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Inactive Forums => HeroQuest => Topic started by: trifletraxor on October 31, 2006, 09:12:56 PM

Title: rpgdrivethrough HQ pdf
Post by: trifletraxor on October 31, 2006, 09:12:56 PM
Hi! I'm an old RQ player who loath Greg for making this horrible HeroQuest and abandoning RuneQuest to the hands of Mongoose! ;-)

I am however, starting to realize that I could use some of the material published for HQ!

I've downloaded the "Glorantha, Introduction to the Hero Wars", and would like to get hold of "Thunder Rebels" and "Dragon Pass" too. Preferably as pdf-files. Does anyone know if there are any plans to sell the last two at too?

Title: Re: rpgdrivethrough HQ pdf
Post by: Mike Holmes on October 31, 2006, 10:19:40 PM

I don't know if they intend to do such, but somebody else may know better. What I can say is that you should be aware that you've arrived just in time for this forum to close any day now. Check the announcement thread for details of migration, in case you don't get an answer before it closes.

Title: Re: rpgdrivethrough HQ pdf
Post by: Erik Nolander on October 31, 2006, 10:36:11 PM

I don't know whether Dragon Pass will be available as a PDF (it's not out of print AFAIK), but Thunder Rebels is already available from DriveThru:

Hope this helps,

Erik N
Title: Re: rpgdrivethrough HQ pdf
Post by: trifletraxor on November 01, 2006, 12:08:43 AM
Great! Got the Thunder Rebels too now! But do they only sell books out of print as pdf's?

Title: Re: rpgdrivethrough HQ pdf
Post by: Erik Nolander on November 01, 2006, 12:28:31 PM
Hi again,

QuoteBut do they only sell books out of print as pdf's?

No, sorry, I phrased it a bit wrong*. I think the plan is for all HQ supplements to be available as pdf's sometime in the near future, but as to when I don't know. Rick Meints posted an announcement about the pdf's on the HeroQuest list back in July, but I believe Moon Design have also been busy getting ILH-2 and the upcoming Blood Over Gold published.

Erik N

*I missed your point about rather having it as pdf, you see... ;)
Title: Re: rpgdrivethrough HQ pdf
Post by: trifletraxor on November 01, 2006, 03:04:01 PM
Quote from: Erik Nolander on November 01, 2006, 12:28:31 PM
I think the plan is for all HQ supplements to be available as pdf's sometime in the near future, but as to when I don't know. Rick Meints posted an announcement about the pdf's on the HeroQuest list back in July, but I believe Moon Design have also been busy getting ILH-2 and the upcoming Blood Over Gold published.

Sounds great! Do you have any other recommendations about which HeroWars/HeroQuest books I should get? Easily convertible to RQ?

(by the way, I read the thread closes the 1. of December. The announcement-thread didn't say anything about where the forum is moving then, or at least nothing conclusive. Any idea?)

Title: Re: rpgdrivethrough HQ pdf
Post by: Erik Nolander on November 01, 2006, 03:54:03 PM
Quote from: trifletraxor on November 01, 2006, 03:04:01 PM

Sounds great! Do you have any other recommendations about which HeroWars/HeroQuest books I should get? Easily convertible to RQ?
Well, you've got Thunder Rebels, which I think is a great supplement for background and culture information for Heortlings. Its companion, Storm Tribe, has more Orlanthi cults (old favourites like Storm Bull and Humakt, for example). Both would require some work converting to RQ, I would say, but as background for a Heortling game, they're invaluable. I can't remember the link off the top of my head, but I'm sure I've seen somebody do some work in converting most of the cults in TR and ST for RQ - might be worth googling for it.
Going by the available pdf's, Barbarian Adventures and Orlanth is Dead! contain scenarios for Heortling adventures, including the start of the Sartar Rising saga. Again, I'm not sure how portable the scenarios are to RQ, mainly because I haven't tried. ;) Anaxial's Roster is the HQ monster book, which I really like, mainly because every entry links the creature/monster to myths. Might not be as useful for RQ, though.
Even though it's not yet available as pdf, I think you should try and get Dragon Pass, as it is a wonderful gazetteer over Sartar and environs, with loads of story potential. Plus the map looks great, too! :)
Anyway, these are some short suggestions - hope they're helpful.
Quote(by the way, I read the thread closes the 1. of December. The announcement-thread didn't say anything about where the forum is moving then, or at least nothing conclusive. Any idea?)


I'm afraid not, I just noticed it myself, having just come back to the Forge after a break.

Erik N
Title: Re: rpgdrivethrough HQ pdf
Post by: trifletraxor on November 01, 2006, 07:34:28 PM

So now I got the "Glorantha" and "Thunder Rebels" books. I also got the "Uz" book, which I liked a lot. I got "Orlanth is Dead", but I never understood how to make that into a RQ adventure (I understood very little of that book at all...), so I think I'll avoid HQ scenarios. I'd like to get hold of Dragon Pass, but preferably as a pdf file, but maybe I'll buy the actual book too. :)

Found some conversion versions on Simon's and Nick's pages. Storm Tribe, does it only consist of Orlanthi gods and their background, with more information than found in RQ3? (I have all RQ3 supplements) In that case it might be worth the buy. Anaxial's Rooster, how much is description, and how much is rules?

And is there some HQ material that would work well for me that's produced by someone else than Issaires (Like "Uz")?

Title: Re: rpgdrivethrough HQ pdf
Post by: Erik Nolander on November 01, 2006, 08:37:50 PM
Quote from: trifletraxor on November 01, 2006, 07:34:28 PM

Found some conversion versions on Simon's and Nick's pages.
Yes, Nikk's site was the one I was thinking of.
QuoteStorm Tribe, does it only consist of Orlanthi gods and their background, with more information than found in RQ3? (I have all RQ3 supplements) In that case it might be worth the buy. Anaxial's Rooster, how much is description, and how much is rules?
Storm Tribe has long form cult descriptions of 11 cults, and short write ups of another 18. The "long" cults are very detailed, with lots of information about myths, cult history and holy days, apart from the actual rules. There are also quite a few myths and other notes throughout the book. Some of the cults have been described before in RQ2/3, Humakt, Chalana Arroy, Urox/Storm Bull, Issaries and Lhankor Mhy, but others haven't (Vinga, Elmal, Eurmal, Odayla, Yinkin and Heler). I would recommend it for the detailed descriptions alone. Anaxial's Roster is rules heavy (for HQ, anyway...), but also has some myths and background information that are cool. If you already have Gloranthan Bestiary for RQ3, then some of the monsters and info might be repeated, but from a different angle. Don't know if I'm making myself clear... ;)

QuoteAnd is there some HQ material that would work well for me that's produced by someone else than Issaires (Like "Uz")?
Tarsh in Flames, if you can find it, is a great overview of Tarsh, which I am sure you could use with RQ as well. Sons of Kargzant is also cool, and a quite different setting (brutal nomads in Char-Un). In Wintertop's Shadow and Wintertop Fair are scenario packs and background about the Tarsh exiles, very good, again I think you could use them with RQ, but they might need some more adapting.

That's all for now,

Erik N
Title: Re: rpgdrivethrough HQ pdf
Post by: trifletraxor on November 02, 2006, 08:58:40 PM
Got hold of Storm Tribes too now. Now I'm waiting impatiently for Dragon Pass to become a pdf too. I have the Tarsh i Flames, but I really didn't understand anything of that supplement either. ;-) I guess you have to now a bit more about HQ to be able to use them.

Thank you for all your help!