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Independent Game Forums => Galileo Games => Topic started by: Valvorik on September 29, 2007, 05:03:46 PM

Title: Experience with Credibility Arguments
Post by: Valvorik on September 29, 2007, 05:03:46 PM
How do people find the "go with the lowest crebility threshold" rule in play?

As indicated in text, it seems to require colloborative players who "don't hold grudges" against each other etc.

I like the "no, there's no mechanic for resolving this dispute, we go with the lowest threshold" because that way everyone at the table finds what happens credible and believable and no one is "disinvested" through that mechanic (they they can be by having stuff they thought sensible denied).

Someone who thought something "more" could have been done or accomplished doesn't then find what happened credible ("man, the sorcerer would never have been arrested by the cops like that, he would have been able to obscure their thoughts and make them forget he was even there, it's just not credible that the sorcerer can't do that, having had that power of sorcery rejected as not credible").

The rules function on the "negating addition", so the tie goes to whoever is arguing "against that fact being introduced", so it's not just a clash of how something is framed, the rule does resolve argument.

What's been the experience playing this out?  Do arguments drag?  Does it require a group already familiar with collaborative play styles?
Title: Re: Experience with Credibility Arguments
Post by: Cooper on September 30, 2007, 05:48:52 AM
There are people on this forum that have WAY more experience than myself, but I can say that it is mostly curiosity that causes me to let something happen that you normally would not in other games (like....D&D). This could lead to someone abusing the rules, of course, but it has not happened to me yet. I have been getting back into GMing over this past year and it is so nice to have players come up with stuff.

So far, I have run this, Dogs in the Vineyard, Best Friends and soon Prime Time Adventures (and one of the players is running a Sorcerer game for us) and it is like we have open the gates to creativity or something. Since three of them were big into D&D, I was worried at first that they would take this co-narative thing and abuse it, but the exact opposite has happened. It is weird.*

This is a good question, Valvorik.

*I will point out that our main gaming group were friends before we all gamed together. In fact we are all three married couples and five of us have been in bands with each other at some time, so we are use to collaborating. The other two players that show up every once in a while have also played music with us too. So, this may have a bigger factor than creative freedom in our case.
Title: Re: Experience with Credibility Arguments
Post by: Brennan Taylor on October 01, 2007, 02:38:04 PM
Yeah, I'm interested to hear from everyone on this, too. I haven't ever run into problems with this rule so far, but as the game creator, my experiences with it are probably not typical.