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Archive => Indie Game Design => Topic started by: Christoffer Lernö on October 01, 2002, 09:08:08 AM

Title: Ygg Action Resolution again (Concessions and Stuff?)
Post by: Christoffer Lernö on October 01, 2002, 09:08:08 AM
I'm cutting and pasting from my Ygg document here. I kind of came up with an idea that seems to work. Advantages and Concessions seem to be a little more natural as well. But I only just worked it out. If you would have a look, then that would be nice.

Basic Resolution System
This is how it is done: pick as many D12 as you have for the relevant statistic. You want to jump? Well that's Movement. Armwrestle? That's Power, and so on.

Roll these dice and for every D12 which is equal to the Difficulty (more about that later) you score one degree of success. If you roll a 12 on a die you not only get a success but also an extra die to roll.

Now round up the successes and compare them with what you need. So what do you need? Well that depends on the test. There are two types of tests: Opposed and Static.

Opposed Tests
This is when someone or something else is also trying to win. Armwrestling is a good example. To find the winner, simply compare who has the highest degree of success. The one with the highest wins. In the case of a tie, there is a second test and so on until a winner has been found.

Static Tests
If you want to jump a chasm or just see if you can make out Mount Doom in the distance, you do a static test. The GM gives the required degree of success required to make it.
A vague rule of thumb might be:

1 Trivial
2 Anyone can do it
3 You can do it
4 Not everyone can do this
5 Pretty advanced
6 Most can't do this
7 Almost noone can to this
8 Only the extremely skilled could ever do something like this

The difficulty describes how easy it is to do a task and how big the chances are that an action is performed at it's optimal efficiency.

1 Perfect conditions
6 Sucky conditions
11 The most random conditions

Concessions and Free Advantages
If you have a higher degree of success than you need to complete a task, then you can trade those in for other benefits. Benefits include improving the time to complete an action or the quality of it. These benefits are called Free Avantages.

The opposite of Free Advantages are Concessions. You can do concessions before or after you rolled. By making a concession (which is basically making the quality of your action worse in some respect) you get another die to roll and add to your degree of success. Note that you can mix both conessions and advantages, for example taking longer time to complete a plainting in order to get a higher degree of success to put into improving the quality of the painting.

When & What About Concessions
Concessions can be made before or after the normal dice are rolled. There is no penalty to doing it before or to do it afterwards except for the fact that you can't make concessions change things that took place before the action was performed. Say that you're jumping a chasm. You roll and you fail. Now at this point you can't take a concession saying you took off your backpack and jumped without it nor that you did it with a running start. On the other hand you might be able to get away with jumping over but losing the backpack in mid jump (for another die).

When & What About Free Advantages
Just like concessions, there are limits to what can be taken as advantages after the action is rolled for. For example, you can't make the jump then declare that you were wearing the backpack, if you weren't supposed to be wearing it in the first place. However, if it's before the jump you can say you're jumping with the backpack, but that will increase the necessary degree of success. So if you fail, you have to take concesssions to get over, and these concessions can't be that you forgot to put on the backpack.
Title: Ygg Action Resolution again (Concessions and Stuff?)
Post by: Mike Holmes on October 01, 2002, 02:24:03 PM
I would simplify this by dropping "static tests". See this Rant ( I apollogise in advance if you've already read and disgreed with this.

Simply replace "degree of success" with opposing difficulty dice rolled by the GM. Makes any test possible for anyone theoretically, and gives you the same scale of success for both "types" of rolls. As such, then, one net success means that you barely made it. One net success for the chasm means that you barely failed. Then Advantages are just spent successes, and Concessions are just purchased successes.


Title: Ygg Action Resolution again (Concessions and Stuff?)
Post by: Christoffer Lernö on October 01, 2002, 05:08:57 PM
Quote from: Mike HolmesI would simplify this by dropping "static tests". See this Rant ( I apollogise in advance if you've already read and disgreed with this.

I read that (when you first posted it no less!) and I agree with you. So why the heck static tests?
Well the mechanic started out as a static test. In fact it was the damage mechanic. As such there was no need to oppose it as the defender's toughness was already kinda baked into the target number. The successes was never needed. Now sure you could make a mechanic where the armour work as an opponent, shaving off damage successes with the armour piercing value of weapon works as a target number. In fact this is the system Shadowrun uses.

My goal however has always been to keep the rolls as few and as simple as possible. That's why I rather have a single roll than opposed rolls. That's why the whole combat only has stuff rolled by the attacker and not the defender.

I actually consider the opposed tests to worst mechanic in the system as it involves two rolls. However, I could not do it any other way as I was required to (for simplicity's sake) use the damage mechanic for action resolution.

I comfort myself with the fact that action resolution isn't supposed to be a big thing in my game anyway, so it won't make much of a difference in handling time and stuff.

QuoteSimply replace "degree of success" with opposing difficulty dice rolled by the GM.

You could consider that the stat set by the GM comes from such a roll already. As I haven't given details for how the GM gets required degree of success, don't assume it won't look like that. In fact even the older version with karma resolution mostly relied on the GM rolling up target numbers instead of choosing them. It's something I'm gonna stay with so your suggestion actually makes a lot of sense from that point of view... I can let the GM use this method to generate the required DoS. However - it will tend to be the same for every character and the GM can always override his roll (I was thinking of it as a GM-aid, not as an actual mechanic the GM had to follow)

Makes sense?
Title: Ygg Action Resolution again (Concessions and Stuff?)
Post by: Andrew Martin on October 01, 2002, 11:21:04 PM
You might want consider the changes made in the recent versions of the WW storyteller system. Use a fixed target number, say 7, as it makes scanning the dice for successes easier.
Title: Ygg Action Resolution again (Concessions and Stuff?)
Post by: Christoffer Lernö on October 02, 2002, 01:29:48 AM
Quote from: Andrew MartinYou might want consider the changes made in the recent versions of the WW storyteller system. Use a fixed target number, say 7, as it makes scanning the dice for successes easier.

Aaaa Andrew you evil thing you! First I don't know what a "recent" version of WW's system would be. Have I seen it already in the WW books I have or not? There is no way to tell from your cryptic passage. And I don't have the possibility to browse through any material here in Taiwan (all my stuff is back in Sweden).

And except for scanning the dice, why give up movable target numbers when  I actually use the target number as a way to turn the randomness dial.
Title: Um, You've Already Got One?
Post by: Le Joueur on October 02, 2002, 02:21:25 AM
Quote from: Pale FireAnd except for scanning the dice, why give up movable target numbers when  I actually use the target number as a way to turn the randomness dial.
Why?  Because you already have one?  That'd be the number of dice rolled.  Harder task?  Take away a few.  Easier?  Add a couple.  No 'target number dial' needed.  It's redundant anyway.  (Much the same way that GURPS escalating point-costs is redundant.  A sigmoid graph like theirs already has diminishing returns built in.)

Fang Langford
Title: Ygg Action Resolution again (Concessions and Stuff?)
Post by: Jonathan Walton on October 02, 2002, 02:34:52 AM
Quote from: Pale FireAnd I don't have the possibility to browse through any material here in Taiwan (all my stuff is back in Sweden).

