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Inactive Forums => HeroQuest => Topic started by: Der_Renegat on October 08, 2006, 11:14:14 AM

Title: in this thread i want u to write up one of your favorite character from a novel
Post by: Der_Renegat on October 08, 2006, 11:14:14 AM

Thought it would be a nice idea to have some fun before this forum closes.
So i would like you to write up a character in HQ from one of your favorite novels/movies/comic/etc.
Please dont choose something too obscure so that we know who it is.

I start with Case from William Gibsons novel Neuromancer.

Alan Dorsey Case

Age: 24

-Consolecowboy Keyword-
trained by McCoy Pauley
trained by Bobby Quine
was one of the best cowboys of the sprawl
had an almost permanent adrenalinehigh
has worked for wealthy ,,thieves"

-Matrixjunkie Keyword-
has russian mycotoxin damaged nervous system
prisoner of his own flesh
cries in his sleep and tries to reach the console that is not there

-survive in Chiba Keyword-
just another hustler trying to make it through
smoke Yeheyuan
killed two men and a woman
has a death wish
has the reputation to get everything you want
Contact: Julie Dean - Fixer & Information Broker
Contact: Wage – Fixer
Relationship: cares for Linda Lee – Girl & loveaffair
Contact: Lonny Zone – Pimp
Contact: Ratz – Chatsubo Owner & Barkeeper
Contact: Shin – Fixer (Pistol)

Linda said Wage wants him dead....

owns Cobra(whip)

on Drugs:


Title: Re: in this thread i want u to write up one of your favorite character from a no
Post by: Der_Renegat on October 08, 2006, 11:25:59 AM
I did this one for a thread on

Darth Maul – Sith Lord

-Species Keyword: Zabrak-

-"Citizen" of the Republic Keyword-

wants to exact vengeance upon the Jedi
is a weapon forged by the hateful energies of the darkside

ultimately devoted apprentice of Darth Sidious

fearsome Sith Tatoos
wears black Sith Robes

ride Sith Speeder
fly Sith Infiltrator
use Probe Droid
amazing prowess

-Lightsabre combat Keyword-
fight with lightsabre
wield double-bladed Lightsabre (Juyo Form)

-Martial Arts Keyword-
Kick attack
Dervish of destruction

-use Dark Side of the Force Keyword-
Force Push
Force Telekinesis
taps his anger

Dark Eye Probe Droid
Bloodfin – Sith Speeder

Scimitar – Sith Infiltrator:
customized for stealth as a priority
six laser cannons
experimental X-C 2 ion drive
stygium crystal-powered cloaking device
carries up to six passengers
-multitude of advanced devices Keyword-

Title: Re: in this thread i want u to write up one of your favorite character from a novel
Post by: Mike Holmes on October 09, 2006, 04:03:46 PM
Paul Atredies (AKA Paul Muad-dib)

Homeworld Keyword: Caladan
Speak Galanglic
Caladan Customs
Caladan Geography
Urban Survival
Know Orange Catholicism Ways
- Personality -
- Relationships -
Reverence for Father Leto
Loves Mother Jessica
Affection for House Staff (Gurney, Duncan, Thufir)

Second Culture Keyword: Arrakis/Fremen
Arrakis Geography
Ride Sandworm
Fremen Crysknife Fighting
Fremen Myths (form of Missionaria Protectiva)
- Relationships -
Revered by Fremen
Loves Concubine Chani
- Personality -

Occupation Keyword: Lansraad Noble
Strategic Planning
Understand Laws of Kanly
Manage House Spice Holdings
Shield Fighting
- Personality -
- Relationships -
CHOAM Board Member
Hated by House Harkonen
Plotted Against by House Corrino (Emperor)

Extra Keyword: Mentat/Bene Gesserit Trainings
Perfect Recall
Human Calculator
Weirding Way
The Voice
Missionaria Protectiva Mythology
- Relationships -
Fond of Thufir Hawat
Concerns Reverend Mother Mohaim

Magic Keyword: Kwizatz Haderach
See Where Other Men Cannot
See Possible Futures
- Relationships -
Bene Gesserit Programed
Feared by Spacing Guild
Married to Princess Irulan

