Where can I get the current thinking on Sim. Any good links (no flame wars to muddle through though please!)
I thought I had a good handle on it, but recently it has been suggested I am way off base.
The article Sim: The Right to Dream is now superceded right?
My understanding comes from 'getting' Nar, and that the fundemental difference is who controls the story, but I want to know more.
I wouldnt worry about it Rob. If you've read The Right to Dream article you need all you really need to know. Any updates are of the "how many angels can dance on the head of a pin" variety i.e. useless theoretical debate.
From the sounds of it your understanding of sim is pretty close to mine with the caveat that much more technical terminology is usually thrown around here and the simple phrase "who controls the story" is full of loaded terms that can mean different things to different people. But for a simple phrase it's about right in my view.
No one else respond at this time.
Rob, I'm happy to answer this question. This is a bad day for it. I'll respond tomorrow, I hope.
You sent your message to the wrong Ron.
Quote from: Ron on November 22, 2005, 08:10:09 PM
You sent your message to the wrong Ron.
Did I? Ooops! Sorry! Has the right Ron got it???
Guys, this is not helping. This is called gumming up the thread. It will help the thread getting closed without its topic being discussed. Which in this case is very aggravating.
Ron - when something like that happens, use private message, not the boards, to resolve it.
Rob, the way to send a private message is to click the username (in this case, mine, "Ron Edwards" right to the left of this message), and use the option "Send this user a private message." There will be no mistakes that way.
Clearly you have not sent a private message to "Ron Edwards" because I have not received it. The computer is not smart enough to re-route messages based on where you want them to go.
Rob, I have decided that the only and best answer is threefold.
1. Pointing you to the Glossary, because contrary to frequent claims from a very few people, I haven't seen any widespread confusion about Sim as defined there. Nor have I changed any points I make there.
2. My discussion of Simulationist play as primarily "confirmatory of input" stands as a better explanation than the ones I've used in the past, but it's not a change in definition - it's a better explanation, that's all. I'm happy to answer any questions about that.
3. John Laviolette's final post in The secret of Sim (http://www.indie-rpgs.com/forum/index.php?topic=17612.0) is the capper - it fully, clearly, and as far as I'm concerned, terminally describes anything and everything I have to say about Simulationist play. Uncharacteristically, I'm going to suggest that most of the rest of the thread illustrates little about Sim, but quite a bit about various bugs up various people's asses, which are reasonably interesting to deal with, but no part of a definitional debate. So only that final post is recommended.