I feel like Keanu Reeves.

"Dude!  You're in... Taiwan?"

I should have noticed that before.

I alternate between living in Raleigh NC ("home"), Oberlin OH ("college"), and Beijing ("home #2").  A while back, me and Erick Wujcik were planning to start brainstorming about creating a Chinese-language RPG tailor-made for a Chinese audience who thinks "jue-se ban-yan you-xi" are just computer programs.  It fell through in the end, because both of us were busy with other things, but that's still something I'd love to at least THINK about at some point.  We might even be able to bring Erick back into the discussion (if he isn't working on "RECON: Modern Combat" or something else).

Any interest?

Title: Ok, you lost me there
Post by: Christoffer Lernö on October 02, 2002, 07:45:18 AM
Quote from: Le Joueur
Quote from: Pale FireAnd except for scanning the dice, why give up movable target numbers when  I actually use the target number as a way to turn the randomness dial.
Why?  Because you already have one?  That'd be the number of dice rolled.  Harder task?  Take away a few.  Easier?  Add a couple.  No 'target number dial' needed.  It's redundant anyway.

Err? What?

Parameters: Randomness, Character "skill" rating, degree of success needed.

Player rolls as many dice as the skill rating gets an extra die on each 12 against the randomness number and counts total number of successes.

Working the skill rating up and down will alter the number of successes as well as the chance of boosting a skill beyond it's original level. Randomness number makes success increasingly less certain, but most of all it mixes up the levels.

Notice that the extra die on 12 gives you at least a 40% chance of getting another die. If the target number is 1 (given success) that's a 40% chance of getting a degree of success of 7 or more. Compare that to someone having 1 die who only has a 8% chance of boosting the degree of success from 1 to 2.

For opposed rolls, we have at randomness (target number 1) a mixing that allows a strength 3 person (like my mother) win over a strength 7 person (someone built like Arnold Schwarznegger) 0.004% of the time. If we put in a randomness of 11 instead, my mother has a 23% chance of success. So the randomness has a very real impact on things, and it is separate from the other dials and work in quite a different way.

I could introduce another dial, namely the chance to reroll. Right now it's set to 12, but one could imagine it being moved to 11-12 and so on depending on the situation. However right now I don't feel a need for such a dial.

What this mechanic allows me to do is to separate armwrestling (randomness 1) from playing cards (randomness 11?). Both are opposed tests but the former has a lot less of randomness. Basically I introduce a randomness dial which I then use to tune the randomness of situations.

But maybe I misunderstand your post completely Fang.
Title: Ygg Action Resolution again (Concessions and Stuff?)
Post by: Andrew Martin on October 02, 2002, 09:48:48 AM
Pale Fire wrote:
> Aaaa Andrew you evil thing you!


>  First I don't know what a "recent" version of WW's system would be.

Trinity and Exalted have the latest versions. You've all ready got the reroll on max die value, and you've dropped the botch on "1". So just stick with the fixed target number (and measure everything in dots) and you'll have Storyteller 2 for D12 real soon! :)

> And except for scanning the dice, why give up movable target numbers when  I actually use the target number as a way to turn the randomness dial.

It's quicker. And quicker play is more fun, because it's less time spent on mechanics and more time roleplaying (assuming all else is equal).
Title: Ygg Action Resolution again (Concessions and Stuff?)
Post by: Christoffer Lernö on October 02, 2002, 10:52:01 AM
QuoteTrinity and Exalted have the latest versions. You've all ready got the reroll on max die value, and you've dropped the botch on "1". So just stick with the fixed target number (and measure everything in dots) and you'll have Storyteller 2 for D12 real soon! :)

But that would spoil the main point of the mechanic which is

Quote from: Pale Fire...I actually use the target number as a way to turn the randomness dial.

Why is this important? Because this system is an adaption of the karma mechanics of higher than stat wins, lower than stat loses equal is 50-50. Turn the dial to 1 and you essentially have this system.

In the old system however, you had to add a "random events" modifier (which I subsequently dropped, but I felt it still left something to be desired not having it) which made the difficulty different between different persons.

Basically you simulate this by cranking up the randomness dial. With 1 at the dial, you're assuming perfect conditions. Turning it up makes more random stuff enter the equation. Stuff that the GM hasn't calculated into his/her "required degree of success". Like weather conditions, footing and whatnot.

Actually you could use the same mechanic with the randomness dial turned up. However, it takes more time than to just roll a simple dice and read off results.

Sure, speed is an issue, but in the cases I'm thinking of (comparatively rare action rolls) it's more important that results are reasonable. In addition, by moving the dial to 1, there is no way you can fail on a die. That means at "skill rating" 6 you succeed on anything which has 6 or less for difficulty which in turn gives you a solid indication on when you have to roll and when you don't have to.

You only have to roll when:
* Randomness dial above 1: roll
* Skill rating less than required degrees of success: roll
* An opposed test rolls same or equal degree of success.

Actually I'm surprised it works so well. But maybe I'm overlooking something, or are you only suggesting the dropping of target number as a way to speed up play?

If it's the former, I have to seriously look into it. If it's the latter, game testing will tell if it needs to be optimized or not.
Title: Re: Ok, you lost me there
Post by: Le Joueur on October 02, 2002, 02:56:18 PM
Hey Christoffer,

So good so far...

Quote from: Pale Fire
Quote from: Le Joueur
Quote from: Pale FireAnd except for scanning the dice, why give up movable target numbers when  I actually use the target number as a way to turn the randomness dial.
Why?  Because you already have one?  That'd be the number of dice rolled.  Harder task?  Take away a few.  Easier?  Add a couple.  No 'target number dial' needed.  It's redundant anyway.
Parameters: Randomness, Character "skill" rating, degree of success needed.

The player rolls as many dice as the skill rating gets an extra die on each 12 against the randomness number and counts total number of successes.

Working the skill rating up and down will alter the number of successes as well as the chance of boosting a skill beyond its original level. Randomness number makes success increasingly less certain, but most of all it mixes up the levels.
When you alter the number of potential successes, you change the "randomness," don't you?  "working the skill rating...down" "makes success increasingly less certain" with a static target number, perhaps more simply that introducing dynamic target numbers on top of dynamic die pools.

As for your parameters, they pretty much list the "randomness" factors.  Two is duplicative; three is quite redundant.  What I am saying here is you're basically putting three randomizers into one package and then complaining elsewhere about too much reliance on randomness.

Let me separate the three randomizers, maybe that'll make it more clear:Randomness NumberDie Pool Size (Character Skill Rating)Degree of Success Neededthree randomizers all at once.  Why?  Any one of them will do the job; more just adds complexity and makes the game more difficult (assuming complexity and difficulty are related).

Quote from: Pale FireFor opposed rolls,
The "randomness number" on opposed rolls would be the number of successes the opponent generated.  This almost raises the number of randomizing factors to four.  Is complexity a design goal?

