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General Forge Forums => Connections => Topic started by: IndigoDreamer on May 30, 2006, 06:27:28 AM

Title: -Playtesters needed- for "Sactum : The Fallout"
Post by: IndigoDreamer on May 30, 2006, 06:27:28 AM
Alright, I'm done lurking in the corners.  (even if forums aren't my forte)

I'm not ready to actually publish details just yet, but I am looking for interested parties in three locations.  I'll send more information upon request.

The locations are:
New York, Minneapolis and Los Angeles.

Sanctum : The Fallout is a beta version of a L.A.R.P.  Sci-Fi/Fantasy with historic overtones.   This round of testing is to determine playability on current systems versus new systems.

Participants in L.A.  Must be willing to be videotaped during portions of the beta-testing, and sign a waiver indicating this permission.  Participants must be 18+!    Participants in Minneapolis may or may not be filmed under same conditions and New York currently has no plans for videotape; but plans for audiotape of the same conditions.

Participants in all three locations will recieve creation credit!

For more information, please e-mail me at

Thank you!
Title: Re: -Playtesters needed- for "Sactum : The Fallout"
Post by: IndigoDreamer on June 06, 2006, 07:16:34 AM

Can't edit, and I've a lovely typo.

It is supposed to read.   Sanctum - The Fallout...not Sactum.

The timetable is looking to be 2007, 3-6 months of testing, with the first batch being done in Minnesota.
The above post still applies.