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Independent Game Forums => Muse of Fire Games => Topic started by: Stefan / 1of3 on February 23, 2007, 05:08:07 PM

Title: [Capes] Who owns Inspirations?
Post by: Stefan / 1of3 on February 23, 2007, 05:08:07 PM

Another simple queston:

As I understood the rules (and espcecially the errata) Inspiration is awarded to players.

So if I aquired an Inspiration with Cpt. Proton, I can use that Inspiration with any character like Dr. Chaotica, for example.

Is that correct?
Title: Re: [Capes] Who owns Inspirations?
Post by: Hans on February 23, 2007, 05:25:32 PM
Quote from: Stefan / 1of3 on February 23, 2007, 05:08:07 PM
So if I aquired an Inspiration with Cpt. Proton, I can use that Inspiration with any character like Dr. Chaotica, for example.

You got it.  The only guide/rule on using inspirations is that you have to somehow tie the circumstances that generated the inspiration, through the narration, to the current circumstances. 

So, if you have "Cpt. Proton beat Dr. Chaotica: 4" as an inspiration its easy to tie it in.  Maybe Dr. Chaotica says "I will not be defeated AGAIN!" or something like that.

If you have "Cpt. Proton baked a cake: 4" that might be a little tougher to come up with a satisfying way to tie that to whatever Dr. Chaotica is doing right now.

I quoted Tony in the FAQ as saying "my general rule would be that [the new conflict] should be related to the origins of the Inspiration to the satisfaction of the player using the Inspiration".
Title: Re: [Capes] Who owns Inspirations?
Post by: Eric Sedlacek on February 27, 2007, 10:21:29 PM
Characters own debt.  Players own story tokens and inspirations.

Narratively, inspirations are a way to tie past events to current narration.  In theory (and in practice really), you can justify almost anything, but it can be surprising how subtly but effectively they nudge you toward narrative continuity.
Title: Re: [Capes] Who owns Inspirations?
Post by: Stefan / 1of3 on March 01, 2007, 10:05:08 PM
Actually I only wanted that answer confirmed for oliof.

Still, thanks.