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Inactive Forums => Scattershot => Topic started by: Le Joueur on July 22, 2002, 10:21:46 PM

Title: Emergent Techniques: Who's in Charge
Post by: Le Joueur on July 22, 2002, 10:21:46 PM
So far, most of Scattershot's Emergent Techniques have been about handling what happens between the players and their games or within those games.  It's past time to discuss what happens between the players outside of the game.  Now, I'm not going to go into deep psychological analysis of personality dynamics and politics and relationship theories, but there are a few things that specifically relate to how one games that I can talk about.

Before we go much farther, I have to stress that this is entirely about what happens beyond the narrative.  Characters in a game might have a leader, but that is not to be confused with what we'll be talking about here.  There is one caveat; many times the roles and niches adopted within the game directly reflect or impact how the players 'work together.'  I'm not really going to talk about the overlaps and dissonance here, except to say that when it causes a problem, it's best to separate in-game roles from those held out-of-game.

Who's in Charge?

Whenever you play, at any given point, there is usually someone 'moving things along.'  Whether the Speaker is describing acts of daring-do, the gamemaster is 'cutting to the chase,' or a character is furnishing a brilliant plan, someone is 'up to' something.  If you sit back and watch, you'll notice that for brief periods it will be consistently a single person.  Even though they aren't the Speaker (where the action is really occurring), 'where the game goes' is pretty much at their discretion.

In Scattershot, we call this person the Leader.  Not only does the Leader give the game some direction, they also might nudge it onto a specific course.  If the Speaker's swashbuckling is a part of 'the plan,' if the gamemaster is 'getting to the good stuff' for someone's 'next big scene,' and if a protagonist is acting out 'the master plan,' they are all supporting the Leader.  It's more complicated than 'who is doing stuff,' but more like 'whose idea was this anyhow?'  One thing most often overlooked is a certain amount of 'ownership' of this practice.  If you're 'calling the shots,' you'd better not alienate the other players.  There is a secondary responsibility for the Leader to keep things engaging enough for each person playing and not simply 'hijacking' play.

This role traditionally went to the gamemaster, but considering the long-term deleterious effect this can have on player initiative, engagement, or even momentum, I don't think that it's healthy in strict reserve.  When initiative runs counter to 'following the leader,' if play goes somewhere you're not interested in, and when the plan bogs down in details not really connected to play, the gamemaster-as-leader has 'dropped the ball.'  I've always felt that having to maintain the logistics of the game (as traditional gamemasters do), added to the responsibilities of being 'a good Leader,' are very much an unbalanced form of sharing that we feel is vital to consistently good gaming.

There's no special reason why a player (even outside of their role in the narrative) couldn't assume the mantel of Leadership; it's their actions that move the significant portions of the narrative forward, after all.  When a player calls for a scene, it serves their goals and they become the Leader, even if their persona never enters into that scene.  When a persona 'needs something' from the narrative, often their player will become the de facto Leader of the events surround that occurrence.  Usually when someone suggests something 'really cool' that could happen in the game, it is problematic for the gamemaster to help it happen; far better to have them provide the Leadership needed to bring it to fruition.

Leadership can change hands as often as 'who the speaker is' does, but not usually.  During Mechanical play (, each player rigidly takes turns being speaker; anyone who forfeits to a defensive action only gains enough 'speakership' as to 'join in conversation.'  Once the forfeit has played out 'who the speaker is' returns to the player whose turn it is.  And when that turn is over, 'who the speaker is' passes to the next player.  On top of this, the Leader is usually 'the guy who got us into this.'  It only makes sense that a Leader could go, "Well, it pretty much goes without saying that we win this battle," and then the group will just 'tidy up' the details of the scene and move on; it doesn't always have to be the gamemaster (unless 'he started it').

What the Leader doesn't do is control what happens (at least not like a micro-manager would). They may give it a direction 'to consider' though.  Think of the narrative 'space' as a bubble; without a Leader it just sits there.  What a Leader does it apply pressure to one side, even from the inside (using their persona).  Co-leaders are fine, but then a third-party moderator will probably be needed if conflict occurs between them.  You see a Leader isn't the person making things happen, their the person who 'gets the job done.'  Sometimes a little pressure is needed, but mostly it's about exercising a little effort to help a portion of the narrative 'achieve a goal.'  Keeping track of the Leader is one way to keep play from 'getting lost.'

One of the toughest parts of being the gamemaster for any game is the fact that when Leadership comes into question, the gamemaster must 'take over.'  Whether they assume Leadership for the situation, call for the designation of a new Leader, or simply invoke conflict-resolution, it becomes their responsibility if absolutely no one else does.  That's part of being the 'ultimate facilitator' for the game.  With a title like 'gamemaster,' you would expect that at the least.  Mind you, I think that rational adults can always see such a solution in these situations whether player or otherwise, but sometimes the emotional engagement¹ of play can rob one of their reason.  So this is one of those times where it becomes necessary to say, when it comes to Leadership, "anyone can, if not, gamemaster must."  Be careful not to allow this to become the most common situation however; that can lead to nasty conflict of interest issues regarding 'where play is going' (as mentioned above).

Now just because 'anyone can do it,' doesn't mean that everyone has to.  Far from it, in most social groups there will be 'natural Leaders.'  The point of this technique is to make sure that nobody 'hogs the game.'  How you determine who should lead, how often, and how balanced it should be, really depends on how your group relates as people.  No amount of role-playing game advice can really tell you how to play once you get to the table; all that can be said is that you should stay away from the 'dictatorial model' so commonly practiced in the earliest of role-playing games.

One thing also important to mention is that, while this Technique sounds terribly deliberate, the actual practice should almost never is.  Once you get used to sharing Leadership, it will become almost second nature to let it switch around constantly and frequently.  The 'Who's in Charge' Technique just spells out what to call all these practices, giving you a critical language to 'figure out what went wrong' when something does.  Self-selection is an important factor in practice, so there won't be times where people keep declaring, "Okay, I'm the Leader for this next part."

I also want to take a moment and mention some of the most common Leadership types I've seen in role-playing games.

ActiveLeader can be like a commander or a director.  They know what they want and they call the shots.[/list:u]PassiveLeader is one who often puts the priorities of others in the forefront.  A 'what do you want to do know' Leader is one example, but so is one where they put another player's persona's characterization into the spotlight.[/list:u]'Hooded'Leader is one who follows things as they naturally progress 'jumping in' only when necessary to 'keep it going' or to secretly 'avoid pitfalls.'  Some whole schools of gamemastering suggest that a gamemaster should always lead in either passive or 'hooded' fashion; too much 'hooded' Leadership almost always leads to the sense of disempowerment amongst the other players and should be avoided.[/list:u]OrganizerLeader is probably your solution.  They keep all the details in check and often focus play on the most crucial of the 'irons in the fire.'  When taking advantage of an organizer Leader often, it can help to keep the Genre Expectations of Sequence in mind or pacing is likely to suffer (an interest will be lost when none of the 'irons' is all that 'hot').[/list:u]
Sometimes a Moderating Influence

Whenever you get people together, doing something that has rules (or Mechanix or Techniques or guidelines or whatever), sooner or later they're going to disagree about them.  Basically, there are four ways to work this out.