I guess the real question is what are you comfortable with?  How many randomizers you build into your system are your business; it should suit your tastes.  What I'd prefer is if you did it fully knowing what you're about.  That way when it starts to get complicated and the playtesters say that the system requires too much attention on its own, you'll know why you 'put so much in.'

There really isn't a 'right amount of complexity.'  There are traditions that result in 'broken systems,' however.  Choose carefully, not reactively.

Fang Langford
Title: Re: Ok, you lost me there
Post by: Mike Holmes on October 02, 2002, 03:12:13 PM
Quote from: Le JoueurThere are traditions that result in 'broken systems,' however.


Title: Ygg Action Resolution again (Concessions and Stuff?)
Post by: Walt Freitag on October 02, 2002, 05:44:11 PM
I don't see any problem here that's that fundamental. I see some practical problems with the system as described, but I don't have a problem with the general idea of a system that has three basic variables:

1. The skill of the person.

2. The difficulty of the task, e.g. the skill of the opponent.

3. The performance variance which depends on the nature of the task.

For example, if I'm trying to outscore an opponent in a single game of pinball, and that opponent's mean score is 50% higher than mine, my chances of winning the game are still reasonable (I'd estimate, based on the variance of my own pinball scores, that they would be in the 10 to 25 percent range). But if I'm trying to arm wrestle someone whose mean arm strength is 50% higher than mine, my chances of winning are extremely poor. That's what Christoffer means by varying the "degree of randomness." It's a variation in how much a given difference in mean performance (skill level) is likely to swing the outcome in a given single instance of resolution.

In any single instance of resolution, it's possible to collapse #2 and #3 together by taking the randomness into account in the scale of the skill scores. Just say that the skill deficit I have in pinball representing a 50% lower mean score is a -3, while the skill deficit I have in arm wrestling representing a 50% lower mean score is a -9, and then resolve them both in the same way. But that doesn't work on a systemwide basis unless every skill has it's own separate score. If I'm basing skills on requisites, then both arm wrestling and cow tipping are strength-based scores. If I think my changes of beating an opponent whose strength is 2 points higher than mine at cow tipping should be much higher than my chance of beating him at arm wrestling, because of the greater influence of random factors involved in the former (e.g. the behavior of the cow), then I need that third variance factor as an independent variable in the system.

I also like the idea of using the variance factor in strategy and tactics. It can be shown mathematically that if one side in a contest has the power to manipulate the level of randomness from one round of action to the next, then that side can sometimes achieve a greater than 50% chance of winning the contest even if its expected outcome in each round is always negative, by adopting the strategy of increasing the randomness when it's behind and decreasing it when it's ahead. There are thirty-two head coaches in the NFL who make their living by grasping this principle. A team that has a perceived talent disadvantage will try to force both sides to play riskier strategies, try to run down the clock if it's not already behind (a "shorter" game increases the variance, though not enough to make it worth running down the clock if you're already behind, usually), and hope for bad weather. If I'm duelling a swordsman with superior skills, I'd prefer to have the fight on a frozen lake, or in a courtyard full of hanging laundry, or in a chicken coop filled with flying feathers... anything to increase the performance variance.

Okay, now from principle to practical. The problem with the system presented above is that it doesn't cleary separate out variance as an independent variable. Instead, adjusting variance is accomplished by adjusting the target number, which also has a very strong effect on the mean chance of success in unopposed contests and a strong effect on the mean margin of success (which is important in the system) in opposed contests.

This creates the problem that there are two different difficulty variables (actually three, but only two of them are in effect at a time): the number of dice rolled by the opponent OR the number of successes needed, AND the target number (number to be rolled on a die for it to be counted as a success).

Remember, once we get down to an individual instance of resolution, there's no longer any distinction between the chance of success as influenced by mean difficulty, and the chance of success as influenced by the degree of randomness, at least as far as the success or failure part of the outcome is concerned. There's only just one probability. Higher randomness just means that my chance of success if I have a mean disadvantage, and my chance of failure if I have a mean advantage, are higher than they would be at a lower randomness setting. (While a 50-50 chance, of course, remains a 50-50 chance at any level of randomness.) I could make that adjustment on the fly using just a single combined-chance-of-success knob, such as the number-of-successes-needed. But it's a little tricky.

The problem is, using Christoffer's proposed system, it's still tricky. If I want a difficult unopposed action to have a high degree of randomness, using this system, I have to juggle the two difficulty variables in a complex way. By setting the target number high I supposedly make the randomness higher, but I also have to make the number-of-successes-needed low, or else success just becomes even more unlikely... and making the randomness higher, when I'm at a disadvantage, is supposed to be a way of making success more likely than it otherwise would be. It would be easier to adjust just one measure of the chance of success like in the previous case. It's not quite so bad with opposed rolls -- a higher randomness applies to both sides, so it doesn't skew the mean outcome -- but it makes the mean margin of success lower for a higher-randomness contest, which is exactly the opposite of what you'd expect.

On the other hand, in principle, a truly independent adjustment knob for situational variance/randomness could make it a lot easier to arrive at a die roll whose combined-chance-of-success reflects both the mean advantage/disadvantage and the variance in a sensible way.

I don't see a way this could be fully achieved in the currently proposed system without making major changes. It can be partially achieved by (1) getting rid of the variable target number, make it always 7+ or whatever; (2) add a roll of centered dice (such as Fudge dice) to the number-of-successes-needed in unopposed rolls; the more dice added, the higher the variance; (3) add a roll of centered dice to the opponent's roll to add variance in high-randomness situations. The limitation is that there's no way to turn down the variance in opposed rolls for low-randomness situations.

Another choice would be to keep the variable target number as a randomness knob, but get rid of the unopposed roll that causes the most problems. Instead of setting the difficulty as a number of successes needed, set it as a number of dice rolled, against the same target number as the character (which represents the randomness setting), with the result being the number of successes the character needs. In other words, make all rolls opposed, just as others have suggested... but then you can keep the variable target number as a randomness knob. Just be aware that in that case, the mean margin of success or failure will be maximized when "randomness" is in the middle of its range (7+ on d12s) and then will decrease again as the randomness increases beyond that.

- Walt
Title: Ok, you lost me there again
Post by: Christoffer Lernö on October 02, 2002, 05:56:15 PM
Quote from: Le JoueurLet me separate the three randomizers, maybe that'll make it more clear:

Ok. Now you're playing a wholly different game from what I'm talking about Fang.

How you can put the degrees of successes as a "randomizer" is actually beyond me.

Look, we have x dice, right? Put the target number to 1 and we only actually count the number of 12's rolled. You argue this is increasing randomness depending on the number of dice. However this is depending on how you view it.

It is true that 6 dice get 6 times the chance of "boosting" at least one step up, but the relative boost (that is to say, the % increase in expected value from the initial) is the same.

I can't see how you can say that something that does not affect the number of dice rolled (the degree of successes needed) is a randomizer.

How does that change the distribution of the results?