House Atomics
Jamis' Crysknife
Father's Ducal Signet Ring

Title: Re: in this thread i want u to write up one of your favorite character from a novel
Post by: Mike Holmes on October 09, 2006, 04:17:51 PM
Aragorn Elessar Son of Arathorn, Heir of Isildur and King of the Reunited Kingdom of the Dúnedain
Homeland Keyword: Lost Kingdom of Arnor
Eraidor Geography
Eraidor Customs
Speak Westron
Speak Quenya
Wilderness Survival
Know Myths of the Silmarillion
- Personality -
Respect for Life
- Relationships -
Loves Arwen Undomiel
Great Respect for Elrond

Occupation: Ranger
Know Back Ways
Herbal Remedies
Longsword Combat
Bow Combat
- Personality -
Hate Wraiths and Minions (orcs)
Loves Freedom

Anduril, Flame of the West (forged by Elrond's smiths from the shards of Narsil)
Arwen's Evenstar Pendant

Title: Re: in this thread i want u to write up one of your favorite character from a no
Post by: Der_Renegat on October 09, 2006, 05:51:03 PM
Here is Kaneda from the manga Akira. I hope i got all the translations right....


Age: 14, maybe 16 (?)

-Pupil at a Special Tradeschool-
find excuse
steal motorcycle
take a punch

Friend and Rival of Tetsuo

drive like crazy
do little repairs
drive down stairs
keep in lane
fight from bike

take pills
more luck than brains (sometimes)
beguile girls
good reflexes

more than a little egotistical
known to act before thinking things out

attracted to Kay
to Harukiya Pub
hates Clowns

Electro Power Bike :
Ceramic, double-rotor, two-wheel drive
Computer Controlled Anti-Lock Brake
200 horses on 12,000rpm
Ceramic Box Frames
Auto-Navigation System
Forward-Looking Radar
CD Player
Glove Compartment.
Headlamp : 100w Neo Halogen Laser Light (can switch to fog lamp)

Title: Re: in this thread i want u to write up one of your favorite character from a no
Post by: Der_Renegat on October 10, 2006, 04:46:22 PM
Interesting choice Mike !
You took the kings and leader, i the anti-heroes...;-)

Why did you write up Paul Atreides personality as "peaceful" ? Cant remember that detail really.....

Title: Re: in this thread i want u to write up one of your favorite character from a novel
Post by: Mike Holmes on October 10, 2006, 09:42:56 PM
That's a homeland trait. Caladan, when it's described, is laid out in cool tones and gives a feeling of a peacefull place. Well, did to me anyhow. The point is that Paul has a strong urge to peace. It's just that he can't indulge it, because events propell him, forcing him to be the source of violence.

But he hates that. He just knows that the jihad is inevitable.

But that stands in stark contrast to the fierceness he learns as a member of the Fremen. And I should have put some personality traits in for the training - Fearless (fear is the little death, the mind killer), Human (in the Bene Gesserit sense), Analytical and Detached (from mentat training). Ethereal (from Kwizatz Haderach). These other traits make him capable of terrible things (meaning scary), despite the fact that he abhors them.

This sort of contradiction is what makes him such a fascinating character. I love when players take contradictory personality traits for their characters, because it means certain internal struggle in play. I've seen players roll contests between two personality traits just to see which takes over in a particular situation in which both apply. Fun, fun.

Title: Re: in this thread i want u to write up one of your favorite character from a no
Post by: Joel P. Shempert on October 11, 2006, 01:27:06 AM
Daniel Laruso

Homeland Keyword: Newark, New Jersey
City kid
Ride Bike
Uncouth charm
Classes at the Y
Out of Element
Jersey Accent

Occupation: High School Student
Avoid Homework
Play Soccer
Sweet-talk teachers
Chase girls
React to peer pressure
Learn to drive

Wishes he was back in Jersey
Big talker
Runs from battles
Wants to stand up for himself
Wants to belong
Embarrassed of poverty


Loves (and exasperated by) mother
Has crush on Ali Mills
Disapproved of by ali's Parents
Wants to learn from Mr. Miyagi
Picked on by Johnny Laweence
Hated by Cobra Kais
Title: Re: in this thread i want u to write up one of your favorite character from a novel
Post by: droog on October 11, 2006, 07:25:34 AM
Henry Chinaski

Homeland: Southern California
Occupation: Drunken poet

play the horses
fuck women
sleep anywhere
survive without food
wrestle with the giants
antagonize people
despise the ordinary
live for the moment
enjoy solitude
face death

my daughter is most glorious
the female of the species lures me



Possessions and Wealth
some rags and a radio
something to write with
a bottle of booze
that's life
Title: Re: in this thread i want u to write up one of your favorite character from a no
Post by: Joel P. Shempert on October 11, 2006, 08:49:05 AM
Peter Pan

