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General Forge Forums => Actual Play => Topic started by: Tiffanee on June 24, 2005, 04:13:05 AM

Title: AVFA Adventure Game
Post by: Tiffanee on June 24, 2005, 04:13:05 AM
Hello my name is Tiffanee and I'm 17. Just thought I might jump in here and share some gaming stories with you.

My first gaming experience was pretty damn interesting.
We were playing this game called AVFA (A Vintage From Atlantis) AVFA is set in the era of the Pirate and written by Jonathan Nolan. If through reading this you are interested in this game you can buy it through Cafe Press by clicking on this hyperlink.

So I drew up a character and joined everyone else. Our first mission was on the Melee Islands to find an insult master, so we sailed there, got on shore and had a look around. Saw some signs, jungle, huts all the normal things you see on an island and then we split up. 3 people went in the direction of the Monkey Kung fu training centre, the captain and I followed a trail and the others went to the banana mines and for a walk along the shore....

The three who went to the training centre were ambushed by monkeys and lost the fight so they were thrown into a giant cocktail blender, with other various ingredients, and scheduled for puree.

The people at the banana mine were ambushed as well by monkeys and knocked un-conscious. I don't remember what happened to them but I think they were just left alone.

The Captain and I came across a bridge, so she went across first and the bridge broke, she came to a gentle stop on moss and sent me back for rope and help. On the way I encountered a funny looking man with worms in his cane who simply asked for my name then swiftly left. So I get back to the ship get rope and help and back to the Captain.

The Captain in the mean time had encountered a cannibal village whose inhabitants, needless to say weren't very brave. They came and left in a hurry and the Captain was left to explore, she did lose consciousness eventually.

Back at the cocktail blender the captives managed to get out of it by tipping it over and running for freedom. The failed the first three times being caught shortly after getting free and put back into the blender.
They eventually got free and out of the Jungle.

The group of people going back to the captain were confronted by the insult master and quickly made short work of. We then woke up in our ship chained up. After catching a cro-bar with my foot we got free and made our way out. The ship was completely over run so we jumped over board. Those who couldn't swim lost consciousness and were washed up on shore, while those who could swim were swiftly attacked by sharks. Go figure.

After being revived and reunited with the captain we got our ship back, defeated the insult master, found out who were really looking for, bought huts which came with compass keys and set off....

The more interesting experiences involved time clocks, great and powerful custards, mock turtles, newspaper man, captain flint, long john silver, black beard (where our captain called NO QUATER...and we were swiftly attacked by angry pirates who we had no hope of defeating, that and our captain almost died), bohemian leaches, strange constructions, intoxicating honey, giant centipedes, devil hogs, bone traps that slowly dig into you and eventually kill you, slicing door ways, pressure pad walkways, Ookbeard the pirate, insult battles, giant two headed snakes, second heads that eat your first head, traps that drop you on spikes, giant moths, mazes with one death trap after the other, puns, like lock of hair, and many other exciting adventures waiting to happen.
Title: AVFA Adventure Game
Post by: Tiffanee on June 24, 2005, 04:14:46 AM
BE A PIRATE! This OGL game provides everything for a campaign of pirates, musketeers, magicians and high adventure in the Caribbean! Set in 1700 AD on a fantastical pseudo-historical Earth. A VINTAGE FROM ATLANTIS takes as its inspiration the "movie television" series in production here at Pisces All Media! Includes COMPLETE rules, and a new concept - Qualification! The perfect system for swashbuckling adventure!