Aren't you mixing up predictability (there are natural boundaries where predictability goes down) and randomness induced by the mechanic? It's only the latter I seek to control.
Title: Let Me Explain
Post by: Le Joueur on October 02, 2002, 07:39:39 PM
Quote from: Pale Fire
Quote from: Le JoueurLet me separate the three randomizers, maybe that'll make it more clear:

Ok. Now you're playing a wholly different game from what I'm talking about Fang.

How you can put the degrees of successes as a "randomizer" is actually beyond me.
I don't understand.  I gave an example of using 'degrees of successes' as the way of interpreting the dice.  It may have been heavily experimental, but I think it could be turned into a "randomizer" all by itself.

Quote from: Pale FireI can't see how you can say that something that does not affect the number of dice rolled (the degree of successes needed) is a randomizer.

How does that change the distribution of the results?

Aren't you mixing up predictability (there are natural boundaries where predictability goes down) and randomness induced by the mechanic? It's only the latter I seek to control.
It changes the distribution thus:  You roll seven dice; you need to get 7 or higher to succeed on each.  If the required "degree of success" is 2 or more successes, then the distribution is 93.75% chance of net success; if it is 4 or more, the distribution is 50%; if it is 6 or more, the distribution is 6.25%.  This doesn't change either the number of dice rolled or the target number, yet the distribution (the chances) changes quite well.

How many successes 'are needed' affects the success probability.  How many dice are rolled affects the success probability.  The 'setting' for the target number affects the success probability.  That's three different 'dials' to affect the chances someone will have at success.  Each has a different character, some change variability, some don't.  The point is, when you make all three a part of your game, your asking the players (including gamemasters) to consider three different variables: How many dice do I use?  What is the target number this time?  And how many successes do I need?  Now multiply that by a factor of how many times a round of combat the participants will need to 'roll for success.'  (Double it if these rolls are opposed.)

Do you begin to see why I am cautioning the 'kitchen sink' approach?

Now let's say you lock in the target number (say at 7 or higher on 12) and the number of successes needed (1 is enough); every time a roll is needed, the player grabs his skill number of dice plus bonus dice, minus penalties.  One quick roll and the resolution sequence is complete.  The same scheme works with whatever is chosen as the singular dial to affect the probabilities.

Personally, I'm not fond of a game that requires the gamemaster to intervene in every resolution with target numbers, I have other things I want them doing rather than making all these judgment calls, but that's just personal bias.

Likewise, the main reason I posted here, in follow-up, was because I had never even thought of a resolution mechanic that locks dice pool and target number, varying probability by number of successes; it might even form the basis of a really good Fortune-in-the-Middle mechanic, if I do it right (you could save up 'extra successes' for later or borrow some).

Does that answer the question?

Fang Langford
Title: Re: Let Me Explain
Post by: Christoffer Lernö on October 03, 2002, 06:33:04 AM
Quote from: Le Joueur
I don't understand.  I gave an example of using 'degrees of successes' as the way of interpreting the dice.  It may have been heavily experimental, but I think it could be turned into a "randomizer" all by itself.

What I mean is. Pick up two d12's and we have what? 78 different outcomes, right? (Distributed unevenly though). Add the dies together and we only have 23. Set a target number and count successes and we are down to 3.

(let's ignore the complication of the d12 for now)

Basically what we have is a distribution with 78 different elements to start with. We can manipulate them in a lot of different ways, but we can't add any information to the whole thing. We *can* add external parameters but if they are predetermined by the situation, they only form a function though which we put grind the numbers the dice has given us.

Now, enter the degrees of success. The number depends on the target number, but this is a way of culling the 78 elements we start with. Do we want to have a wide distribution of numbers or not? At target number 6 we should be having the widest distribution and most balanced distribution.

What is "deciding on a degree of success necessary"? It's yet another way to select the numbers. It's just another function. The underlying randomness do not change.

Let me take an example. Let's say you cheat and put all the dice to read 5.

Does moving the number of dice, degrees of success or the target number introduce randomness into this system?

Not if those numbers are non-randomly determined. Of course if you determine degree of success needed by a another (different) die roll, then of course you are introducing randomness, but that comes from the die roll and not from anything else.

For another example, let's say you have to jump a chasm. If we don't look at how wide the cliff is, we'll get from the rolls a distribution of results which could be interpreted as how far the jump is... maybe 1 degree of success increases the range jumped by half a meter.

If I vary the size of the chasm, then the chance of me succeeding to cross safely varies. What doesn't vary is the distribution of my jump though. That is only dependent on the target number, the number of dice and what I roll.

Quote from: FangThat's three different 'dials' to affect the chances someone will have at success.  Each has a different character, some change variability, some don't.  The point is, when you make all three a part of your game, your asking the players (including gamemasters) to consider three different variables: How many dice do I use?  What is the target number this time?  And how many successes do I need?  Now multiply that by a factor of how many times a round of combat the participants will need to 'roll for success.'  (Double it if these rolls are opposed.)

The number of dice is never in question, you always use the same as your stat. What is the target number (this is the most unsatisfactory part)? Well that is determined of how favourable the conditions are. (I'd incidentally prefer to simply have 3 levels or so of increasingly high randomness. Having 11 levels of randomness is insanely detailed and not at all what I like). How many successes do I need? For the chasm example, quite easy: just answer how wide the chasm is. Or how good should a character be to be able to jump it under perfect conditions.

For opposed rolls it's even simpler. Here you put in the stats as number of dice. Choose a level of randomness and let them roll. Highest number of successes wins.

Static test:
* Determine relevant stat
* Determine circumstances (probably something like perfect=1, average=5, bad=9)
* Determine necessary degree of success

Opposed test:
* Determine relevant stat
* Determine circumstances

QuotePersonally, I'm not fond of a game that requires the gamemaster to intervene in every resolution with target numbers

Something I agree with, but I think a neat "roll up a target number" method in the GM section will do wonders for that.

QuoteNow let's say you lock in the target number (say at 7 or higher on 12) and the number of successes needed (1 is enough); every time a roll is needed, the player grabs his skill number of dice plus bonus dice, minus penalties. One quick roll and the resolution sequence is complete. The same scheme works with whatever is chosen as the singular dial to affect the probabilities.

Of course, this is completely ignoring the reason why I choose the resolution to work as it did in the first place.

If you roll x dice with target number 7. That's basically flipping a coin. What's the distribution of that?
1 coin: 50/50
2 coins: 0: 25% 1: 50% 2: 25%
3 coint: 0: 12.5% 1: 37.5% 2: 37.5% 3: 12.5%

and so on.

Basically the more dice the more spread out.

I've already written:

Quote from: Pale FireWhy is this important? Because this system is an adaption of the karma mechanics of higher than stat wins, lower than stat loses equal is 50-50. Turn the dial to 1 and you essentially have this system.

Now tell me how the coin system is helpful in this context? Why eliminate the dial which is the main feature of the mechanic?

Sorry Fang, I don't understand what you're suggesting.

* First I don't see the randomizing of the degree of success needed (which if I understand correctly is a thought for some other game, it's not a suggestin to me).