Homeland: Neverland
Never Grow Up
Find adventure
Flee to Hideout
Navigate Neverland
Know Neverland inhabitants

Occupation: The Pan
Kill Pirates
Play Prank
Issue Challenge

Magic: Fairydust
Aerial Stunts
Happy Thoughts
Believe in Fairies

Take Nothing Seriously
Take everything seriously
Needs a Mother

Protective of Wendy Lady
Leader of Lost Boys
Fast friends with Tink
Lifelong rivalry with Hook
Hates Pirates
Wary of Indians
Take nothing seriously
Take everything seriously
Title: Re: in this thread i want u to write up one of your favorite character from a no
Post by: Der_Renegat on October 11, 2006, 10:01:42 PM
The Elfquest comic book meant a lot to me because of the ElfQuest game.
That was one of the first moments something i knew came alive through a game.

Here is Cutter before his twins were born.


-Elf and Wolfrider Keyword-
Wolf touch in blood
about 4ft tall
muscular body
see in the dark
wild and hotblooded
live by ,,The Way" (code of conduct)
ride wolf
fight from wolfback
revere High Ones
trade with Trolls

-Leader of the Wolfrider Keyword-
loves his tribe
Soulfriend of Skywise
hated by Humans
recognized Leetah
wield New Moon, the blade of his father

afraid of heights
respect life
killed the giant half snake, half long-toothed cat monster: Madcoil

-Hunter-Gatherer Keyword-
use bow

Rival of Rayek
to Sunfolk Tribe
revere Savah, Mother of Memory
respect Suntoucher, leader of the Sunfolk
to Trollking Greymung

-Elfmagic Keyword-
bonded with Nightrunner (Wolf)
Send (Telepathy)

Hippie-esque clothing
New Moon

Title: Re: in this thread i want u to write up one of your favorite character from a novel
Post by: droog on October 12, 2006, 12:22:56 AM
If we're doing comics –

Margarita Luisa Chascarillo (Maggie)

(About 18, c.1985)

Homeland: Barrio Hoppers 13
Occupation: Mechanic
Subculture: Punk

Identify machine
Fix machine
Know punk music
Know punk fashion
Negotiate seedy dive
Comfortable with lowlife
Escape from police
Make money stretch
Tougher than she looks
Irresistibly pretty
Big butt

Loves Hopey Glass
Friends with Izzie Ortiz
Friends with Penny Century
Friends with Rena Titañon
Loyal to family
Member of Hoppers 13 Latino community
Member of Hoppers 13 punk community
Mutual dislike of Terry Downe
Crush on Speedy Ortiz
Huge crush on Rand Race

Fool over men
Easily embarrassed
Ever hopeful
Likes to eat

Possessions and Wealth
Punky clothes (big boots)
Toolbelt & tools
Title: Re: in this thread i want u to write up one of your favorite character from a no
Post by: Der_Renegat on October 12, 2006, 09:28:23 AM
Hi Jeff!

I would really like to comment on your choice but i´ve never heard of a comic book called "Love and Rockets".

The same with Bukowski, it took me even a google search of the name Henry Chinaski ;-)

What does posession: that´s life mean ?

Hi Joel!

The same here: i ve never seen Peter Pan, as far as i can remember.
And another google search was necessary for Karate Kid. I havent seen that too...:-\

Title: Re: in this thread i want u to write up one of your favorite character from a novel
Post by: droog on October 12, 2006, 10:08:42 AM
Hi Christian

Love & Rockets and Charles Bukowski are two of my favourite things. I tried to write Henry Chinaski's stats a bit like a Buk poem. Funny – a critic has said Buk's poems can often be improved by chopping off the last line, so I guess it's appropriate if I put one line too many in.

If you've seen the film Barfly, Buk wrote the screenplay. There's also a film of his novel Factotum coming out, with Matt Dillon as Chinaski. But if you're interested, you should read his writing for yourself.

About the time Elfquest was coming out in its original B&W incarnation and I was buying it, I was also buying Love and Rockets, by Gilbert and Jaime Hernandez. This comic was a little bit of my life through some difficult times. Those locos y locas were like my friends; they were doing the same sorts of things as me and people I knew. They got older, too, and changed. L&R spoiled me for superhero comics forever.
Title: Re: in this thread i want u to write up one of your favorite character from a no
Post by: Joel P. Shempert on October 13, 2006, 07:10:29 AM

Huh. I guess it never occurred to me that anyone would not have heard of the Karate Kid. It's such a formative movie for me; one I watched over and over as a kid. I guess some of these things really are more isolated to a particular time and place than one might think (Heh--how many kids are growing up today thinking they're watching the "first" Trilogy of Star Wars movies?).

