April 07, 2005, 07:53:18 PM
Spouse:  wife, 9 years now.  She kicks all the ass, and has a major stockpile of names.
Kids: Nope.  I'm fixed.  Might adopt or foster one day.
Pets:  There's this neighborhood cat, Milayo, who hangs with us sometimes.  He's kind of a "homeless by choice" cat.  Used to the people on the lot we're now on owned him, and he just kept running away and coming back to our place, so they gave up.  Good arrangement.
Demons:  I try to kill them with kindness.  Still, "I Suck," "Everybody Else Sucks, Kill Them All," "Nobody Likes Me," and "Keep This Grudge Forever, I Loves It I Do" sometime make appearances, requiring further pacification.  Properly treated, they're like over-opinionated, but not actually stupid, war-room advisers.
Title: Married? Have Kids? Pets? Demons?
Post by: Blake Hutchins on April 07, 2005, 10:38:59 PM
Wife: Yes - going on seven years under the rings.  Has done some gaming, but it ain't her passion.

Kids: Two girls - Shaughnessy (5) and Elowyn (9 mo.).

Cats: Four - Rogue, Hotspur, Hector, Amoke.  A cool clowder.

Demons:  Come on.  I'm an attorney.  I am a demon.
Title: Married? Have Kids? Pets? Demons?
Post by: Bill Cook on April 08, 2005, 01:09:17 AM
Spouse: None.
Kids: None.
Pets: My mom has two cats and a golden retriever, Daisy. One of the cats is named Aleph. He's polydactyl (i.e. two-toed.) He scratches at my door every morning between three and six a.m. If the door's open, he sits on the window ledge and bats the Phoenecian blinds until I get up and let him out. I tried Windex to get him to stop, but he just got more guerrilla.
Demons: Overuse. Regret. Hopelessness. Self-loathing.
Title: Married? Have Kids? Pets? Demons?
Post by: Kesher on April 08, 2005, 02:39:18 AM
Spouse: Yup, married 7 years in June; she don't game, but she don't mind that I do.
Kids: One, boy, Max, 14 mo., running around like a chimp.  But, y'know, with my eyes...
Pets: Two cats, one is 9 (my wife's) the other is 15 (mine) and is an old beast.
Demons: Well, they come and go, but I think I just recently got rid of one for good.

And Christopher Weeks:  Jee-zus, you moved to Jordan with SIX cats??  That's impressive...
Title: Married? Have Kids? Pets? Demons?
Post by: Asrogoth on April 08, 2005, 05:03:44 AM
Spouse:  One Wife (first one) going on 8 years
Kids: Four (6 yrs, 4 yrs, 2 yrs, 3 mos)
Pets:  Dog (Clarabelle, 1 yr)
Demons:  They exist, but greater is He who is in me, than he who is in the world. :)
Title: Married? Have Kids? Pets? Demons?
Post by: Doug Ruff on April 08, 2005, 10:05:21 AM
Spouse: We don't subscribe to the marriage thing, but me and Claire have been living together long enough that we might as well be. Planning on staying together too, which is the most important thing.
Kids: We don't do children either. We like children, and we don't want to spoil that by actually, y'know, having any.
Pets: None since our last cat passed away - he was a cat of enormous character (and size!) We're on the look out for a couple of kittens, but not just yet.
Demons: Overactive imagination + inadequate willpower = demons everywhere!
Title: Married? Have Kids? Pets? Demons?
Post by: Doyce on April 08, 2005, 08:07:47 PM
Wife: Yes.  Dated one year, Engaged for four more, and married six years in September.  She games, GM's, the whole thing.

Kids: My nephew, 14, lives with us and has since he was 9. When he got here, he couldn't read -- could do even basic math.  He's legitimately going have the grades to be a freshman in High School this fall. He games.  ((Also my wife is pregnant and we are expecting in August.))

Pets: Two dogs, massing a net 185 pounds. Two cats I rarely (and thankfully) see.