* Secondly I still don't see how the simplifications suggested would help achieving the goals for the resolution mechanic (look at earlier comments for a review of it).
Title: Re: Let Me Explain
Post by: Le Joueur on October 03, 2002, 04:38:10 PM
Quote from: Pale Fire
Quote from: Le JoueurI don't understand.  I gave an example of using 'degrees of successes' as the way of interpreting the dice.  It may have been heavily experimental, but I think it could be turned into a "randomizer" all by itself.
What I mean is. Pick up two d12's and we have what? 78 different outcomes, right? (Distributed unevenly though). Add the dice together and we only have 23. Set a target number and count successes and we are down to 3.
Ah, no.  Math is my strong suit; roll 2d12 and there are 144 possibilities, 12 doubles and half of the remaining 132 are simple reverses.  That does come out to 78, but the 78 number isn't all that useful for calculating probabilities.  The 23 is the total number of additive permutations and is actually less useful than the 78.

I don't get where you get the 3.  Are we talking pass-tie-fail?  Besides, I thought you were using a dice pool mechanic; each die succeeds or fails on its own.

Quote from: Pale FireBasically what we have is a distribution with 78 different elements to start with. We can manipulate them in a lot of different ways, but we can't add any information to the whole thing. We *can* add external parameters but if they are predetermined by the situation, they only form a function though which we put grind the numbers the dice has given us.

Now, enter the degrees of success. The number depends on the target number, but this is a way of culling the 78 elements we start with. Do we want to have a wide distribution of numbers or not? At target number 6 we should be having the widest distribution and most balanced distribution.

What is "deciding on a degree of success necessary"? It's yet another way to select the numbers. It's just another function. The underlying randomness does not change.

Does moving the number of dice, degrees of success or the target number introduce randomness into this system?
Okay.  I think I understand our contention.  It has to do with your peculiar use of the word "randomness."  In lay terms, you're talking about either the 'spread' of the probability distribution (the 23 permutations results in a straight-sided bell curve where there is only one chance in 144 of receiving either extreme roll).  Or you're talking about how 'flat' the distribution is (roll 1d12 and every number has an equal chance; roll 2d12 summed and 13 comes up 1 in 12 times, but 2 is 1 in 144).

What I was talking about was randomizers; these are systems of introducing a random factor.  A variable dice pool with a static target number needing only one success is one.  A static dice pool with a variable target number needing only one success is another.  A static dice pool with a static target number with a variable threshold of number of successes is a third.  Each has different probability characteristics.

Quote from: Pale FireIf I vary the size of the chasm, then the chance of me succeeding to cross safely varies. What doesn't vary is the distribution of my jump though. That is only dependent on the target number, the number of dice and what I roll.
I'm not sure why you aren't getting what I am trying to explain.  Any one of the randomizers provides a way to do exactly what you are describing.  The only difference is in interpreting the results.

Since the input of interpretation of any of them is based on the ability to jump for distance, each can be set up by the designer to provide a consistent distribution.  The distribution you're describing in this case would be a 'sweet spot' around which most of the jumpers leaps center.  Vary the width of the chasm and all you are doing it 'chopping off' part (or all) of this 'sweet spot.'  I know this intuitively looks like changing the target number (linear change to target number compares to linear distance change), but trust me, it will work just as well (using different mathematics) with either of the other systems.

Explaining exactly how, isn't probably necessary, but is highly technical.  I'd be happy to do so in Private Message, but I'm not going to belabor the mathematics here.  Suffice to say, this argument suggests that you should use a static number of dice in your pool; skill becomes the core target number and chasm width becomes a penalty.  I just don't see any justifiable mathematical reason to add the complexity of another function.number of successes in order to complete a task.  Determining what this threshold is, is yet another function.  That's three functions that must be employed on every roll.  I think that's a lot, especially when both the 'spread,' 'flatness,' and 'cut off' can be done with any single one of these functions mathematically.[/list:u]
Quote from: Pale FireThe number of dice is never in question, you always use the same as your stat. What is the target number (this is the most unsatisfactory part)? Well that is determined of how favorable the conditions are.
It is in question; the question is, "what's my skill for this action."  It may not come up with your group's social convention, but with playtesters and customers it will.

There is no single "unsatisfactory part."  The question (not a matter of satisfaction at all) is whether you understand the complexity you are introducing using three different functions on every roll.  I believe you have commented in the past that simplicity and speed are a plus; this three-part resolution scheme denies that implicitly.  But that's not my question.

It is what you want (knowing about this complexity)?

Quote from: Pale Fire(I'd incidentally prefer to simply have 3 levels or so of increasingly high randomness. Having 11 levels of randomness is insanely detailed and not at all what I like). How many successes do I need? For the chasm example, quite easy: just answer how wide the chasm is. Or how good should a character be to be able to jump it under perfect conditions.

For opposed rolls it's even simpler. Here you put in the stats as number of dice. Choose a level of randomness and let them roll. Highest number of successes wins.

Static test:
* Determine relevant stat
* Determine circumstances (probably something like perfect=1, average=5, bad=9)
* Determine necessary degree of success

Opposed test:
* Determine relevant stat
* Determine circumstances
My question is, why can't you do all this with one function?  The probability mathematics can certainly be tailored to have exactly the same conditions; is it necessary to do each of these things in a totally different fashion?

Quote from: Pale Fire
Quote from: Pale FireWhy is this important? Because this system is an adaptation of the karma mechanics of higher than stat wins, lower than stat loses equal is 50-50. Turn the dial to 1 and you essentially have this system.
Now tell me how the coin system is helpful in this context? Why eliminate the dial which is the main feature of the mechanic?

Sorry Fang, I don't understand what you're suggesting.
I'm suggesting sticking only with the "main feature" dial and skipping the other two 'dials.'  Believe me, I am halfway through a minor in math, we can tailor your "main feature" to do all you have required of the probabilities without using three separate functions.

Quote from: Pale Fire* First I don't see the randomizing of the degree of success needed (which if I understand correctly is a thought for some other game, it's not a suggesting to me).
We aren't "randomizing" the degree of success.  I'm suggesting that its an 'extra dial' you don't need to have the same mathematical distribution.  Making the "degree of success" requirement variable on top of the other functions is wasted complexity.  Pick one method, it can easily (and simply) be made to do what you want.  Which is the main feature?  Use that one.

Quote from: Pale Fire* Secondly I still don't see how the simplifications suggested would help achieving the goals for the resolution mechanic (look at earlier comments for a review of it).
Is complexity a goal for you?  Do you believe requiring three different mechanics for each test is necessary when it can easily be done with one?

Take this example: Static test:
* Determine relevant stat What's my stat for this test?  This equals the number of dice.
* Determine circumstances What's the difficulty for this test?  This equals the target number on the dice.
* Determine necessary degree of success How many successes do I need to succeed?  (If that doesn't sound redundant, I don't know what does.)  This determines the threshold of successes.

Static test, Scattershot style:
* Determine relevant stat What's my stat for this test?  This equals the target number.
* Determine circumstances What's the difficulty for this test?  This equals the modifier on the success rolled.
* Determine necessary degree of success The 'necessary amount' is pre-calculated as a modifier on the success rolled.