But I'm really surprised that someone hasn't heard of Peter Pan. There's the animated Disney movie from years back, and also Spielberg's movie Hook in the 90s, but the original is a play by J.M. Barrie around the turn of the century or so. Pretty widely recognized literary territory.

Anyway, I hope you liked the writups, regardless. I've been enjoying everyone's contributions (and scrambling for my own, since that bastard Holmes snatched up the good shit like Aragorn and Atreides!). I especially liked the wording of the relationship traits on Henry Chinaski, though I don't know the character. The great thing about HQ is the ability to evoke a character's personality in how you phrase the traits.

Title: Re: in this thread i want u to write up one of your favorite character from a no
Post by: Tim Ellis on October 13, 2006, 12:47:48 PM
Quote from: Melinglor on October 13, 2006, 07:10:29 AM
The great thing about HQ is the ability to evoke a character's personality in how you phrase the traits.

That's why I particuy;arly liked Pan's "Take Everything Seriously" and "Take Nothing Seriously" paring.

I've long hel;d the opinion that Heroquest is the first system in which you could play Flashman ( as a PC without needing a huge amount of GM collusion to make it work
Harry Paget Flashman VC, KCB, KCIE
Cavalry Officer
Much Decorated
Hero of Afghanistan
Looks Heroic
Bluff Cove,
Looks Good in Uniform
Speaks many languages
Pass for native

Eye for the Ladies
Loves Wife

Title: Re: in this thread i want u to write up one of your favorite character from a no
Post by: Der_Renegat on October 13, 2006, 07:40:43 PM

I couldn´t resist writing up Rick James as he appears in the Dave Chappelle sketch (if you dont know this, do a search on youtube) with Charlie Murphy. Hilarious !

I´m the baddest motherfucker of all time
I´m one of the best singers and best looking motherfuckers you´ve ever seen
habitual line stepper
hold my drink bitch !
laugh maniacly
that was cold blooded
I fuck yo couch
bust out on the funk
sexy minded
wear platform cowboy boots
wear funky clothes

being totally high
loves Mary Jane
cocaine is a hell of a drug
its a celebration bitches
i´m just getting started bitches
it was an accident – i was having too much fun

Title: Re: in this thread i want u to write up one of your favorite character from a no
Post by: Joel P. Shempert on October 14, 2006, 02:59:46 AM
OK, just to continue confusing Christian ;)

Peter Banning

Homeland: American suburbia
Owns nice house
Drives nice car

Occupation: Corporate Lawyer
Hostile takeover
Questionable ethics
Write Check
Use Cellphone
Misses Jack's baseball games
Takes calls in Maggie's play

Magic Keyword: The Pan
Can't fly
Can't fight
Can't crow
No memory before my adoption
Part of me remembers

I'm not Peter Pan
Grown up
Afraid of heights
Afraid of flying

Grateful to Granny Wendy
Loves Moira
Neglects Children
Can't talk to Jack
Doesn't believe in fairies
Bewildered by Tinkerbell
Wants children back from Hook
Title: Re: in this thread i want u to write up one of your favorite character from a novel
Post by: Mike Holmes on October 18, 2006, 08:55:58 PM
What's wrong in a world where somebody knows the Dave Chappelle version of Rick James, but not Peter Pan!? :-)

Christian, dude, that's hilarious.

Title: Re: in this thread i want u to write up one of your favorite character from a no
Post by: Der_Renegat on October 18, 2006, 09:25:56 PM

Well i´m weird as a hobby ;-)

No really, as i said, i know what Peter Pan is, but i dont think i´ve ever seen it....
I think i do remember seeing Hook, but i didnt like it.

Dont forget this is very american stuff...!

Title: Re: in this thread i want u to write up one of your favorite character from a no
Post by: Joel P. Shempert on October 19, 2006, 10:48:40 PM
Um. . .English, actually.

Originally, anyway. :)
Title: Re: in this thread i want u to write up one of your favorite character from a no
Post by: Tuxboy on October 25, 2006, 12:03:48 PM
Not to be too anal...but it would be British...

J.M. Barrie was a Scotsman...