Demons: Light OCD.  My next domain name will probably be '' :P
Title: Re: Married? Have Kids? Pets? Demons?
Post by: Jason13 on April 06, 2006, 12:03:20 AM
My profile

Wife: 1 pending (On the 8th of July this year) named Lorraine
Kids: Not Yet
Pets: A mad dog named "Jarvis"
Demons: None since I met Lorraine (Altogether AAAWWWW)
Title: Re: Married? Have Kids? Pets? Demons?
Post by: Thor Olavsrud on April 06, 2006, 12:07:48 AM
Spouse: Divorced
Kids: None
Pets: Two cats, Frey and Gracie. The ex-wife got the dog and another cat.
Demons: I call him Steve Albini
Title: Re: Married? Have Kids? Pets? Demons?
Post by: komradebob on April 06, 2006, 12:19:12 AM
Spouse: None currently, although there is a a former Mrs.KomradeBob out there.
Kid: Threnody, age nine. (Why yes, I do have a lot of black in my wardrobe and play WW games, why do you ask?)
Pets: None of my own, but the roommmates' pets make up for it, as they've been largely collectivized ( 2 cats, one dog).
Demons: I occasionally borrow other people's...
Title: Re: Married? Have Kids? Pets? Demons?
Post by: Luke on April 06, 2006, 12:35:51 AM

Spouse: Been in a committed relationship for 10 years
Kids: No, but my brother is 17 years younger, so it's like being a grandparent
Pets: Never
Demons: Thor Olavsrud, Radoslaw Drozdalski, Mayuran Tiruchelvam, K Senowski along with assorted minor entities of depression and mania
Title: Re: Married? Have Kids? Pets? Demons?
Post by: Jennifer Rodgers on April 06, 2006, 12:49:53 AM
Spouse: 1 male. gamer/sound geek by name of Russ.
Kids: No! Never!
Pets: 1 cat. Harley. AKA: Dr. Facesmack
Demons: the typical freelancing demons. they cause bloodshot eyes,panic attacks and fear of the irs.
Title: Re: Married? Have Kids? Pets? Demons?
Post by: jburneko on April 06, 2006, 01:06:23 AM
Spouse: 1 woman, Meghann.  She does game with me.
Kids: No.
Pets: Two cats, Viktoria and Garrett named after the two principle thieves in the video game Thief.
Demons: Arogance.  When I was a kid I wanted to play a thief in D&D because one of the books said something about "the world owes me a living."  I had no idea, at the time, what that meant but I sure liked the sound of it.

Title: Re: Married? Have Kids? Pets? Demons?
Post by: Eric J-D on April 06, 2006, 04:11:33 AM
Spouse: Yes (we'll be celebrating 17 years this August).  Our only problem is that we both realize that we need a wife.

Kids: 1 girl (Grace--11 years old).  She is the kind of kid that I would want to be part of my life even if she wasn't my child.  So, I guess that means I love her.

Pets: 1 dog (Thelonious)

Demons: Yep.  It's called my fucking dissertation and I hope to banish that sucker this year!  After that it should be much quieter here--just me and the half-dozen or so odd voices I hear in my head.



Title: Re: Married? Have Kids? Pets? Demons?
Post by: Ron Edwards on April 06, 2006, 04:15:44 AM
Nearly the same answers as last year, on page one.

Wife, check.
Cat's still alive, have acquired a dog.
Kids & demons, still have all you wankers, which goes double at this point.

Best, Ron
Title: Re: Married? Have Kids? Pets? Demons?
Post by: Ben Lehman on April 06, 2006, 04:19:04 AM
I'm pretty much on the same page:

Wife: nope.  I'm slightly more enrelationshipped than last year, but only slightly.
Pets: none.
Demons: I denied one of them its Need for too long and it popped.  So now I'm just down to two.

Title: Re: Married? Have Kids? Pets? Demons?
Post by: Trevis Martin on April 06, 2006, 04:47:59 AM
The wife and dogs are all good, same as before.

However in about 2 months and some we're going to be parents.
I had no idea how this would feel.  I'm excited and happy and scared out of my wits at the same time.

That I'm responsible for the life of another human being is completely insane.