The dice pool is static 2d10, everything else are 'plusses and minuses' on the outcome.  Because it is summed, the sigmoid graph gives a 'non-flat' distribution.

I'm not attacking your system or your work.  Technically, I'm not attacking anything.  My style of discussion leans heavily on Aristotelian dialogue (the same thing that forms the basis of the American legal system).  You provide points, I provide counter-points, we let the jury (it's your system, you be the judge and jury) decide.  You're starting to respond a little defensively to what boils down to one question.

Do you realize how complicated this is?

If you do, I'm pleased.  If you understand and accept the workload you're putting on your gamemasters and players, I'm glad you got it right.  If you comprehend that all the same probabilities can be achieved with a simpler system mathematically and still have this preference, then I'll defend your system to anyone who argues with it.

However, if you think using three 'functions' where only one is necessary is easier, faster, or 'makes more sense' for everyone, then I just wanted to give you another perspective.

Fang Langford
Title: Gaah
Post by: Christoffer Lernö on October 03, 2002, 05:41:06 PM
Sorry for not quoting, but that thing you wrote just now was insanely cluttered. Maybe we're reaching a point where we should take this to pm. I'm not sure.


2d12 and 144 outcomes: Any nitwit can calculate that. What's interesting is the amount of information we have available in the system. Since we're not ordering the dice we have 78 DIFFERENT configurations. 12 doubles and 132 which are reverses, so we cut away the reduntant configurations and come to 78 different possible configurations. That means that no matter what function (well actually that is not quite true, but for practical purposes) you use to map these results to R you are not gonna have more than 78 blips on the friggin radar. :)

Now if we crank 2D12 through the fuction of
(Die>=target value is 1, otherwise value is 0), we will have 3 outcomes or values. 0, 1 or 2.

That's the 3 values I talk about. The chances of 0, 1 and 2 respectively might be unevenly distributed. The exact form of this distribution depends on the target number (for example with a 1 it would spike at 2).

What I am talking about is that no matter how you flip the "degree of success switch" back and forth you still won't get any more than 78 possible outcomes from the thing.

In fact, if you make a cut-off "This degree of success or more is success, the rest is failure", you reduce the possible value to 2: "Success" or "Failure"

I am not talking about the spread of the distribution nor the flatness of the distribution. Since the dice creates a discrete probability function there are a limited number of outcomes. The more possible outcomes, the less defined the results. The randomness I'm talking about is the entropy of the underlying system.

We can define the entropy of a finite state system pretty easily.

Now what happens when we box up states and make them identical is that we reduce the entropy of the system. My point is that we can't create new entropy by moving say the degree of successes needed.

The amount of entropy is dependent on the # of dice. How much entropy that is cut away is later determined by the target #. After that we can reduce entropy once more by declaring the result as being either a win or a loss. From a system with many states we reduce it to a simple two-state one. Each of these states will have a percetile die associated with it. That's all the info that is left.

Anyway, my point is that unless you can't introduce more entropy by running it through a function like the degrees of success.

Then it's the whole thing about introducing complexity. While it is not perfect, where is the harm in this:

GM: The chasm is right in front of you.

Player: Hey a chasm, I want to jump it.

GM: Ok, roll movement with unsure footing. Uhm it's 5 meter across so you need (look up distance) 4 successes.

Player: ok I roll my 4 dice with target for unsure footing (5, it says so on the character sheet or something)

Player: 8, 5, 7, 11. Oh, all 4 successful.

GM: Ok, you sail over, barely making it to the other side.

Which is not very different from the rolling damage dice:

GM: Ok roll for damage, his Toughness is 7

Player: Ok, my damage rating is 5. Cool. 11, 2, 5, 7. Two successes for two wound points.

GM: He whipers and falls to the floor as his blood starts looking for a new place to hang out.

Now give me an explanation what's so horrendously complicated with this again.

Oh, I'm quoting something here:

QuoteI'm suggesting sticking only with the "main feature" dial and skipping the other two 'dials.'  Believe me, I am halfway through a minor in math, we can tailor your "main feature" to do all you have required of the probabilities without using three separate functions.

WHAT THE HECK would the "main feature" be? Something which already incorporated all conditions?

The "jump over 5 meter chasms with unsure footing conditions" skill?

Sure. But doesn't it seem easier to simply have a dial so you can use the same skill for all conditions simply by inputing a value? Or make it useful for other things than jumping also by turning a dial. Or make it possible to use the same rating to calculate chances of jumping 6 meter and 4 meter as well?

I don't quite see the simplicity in making all possible permutations in the skill list just to have a single knob.

QuoteTake this example: Static test:
* Determine relevant stat What's my stat for this test?  This equals the number of dice.
* Determine circumstances What's the difficulty for this test?  This equals the target number on the dice.
* Determine necessary degree of success How many successes do I need to succeed?  (If that doesn't sound redundant, I don't know what does.)  This determines the threshold of successes.

You're assuming it works like Shadowrun. The target number is not and has never been the difficulty for the test. From the beginning I have stated that this is the dial to see how random the situation is.

Dials: Player Skill, Randomness, Difficulty

Are are really two of these redundant Fang?

And what workload am I putting on the GM Fang? I just don't see it. You want to set a task that a person with stat value x can succeed with most of the time? Set the required degree of success to that level.

Can an average person do it almost all of the time? If yes, set it (degree of success required) to 3, and so on and so on.
Title: Going to PM
Post by: Le Joueur on October 03, 2002, 06:10:09 PM
Quote from: Pale FireSorry for not quoting, but that thing you wrote just now was insanely cluttered. Maybe we're reaching a point where we should take this to pm.
As this is turning harshly defensive, I'm taking it to PM.  If anyone else wants an explanation of the complexity Pale Fire is missing, request it there.

Happy to be of service.

Fang Langford
Title: Ygg Action Resolution again (Concessions and Stuff?)
Post by: Walt Freitag on October 03, 2002, 06:15:45 PM
Hi Christoffer,

QuoteThe target number is not and has never been the difficulty for the test. From the beginning I have stated that this is the dial to see how random the situation is.

This, though, is the problem. For unopposed rolls, for any given setting of all the other dials, a higher target number always decreases the probability of success. Always. In some cases, quite dramatically.

Increasing randomness (spreading out the outcome distribution) should always mean that the probability of success moves closer to 50%. If it starts out below 50%, it should increase. If it starts out above 50%, it should decrease. If it starts out at 50%, it should stay the same. Your randomness dial doesn't do that. For unopposed rolls, your randomness knob always decreases the probability of success when increased and increases the probability of success when decreased.

Regardless of whether you agree or disagree with Fang's objections in principle to including a separate knob for variance (I don't agree with it, though I do agree with many of his individual points), your randomness dial is broken. It doesn't do what it should do.

Can we put aside the talk of entropy and functions and focus on that point for a while?

The fact that what it does do (in unopposed rolls) is always make success less likely when increased is why Fang and I feel justified in calling it a difficulty setting, even if that's not what you intend it to be. And that's also why it appears to be redundant with the other (number of successes required) difficulty dial in the system.

