Since I'm going to be running a few Capes Games at Southern Exposure, I made a simple flowchart ( to help me teach the game to new people. Any comments or mistakes pointed out would be most apprecitated.
Edit: Corrected the link.
The only problem I can see so far is that I can't get the link to give me the file, even using save as instead of just clicking on it.
Never mind. This looks very snazzy! I'm using this at my game tonight. I especially like the nice big green speech bubbles putting out the points for narration. Strangely, I find that this gets skipped in some key places (especially when staking debt or using inspirations), and this is a great reminder not to do that.
Two important omissions and a few suggestions.
- Omission. Page 18 of the rules makes it clear that you can pay story tokens for extra characters before the first page starts, as part of that first "choose characters" box.
- Omission. Page 18 also makes it clear that you can pay story tokens to ADD conflicts at the page start, as well as claim.
[li]You may want to say "stake debt from that character" instead of just "stake", in the staking box. - It might be slightly clearer as to what actually happens to take the "players take actions for each of their characters" and make it into a separate box, somehow, with an arrow feeding into character actions, and arrow feeding out of character actions that says something like "Does this player have more characters", with one branch saying "Yes" and circling back into the big character actions box, and another arrow saying no circling back into the Players take actions box. This makes it clearer that each player takes all of their characters actions before play moves on, instead of players taking an action for a character at a time.
- in the bottom right hand box, should it be "single action FOR any of their characters"?
Also, looking at this I realized that I have been playing another thing wrong all this time. I have always played that the die had to
change for their to be reactions, and five out of 6 times I have been right. But the rules actually say "accepted", not "changed", as Michael correctly put it on the flowchart, and it suddenly occurs to me that the two words are NOT synonyms. One out of 6 times you will roll exactly the value you had before. In that circumstance one assumes that the die-roller still has the choice to "accept" or "reject" the new value, but in this particular circumstance the choice doesn't affect the die number, but simply says whether people can react or not.
Why is it that just when I think I have all the rules down, and can make a claim to guru status, someone always makes me realize I don't, and I can't?
Well, a new version of the flowchart has been uploaded, with the changes suggested above by Hans. Once again, if you have any comments, please do so.
Quote from: Kai_lord on September 13, 2006, 06:22:52 AM
Well, a new version of the flowchart has been uploaded, with the changes suggested above by Hans. Once again, if you have any comments, please do so.
This thing is very cool. Well done!
Agreed. This is cool. FWIW, it looks right to me, functionally.
Does anyone still have a copy of this flowchart? It seems the site is down.
I think I only have the not-corrected version. For what its worth, that's here. (
I have it, PM me if you need it,
Quote from: Yokiboy on October 21, 2007, 07:52:07 PM
I have it, PM me if you need it,
Hi, could I have a copy of the corrected flowchart as well? I can't quite figure out how to PM on this board.