Title: Re: Married? Have Kids? Pets? Demons?
Post by: Peter Nordstrand on April 06, 2006, 07:22:16 AM
# of wives: 1
# of sons: 2 (aged 4 and 2)
# of pets: 0
# of demons: oh, man don't talk about my demons
Title: Re: Married? Have Kids? Pets? Demons?
Post by: pells on April 06, 2006, 08:21:40 AM
Wife : one, brand new (october)
Kids : one boy on his way (should pop-up of the mom's belly in june)
Pets : one, a cat
Demons : I'd rather not talk about those here...
Title: Re: Married? Have Kids? Pets? Demons?
Post by: droog on April 06, 2006, 12:38:35 PM
Wife: Still one.
Children: Still one.
Pets: Got rid of under-next-door cats (except one). Have 11-month-old dog. Daughter has frog.
Demons: I think I had more than I thought....
Title: Re: Married? Have Kids? Pets? Demons?
Post by: Dirk Ackermann on April 06, 2006, 01:04:13 PM
Wife: nope, but she is too damn close
Kids: my lovely daughter, 5 months
Pets: 2 cats and 1 dog
Demons: to play and play and play and play and play...
Title: Re: Married? Have Kids? Pets? Demons?
Post by: Jason Morningstar on April 06, 2006, 01:17:19 PM
Wife:  I've been legally married in Iceland for three years.  In the United States, not so much as far as I can tell.
Kids:  None, but we both love baby goats.
Pets:  Two cats in capes, Margaret ( and Lily ( 
Demons:  Print designers making Web pages.  Flash (
Title: Re: Married? Have Kids? Pets? Demons?
Post by: Mark D. Eddy on April 06, 2006, 01:17:35 PM
I may be unique, here but, for the record...

Spouse: Widower (Married 10 yrs, widowed 2)
Kid: 1 blind surviving twin
Pets: Not any more.
Demons: What do you think?
Title: Re: Married? Have Kids? Pets? Demons?
Post by: Clinton R. Nixon on April 06, 2006, 01:53:30 PM
A year later!

Spouse: My beautiful wife, Crystal, who I love more than gaming.
Kids: not yet
Pets: a cat, Violet, and a giant schnauzer, Charlie
Demons: not so many anymore
Title: Re: Married? Have Kids? Pets? Demons?
Post by: Andrew Cooper on April 06, 2006, 02:05:04 PM
Let's see...

Wife: 1 beautiful, smart, slightly violent Filippina woman.
Kids: 1 boy of 2 years.
Pets: 2 of the dumbest dogs on the face of creation and 7 tropical fish.
Demons:  I banished those bastards for the humanity gain.
Title: Re: Married? Have Kids? Pets? Demons?
Post by: Marhault on April 06, 2006, 02:24:30 PM
1 Wife, no kids.  1 dog, 3 cats.  Hamsters are all gone now.
Title: Re: Married? Have Kids? Pets? Demons?
Post by: Mike Holmes on April 06, 2006, 05:39:00 PM
Quote from: Clinton R. Nixon on April 06, 2006, 01:53:30 PM
Spouse: My beautiful wife, Crystal, who I love more than gaming.

Let's not get carried away, C.

Married to Marj since forever (which is a good thing), Alexander is 5, and a blue-belt in kiddie tae-kwon-do, Diana is 2 and basically just enormously cute.

I don't get the whole idea of pets. But I may be forced into it at some point, from what I can see. Gah!

Title: Re: Married? Have Kids? Pets? Demons?
Post by: ErrathofKosh on April 06, 2006, 05:48:04 PM
Wife: Amber - almost 9 years now
Children: Jonathan - 8 (yes, I named him after myself), Jeremiah - 6, Kaitlyn - 5
Pets: Hercules, the laziest cat I have ever met
Demons: The married couple in my gaming group...
Title: Re: Married? Have Kids? Pets? Demons?
Post by: ScottM on April 06, 2006, 06:10:33 PM
Spouse: Jennifer's now my fiancee.
Kids: None, not even as a plan.
Pets: Her cat, Max, is mine now.  Mwahaha.  We've added a nice tank of fish.
Demons: The looming wedding...
Title: Re: Married? Have Kids? Pets? Demons?
Post by: Blake Hutchins on April 06, 2006, 06:55:04 PM
Married?  Yes, been shacked up together for ten years now, almost to the day.  Non-gamer chick, but has occasional bursts of gaming curiosity.  Unfortunately, the last time it materialized was when the only game going among our then-group was a DnD 3.0 campaign a friend was running.  Turned out to trickle down to die with a dull thud.   The game, that is, not my relationship.

Kids:  Two girls, er, princesses, six years and 22 months, respectively.  Future gamers, I'm sure.  The oldest is already halfway there.  Despite her unholy preference for all things pink and sparkly, she likes my black Magic cards the best, 'cause zombie ronin are "coooool."

Pets:  Four cats, one dog, numerous fish, and Boo-Boo the hamster, who lives at my wife's classroom.  I think my blood is 40% cat dander by volume.