- Walt
Title: The randomness dial
Post by: Christoffer Lernö on October 04, 2002, 01:36:27 AM
Ok Walt, fair enough.

Well, I envision it as "hidden unfavourable conditions dial" for static tests. One might think it would move up as well as down (acually that is possible if the crit value follows the target number in reverse. For example, the crit is usually at 12 and target at 1, then if I increase my target to 3, maybe crit is on 10+), but I see this as unwanted design.

I assume the randomness only include hidden disadvantages, but I think this is actually a fair assumption.

For those situations where external condiditions can only improve the situations I already have the crit at 12.

To make this more clear, let's look at two examples:

I slip because it's muddy
If the target number is higher than 1 then that is a valid explanation for the reduction in success.

I jump further because of having the wind at my back
This situation can occur if you roll a lot of 12's

I find that in most situations, our performance is not randomly distributed. In fact there is a "standard level" which we usually perform at. If we try really hard we can push this forward. The distribution of an olympic long jump for example would only come from the 12's. I'd assume the conditions were good enough for target #1

So actually, in most cases you'd be using target number 1.

There are only a few cases when the randomizer would be kicking in. The characteristic situation is when we have unknown, random disadvantages.

Let's say A and B are both rolling to discover an ambush. Now in a perfect experiment A is better than B. Let them sit down in a cube and perform some psychological experiment and A is constantly gonna beat B.

On the other hand, what if they are riding down a path, together with others?

A might be engaged in a conversation. B might be distracted by the beautiful princess riding next to him.

To the GM, the exact circumstances are unknown but they MIGHT be negative.

However, if the GM already knows the circumstances, then he/she simply adjusts the degree of success needed and turn the knob to 1.

So we have scenarios:

Many possible negative modifiers, GM does not want to choose: Fixed degree of success needed, turn the randomness knob.

Negative modifiers but known by the GM. Adjusted degree of success, turn off the randomness.

Perfect conditions. Fixed degree of success needed, turn off te randomness.

Advantageous position. Adjusted degree of success, turn off the randomness.

What's "missing" is: "Many possible unknown positive modifiers" which is what I think is the core at your opposition to it Walt? (And the combined condition "Many possible unknown positiveand negative modifiers)

Well, I think that this situation simply does not occur very often. Except in role playing games as a result of the flawed randomness model.

I guess my assumptions can be summed up by

* You usually perform at your peak level or less than your peak level
* Major random situational modifiers are always negative

The exception of "beyond the usual" performance is covered by the crit on 12. Does that make it any clearer?
Title: Ygg Action Resolution again (Concessions and Stuff?)
Post by: Walt Freitag on October 04, 2002, 03:58:28 PM
Thanks, that really clarifies your intent. "Hidden unfavorable conditions" is an unusual meaning for "randomness" which is why I was misinterpreting the intended effect of that dial.

The "missing" condition "Many possible unknown positive and negative modifiers" is exactly what the variance inherent in most systems (and in human performance bell curves) is supposed to represent.

Your model of performance:
* You usually perform at your peak level or less than your peak level
* Major random situational modifiers are always negative

is therefore very different from most, in which the primary statistic represents the mean rather than the peak. Knowing what this model actually is, I can at least try to work those dials correctly.

What remains is the actual mathematical behavior. Let's say I have a skill of 7. This should be pretty good, considering that it allows me, under ideal conditions, to succeed in things that "almost no one can do" more than half the time. (Presumably, almost no one can do them even when their conditions are ideal.)

Turn that randomness knob to 11, and now I have only a one in three chance to do something that "anyone can do." (The chance of getting zero successes or one success in the roll is about 66.6%, and that's taking into account the exploding twelves.) I would have a less than 2% chance of reaching a degree of success 4 (I'd have to take three or four concessions most of the time). I can certainly imagine conditions under which this severe a shifting of the odds might take place, but I can't imagine them happening very often, and even more important, I can't imagine them happening without the GM "choosing" by providing some in-world explanation. "Okay, the odds are against my veteran archer hitting a target at twenty paces that even an untrained person with a bow could normally hit... and why is that? Oh, there's a hurricane-force crosswind blowing. I see." But isn't that now a known factor, best implemented by raising the straight difficulty (successes required)?

The remaining issue here is not (now that the math matches the model as described) one of mathematical validity, but of end-user usability. Having two different difficulty dials that interact in mathematically complex ways makes it likely that GMs will make bad rulings.

For example, a superhumanly skilled (skill 9) archer wants to shoot the flying Smaug in the one vulnerable spot on his stomach. Wouldn't most GMs look at the situation and say, "OK, this is a degree of difficulty 8, because only the extremely skilled could do it, and it's randomness 11 because it's a chaotic scene just filled with random factors (wind, fire, wild flight, panic)"? That makes the chance of success, to a very high degree of precision, zero. Unless the player could think up the five or six concessions that would most likely be needed to bring about a success, he's hosed. ("Um, I take extra time to aim, and, um, I fire the Perfect Arrow that I've been saving all these years, and, um, I stand right in the dragon's path to get the best angle, so if I miss he'll flame me for sure... what? Three more?!")

Even a randomness of 6 would make an outright success very unlikely (about a 2% chance).

It would, I fear, require a GM with an unusually analytical mind to evaluate the situation and say:

"This is a shot that almost no one could make, so it's degree-of-success 8, but there's very low randomness here because the archer is concerned only with the target and, despite the motion and the fire and the chaos, it's mostly his pure skill that will decide the issue."

Or perhaps say:

"There are all kinds of wildly random factors going on here, so the randomness is 11. But, if it weren't for those random factors -- if the dragon were a stationary target at the distance where the archer intends to loose the arrow, and there wasn't all that fire and smoke and wind and panic, then it would actually be a relatively easy shot, so the degree-of-success needed is 3."

Yet, that (one or the other, or some even more counterintuitive middle ground between the two, such as "sucky conditions + degree of difficulty not everyone can do it" -- randomness 6, degree of success 4 -- which badly de-dramatizes the situation) is exactly what the GM must do here to make the system work.

- Walt

[edited to fix a typo "on" instead of "one" which made a sentence difficult to parse]
Title: Ygg Action Resolution again (Concessions and Stuff?)
Post by: Walt Freitag on October 04, 2002, 04:00:37 PM
Sorry, erroneous post deleted.

- Walt
Title: Ygg Action Resolution again (Concessions and Stuff?)
Post by: Christoffer Lernö on October 04, 2002, 05:10:47 PM
Walt, can I sum up your comment as: "Hmm... you should look into the behaviour of the varying conditions before you commit to it"

It's a valid complaint. The definition of "sucky" conditions was fairly liberal.

