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Independent Game Forums => lumpley games => Topic started by: ironick on June 22, 2005, 08:10:56 PM

Title: A Little Teaser for You All
Post by: ironick on June 22, 2005, 08:10:56 PM
Hello all!  Some of you may or may not remember this thread here:

It was a write-up of the conclusion of my group's DitV campaign, complete with inter-party kill spree.  Anyhoo, one of the players has a B.A. in Art, and she is putting together a flash cartoon of some of our awesome adventures.  It is a work in progress right now, but she recently posted a teaser trailer for our group to enjoy, and she gave her permission for me to post it here as well.

It is strictly no-frills at this point, which means no music, sound, or loading screen, but it will give you a taste of the eventual final product.  I (or someone else in the group) will also post that here, assuming Vincent doesn't totally hate it and defenestrate us.

Anyway, here's the link.  Enjoy!

Title: A Little Teaser for You All
Post by: Eric Provost on June 22, 2005, 10:08:42 PM
Freakin sweet!

Can't wait to see the finished version.  Keep us up to date.

Title: A Little Teaser for You All
Post by: lumpley on June 22, 2005, 10:21:05 PM
No defenestration for you!

That's hot.

Title: A Little Teaser for You All
Post by: jrs on June 22, 2005, 11:12:17 PM
Oh, good-- that means we get the chance to see the final piece.

My inner cataloger is raising her head and making me ask:  How would creatorship be attributed in such a work?  The current closing screen states "by Vincent Baker", but he did not create the adventures that are to be depicted.  I would think that the artist would get main attribution with credit given to the play group.  Has this been discussed anywhere?

who is trying to figure out how to use FRBR to describe the product that relates the events of a specific RPG session/adventure/campaign/what-have-you
Title: A Little Teaser for You All
Post by: Lance D. Allen on June 23, 2005, 12:57:59 AM
Not to critici-

Alright, I'm criticizing.. But it's purely constructive, I promise!

Is the artist planning on putting any detail into the coats? If not, I think that would be a crying shame. I'm aware that it would be a notable amount more work, but especially with the final scenes involving a couple of the Dogs coats, leaving them single color coats would be an injustice.

Other than that niggling detail, I'm looking forward to seeing the final product, whether he grants my wish or no. Kudos.
Title: A Little Teaser for You All
Post by: TonyLB on June 23, 2005, 01:02:24 AM
Uh... yeah.  I think the coats should fade in before the rest of any given scene, and fade out after the rest of the scene has gone to black.  But at the least they need more detail.

Whee!  Armchair art is fun and easy!

I really like the eyes on... really, all of them.  There's personality there, even in comparatively simple and unmoving drawings.
Title: A Little Teaser for You All
Post by: ironick on June 23, 2005, 02:13:51 AM
I'm glad this has met with favorable response so far; Anna will be glad to hear that.  I know she was not planning to make detailed coats, simply for the sheer amount of work involved, but perhaps if she sees an overwhelming approval of said idea she might be persuaded otherwise.  Cool idea with the fade-ins/outs, Tony!  I'll make sure she sees this thread.

And thanks for the "no defenestration guarantee", Vincent.  I get vertigo somethin' fierce :)

Title: A Little Teaser for You All
Post by: ironick on June 23, 2005, 02:19:24 AM
Oh, I forgot to mention:

If anyone has read our write-up thread and is actually interested, the characters in order of appearance are Brothers Hector, Simeon, Lazarus, and Ishmael.  Just in case anyone cares.  Which you probably don't :)

Title: A Little Teaser for You All
Post by: Solamasa on June 23, 2005, 05:50:25 AM
Yo. This is Solamasa's wife, actually the creator of said preview. (All attempts to create my own account have failed. I think the Forge hates me)

Julie: Actually, crediting is pretty easy with something like this. Something like "game created by Vincent Baker, characters and story created by (names of players), art created by (me)" would work just fine.

Also, I appreciate everyone's concerns about the coats, and I know that the coat is a huge part of Dogdom, but seriously. If I have to animate patterned coats, I will KILL MYSELF. I'm doing all the drawing AND the Flashinating (woo! go invented words!) by myself, and now that I'm not a student any more I have to actually work for a living. So, yeah. In a perfect world, patterned coats would rock so unbelievably hard, but it's just not realistic.

Glad that people liked it though, especially since it lacked all the typical Flash bells and whistles. Whee.

Title: A Little Teaser for You All
Post by: Joshua A.C. Newman on June 23, 2005, 08:00:50 AM
You know, I was hoping for something defenestration-worthy, but it's just not.

(that's a pretty back-handed way of saying I like it, innit?)
Title: A Little Teaser for You All
Post by: lumpley on June 23, 2005, 04:57:04 PM
About the coats: just for myself, I didn't even notice. No reason to think that the key images in one medium will matter a'tall in another.

Title: A Little Teaser for You All
Post by: xenopulse on June 23, 2005, 06:17:49 PM
Cool stuff.

Let me know if you need music for it. I'm not a pro, but I have some rudimentary Reason skills and a few years of hobby composing under my belt.

E.g., this song (

Of course, Dogs music would have to be more Western-esque, with some slow strings and a couple bangs here and there. :)
Title: A Little Teaser for You All
Post by: Solamasa on June 23, 2005, 06:24:49 PM
(Again, Solamasa's wife speaking)

Xenopulse: I appreciate the offer, but I had a specific song in mind before I even did the first drawing.

(And I'm not telling, because it would ruin the surprise.)
Title: A Little Teaser for You All
Post by: CCW on June 23, 2005, 06:38:49 PM
I actually think the plain coats are better.  Given the style of the pictures a decorated coat might well look too busy.

Which is to say, the animation is great.

Title: A Little Teaser for You All
Post by: joshua neff on June 23, 2005, 06:47:14 PM
That's very cool.

And I'm very happy to see FRBR mentioned in a Forge thread. Because I'm all kinds of geek.