Demons:   Oh dear God, yes.  Oodles and herds.  See kids, pets, and add my own writing obsession/self-doubt.  Plus my thus far frustrated desire to get back into regular gaming.   Don't even get me started on the current political situation in the US with that chimp in the White House.  Yeh.  Demon-ridden in spades.
Title: Re: Married? Have Kids? Pets? Demons?
Post by: Chris Gardiner on April 06, 2006, 06:59:48 PM
Wife: will have, as of August 5th.
Pets: two cats - October and November.
Kids: No. One very cute, 1-year old nephew, though.
Demons: Nah. Killed 'em for the xp.
Title: Re: Married? Have Kids? Pets? Demons?
Post by: chris_moore on April 06, 2006, 07:54:53 PM
Wife: Melanie
Pets: two dogs, two rats, three rabbits, two peacocks, 22 chickens (for eggs), one bearded dragon, and two outdoor cats.
Kids: 5, from ages 5 to 15, with one on deck.
Demons:  A half-baked game stuck in my head!
Title: Re: Married? Have Kids? Pets? Demons?
Post by: Iskander on April 07, 2006, 03:13:43 AM
Wife Husband: he still won't say 'yes', damn him. We're both pretty much waiting until it means a damn thing to the Federal fucking government, damn them.
Offspring: nope, but not ruling'em out. I have a half-sister who's ~30 years younger, though.
Pets: my beloved came with his cat, Elsie, to whom I am desperately allergic, but of whom I am ridiculously fond. <sniff>
Demons: oy.

- Alexander

Title: Re: Married? Have Kids? Pets? Demons?
Post by: Bryan Hansel on April 07, 2006, 05:40:15 AM
Wife: Nope. Probably soon or else I'm in trouble.  I was engaged once, and we got matching tattoos. Thank God I didn't go through with that one.
Kids: Biologically, one - daughter - 16 years old this week. I gave her up for adoption. I've spent 16 years coming to terms with that, and probably, at least, 16 more.  I have two nieces, and I love them like my own.
Pet: One cat, one fish, plants.  I really want a sled dog.
Demons: Demon's as in bad stuff I do? None.
Title: Re: Married? Have Kids? Pets? Demons?
Post by: Meguey on April 07, 2006, 08:47:26 PM
Update from last year:

Still have the same awesome partner.
Gained another awesome baby person of the male persuasion, born Dec 7, 2005. This brings us to three boys, 9 yrs, 6 yrs, and 4 mos. Vincent says this feels like a full and generous family, and I agree, so that's that.
Still the same three cats, goofy, neurotic, and bossy.
Still the same demons, but they are quieter these days.
Title: Re: Married? Have Kids? Pets? Demons?
Post by: Walt Freitag on April 07, 2006, 11:35:05 PM

Quote from: Ben Lehman on April 07, 2005, 02:55:38 PM
Quote from: Walt
When I walk around at night, streetlights go out as I walk under them. Just once in a while, but regularly. Other people I'm walking with notice. I say, "Oh, that happens all the time to everybody, right?" And they just give me a blank confused stare.
Quote from: lumpley
That's something to do with vibrations in the sidewalk and shorts in the wires and something. I'm pretty sure. I'm almost positive. It happens to me too. Sometimes when I'm driving - vibrations in the road, then, too. It happens all the time to everybody, I think. Right? I mean, um, right?

I have a terrifying story about this.

This used to happen to me.

Then, something changed about my internal life.

Then, the streetlights started *coming on* when I walked under them.

All right, Ben. I'm curious. A year later to the day, I have to ask: what was it that changed about your internal life? And why would such a change, or the fact that such a change occurred, be terrifying?

And how might the implied physical causation actually work? Artificial light doesn't come from magic; it's electric fields propagating through wires and so forth. How does the state of one's internal life affect such a system from several yards away?

- Walt
Title: Re: Married? Have Kids? Pets? Demons?
Post by: dindenver on April 08, 2006, 12:36:57 AM
  Thought I'd share:
Wife: Yes (Just had 13th Anniversary of our first date, and July is 11th Anniversary of our wedding!)
Kids: None (we probably aren't having kids)
Pets: No (Gaggle of Gamers)
Demons: Low Self Esteem
Title: Re: Married? Have Kids? Pets? Demons?
Post by: Ben Lehman on April 08, 2006, 07:43:10 AM
Hey, Walt.

I figured out why, and it isn't a change in my internal world, but rather a chance in my external world.  I moved to China.  In China, there are a lot of burnt out lights.  However, impacts sometimes cause them to shake into place for a bit -- turning on.

In the US, where we actually take care of our streetlights, the reverse happens (they tend to be on but, if they're on the verge of breakdown, a shake turns them off.)