If we look at a "good" stat of 6. A useful sub-division of that would be:

"On average 6"
"On average 4"
"On average 2"

These would correspond to 1, 5 and 9 for target numbers. Alternatively one level each of 1, 3, 5, 7, 9 putting the average on 6, 5, 4, 3 and 2 respectively (ignoring the exploding 12)

Let's look at that and see if the behaviour is better:

    1    3    5    7    9   11
0   0%  <1%  <1%   2%   9%  33%
1   0%  <1%   2%   9%  24%  37%
2   0%  <1%   7%  20%  30%  20%
3   0%   4%  18%  27%  22%   7%
4   0%  15%  28%  23%  11%   2%
5   0%  31%  26%  13%   4%  <1%
6  59%  31%  14%   5%  <1%  <1%
7  30%   3%   5%   1%  <1%  <1%
8   9%  <1%   1%  <1%  <1%  <1%
9   2%  <1%  <1%  <1%  <1%  <1%

The randomness is useful about up to 5 or maybe 7, then quality fairly quickly goes gravitates towards zero and as you point out Walt, this makes decisions pretty hard for the GM.

At the first two levels, say 1, 3 and 5 however it seems to be useful. However, it looks a little broken none the less. The question is: Is it acceptable even if the randomness used only involve these first three target numbers (1, 3 and 5)?
Title: Ygg Action Resolution again (Concessions and Stuff?)
Post by: Christoffer Lernö on October 04, 2002, 06:13:12 PM
Following a discussion with Fang by PM, we kinda figured out I left a little too much out of that the posting to be clear with that it was for.
Although Walt seem to have gotten what I mean, I apologize for the unnecessary confusion.
Title: Ygg Action Resolution again (Concessions and Stuff?)
Post by: Walt Freitag on October 04, 2002, 06:30:30 PM
I think you could make a pretty good case for randomness up to 7. If you look at the distributions in your chart, you can see that raising the randomness at first widens the distribution of outcomes (as the likely number of failures increases), then it narrows it again (as failures come to predominate and the whole distribution is driven toward zero). It's at 7 where each die has a 50-50 roll, so it makes sense that that's where the widest distribution (the most actual randomness) occurs, though I haven't proven this analytically. Beyond that, the variation in the outcomes is decreasing, so it's no longer in any sense an increasing randomness dial, just an increasing difficulty dial.

It's also relatively easy for GMs and players to undestand that a maximum randomness of 7 means half the expected degree of success on average.

There's an interesting effect with regard to the skill level. The higher the skill, the more dice are being rolled, so the more consistently center-weighted the outcome becomes. At randomness 7, a character with skill 3 still has (disregarding the exploding twelves for the time being) a 12.5% chance of performing at his maximum. A character with skill 6 has only a 1.6% chance of performing at his maximum. However, the higher skill will still outperform the lower, so maybe this isn't much of a problem.

There's another way you could do the randomness that appears to give more precise control and gives more benefits for higher skill.

Set a randomness, from zero (lowest) to (some max to be decided later).

If skill <= randomness, roll d12s equal to your skill, each 7+ is a success.

If skill > randomness, roll d12s equal to the randomness, add (skill - randomness).

In other words, randomness turns some portion of your skill number from guaranteed successes into 50-50 successes. At zero randomness, your skill translates directly into your success. When the randomness equals your skill or higher, you must roll 50-50 for each success.

At skill 7, randomness 3: I get 4 successes + the roll of 3 dice.

At a given randomness, a character with skill 7 has the same chance of performing at full effectiveness as a character with skill 3. At a randomness of 3, a character with skill 7 will always perform with at least a degree of success of 4.

The randomness number then directly represents the maximum possible decrease in degree of success due to the randomness factors. Half the randomness number is the average expected decrease in degree of success (for characters whose skill is at least equal to the randomness). You can represent unknown positive factors (e.g. a luck spell) by subtracting the randomness from the degree-of-success difficulty, and you can represent an equal mix of unknown positive and negative factors (e.g. for fishing or hunting) by subtracting half the randomness from the degree-of-success difficulty.

- Walt
Title: Ygg Action Resolution again (Concessions and Stuff?)
Post by: Christoffer Lernö on October 05, 2002, 04:39:48 AM
Quote from: wfreitagBeyond that, the variation in the outcomes is decreasing, so it's no longer in any sense an increasing randomness dial, just an increasing difficulty dial.
You're absolutely right. Well that takes care of that. 1, 3, 5, 7 seems like good presets for the target number.

Still not a really slick mechanic but I guess I'll survive. And maybe later I can find something to replace it with.

QuoteThere's an interesting effect with regard to the skill level. The higher the skill, the more dice are being rolled, so the more consistently center-weighted the outcome becomes.

Well, you can look at it as a percentage thing. For a skill 3 to perform as skill 2... that's a 33% decrease. However, dropping one step from 6 to 5 is only a 17% decrease. (dropping from 6 to 4 however is a 33% decrease. The probability to roll either 6 or 5 is together about 17%)

On the other hand the benefits of exploding 12s is also higher for the level 6 skill. So basically, the mobility of the performance up and down is a percentage of the stat and not an absolute modifier.

If this is a desired thing or not, that's an open question.

QuoteThere's another way you could do the randomness that appears to give more precise control and gives more benefits for higher skill.

I don't know if this is inherently better or worse. I also had this early idea of adding random version of the stats. So you might have:

Strength 6.

Then you also wrote 4+1D2 and 2+1D4. Looking something like:

Strength 6 (4+1D2/2+1D4)

So for random situations you would use the random stats instead of the fixed ones. Not that the above was a good idea. The distribution sucked. But if you had stats a few magnitudes bigger then one could do something out of it.

Still, the main reason I'm not looking too seriously into alternatives yet is that my biggest motivation to choose this particular method is that it looks like the wound mechanics. It's either that or looking like the fighting mechanics roll (of a single D12) but I'm unsure of how to tweak the latter into giving the same dials. I felt that being able to get all these dials out of the mechanic was little more than a happy concidence.
Title: Ygg Action Resolution again (Concessions and Stuff?)
Post by: Walt Freitag on October 05, 2002, 05:09:34 AM
What I'm not sure of is whether or not randomness=7 is also the most random (maximum chance of an upset for the character with the lower skill) for opposed rolls, or whether that chance keeps increasing all the way up to randomness=11. That's a bit more complex calculation. (I'll look at it tomorrow, if you haven't already worked it out by then.)

- Walt
Title: Ygg Action Resolution again (Concessions and Stuff?)
Post by: Christoffer Lernö on October 05, 2002, 05:36:39 AM
Walt, for opposed rolls it keeps going until 11.

Like this (approximate values. I don't feel like calculating stuff so I ran it through a computer program with 10000 rolls, so it might be off with a small percentage):

Target 3
4 vs 3: 83%
5 vs 3: 95%
6 vs 3: 98%
7 vs 3: 99.5%

Target 7
4 vs 3: 67%
5 vs 3: 79%
6 vs 3: 87%
7 vs 3: 92%

Target 11
4 vs 3: 60%
5 vs 3: 67%
6 vs 3: 73%
7 vs 3: 77%

Still, I don't know if this effect (with target 11 even more randomizing) really make things worthwhile (I mean, I don't think I need to include it).
What really are the situations where my mother (Strength 3) would have a 23% chance of beating Arnold Schwartznegger (Strength 7) in a strenght contest?