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General Forge Forums => Connections => Topic started by: guildofblades on January 18, 2007, 02:32:16 AM

Title: Ad Sales Reps Take 2
Post by: guildofblades on January 18, 2007, 02:32:16 AM
Advertising Sales Reps Needed,

The Guild of Blades Publishing Group is looking for commissioned advertising sales reps to help us sell a growing volume of internet ad inventory for our Empires of History Online Gaming Network _AND_ Worlds of Heroes & Tyrants Role Playing Game online ventures. If you have print advertising sales experience that will be regarded as a plus as a number of print advertising ventures will also be entering production in the near future.

Most ideal would be candidates with previous ad sales experience in both the online and print arenas. The Guild of Blades is establishing the initial foundations of its ad sales rep structure at this stage so we are most interested in persons that are willing to start small in a part time capacity and grow with our network and ad programs as they expand. Persons that have both previous ad sales and territory management experience will be given top priority, but all candidates will be considered. As the Guild of Blades expands its team of ad sales professionals we will be looking to groom our initial team members for territory and special client manager psotions.

If you are interested in this opportunity please send resume and/or portfolio of current representation projects to along with appropriate contact information and suitable times for us to contact you.

Sorry for the duplicate post folks, but since these boards require all posts to be associated with indie RPG materials, I reposted our original post with the added mention of our need for advertising sales reps for our WHAT RPG game as well. To summarize, these will be commissioned advertising sales positions and ad inventory will include online banner ads and potential sponsorships on our Empires of History Online Gaming Network (multi player turn based strategy games), the online content pages for the Worlds of Heroes & Tyrants Epic Adventure Game (RPG) and other game related materials as a part of our network of websites. Additionally we have plans for both the Game Industry Outsider (tm) magazine and our massive (1 million copies per cycle) free WHAT RPG give away programs which will require sales of print advertising inventory. So ad reps with both online and print selling experience are desired, but we will consider both. The online ventures are of more immediate need.

Ryan S. Johnson
Guild of Blades Publishing Group
Title: Re: Ad Sales Reps Take 2
Post by: Ron Edwards on January 18, 2007, 02:35:17 AM
I think that will do fine! Thanks Ryan.

Best, Ron