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Inactive Forums => Scattershot => Topic started by: Le Joueur on February 13, 2003, 07:12:58 PM

Title: The Official Scattershot Reading List
Post by: Le Joueur on February 13, 2003, 07:12:58 PM
This is The Official Scattershot Reading List.  As a Forum 'topper,' I intend to keep modifying it's content to keep it as up-to-date as possible; feel free to add comments below (just make sure when coming to the thread cold that you acknowledge I may correct things per your request).  This is as close as we are to a playable version of Scattershot; use at your own risk.  (But please tell me about it!)

First the Crunchy Bits:Just the Mechanix ( used to reach group consensus of 'what happens' in the game.
The (preliminary) UE Chart ( to encode/decode 'normal things' to game system entities.
Scattershot Gaming Model ( to basically steer 'how to play.'[/list:u]Then there's all those pesky Emergent Techniques:Genre Expectations ( are the 'blueprint' for each game.
Who's in Charge? ( talks about some of the game-specific social dynamics.
Challenge and King Solomon's Auction ( for settling participant disputes.
Creating Detail ( talks about the interface between Mechanix and imagination.
The Suspense is Killing Me ( introduces some of the basics of keeping play interesting.
Experience Dice and Genre Expectations ( shows how the Mechanix keep the game 'focused' and some of how Approaches are kept consistent.[/list:u]
How to Handle Personae:Sine Qua Non ( says what you want as a player (via your primary Proprietorship).
(The Gaming Model and) an Ambitious Approach... ( goes into more detail about how to interface different 'styles of play.'
Mystiques and Intrigue ( introduces the 'meat' of play.[/list:u]
And from 'The Old Days' (Nearly an Emergent Technique):Ye ole' Dynamic Status Quo ( is an article about game management.[/list:u][/list:u]Finally a Few Examples:Here is our first example of combat ( in Scattershot, hot off our 'development' website.

Here's one about using Star Wars: A New Hope as an example of 'non-control' gamemastering ( and then further exploration of this style ([/list:u]You'll also need to find or make a Genre Expectation.  I've got four in the works, publicly (and I really need to pick that up where I left off), they are:Cosmic Zap! ( - Ron Edwards' look at seventies space comics.
Explorative Science Fiction ( - Mike Holmes' conversion of his current Traveller, his GURPS Space, his home brew?
An Angle on Angels ( - A look at being the agents in a 'secret Armageddon.'
'Not Quite' Jack in the Beanstalk ( for gaming in the lands of western færie tales.[/list:u]According to one of our editors, all you'll need after these is a bit on the MIB mechanisms and a nice rundown of the basic rolls in Scattershot and you'll be ready to play.  I'll get right on that one...sometime...soonish.  Yeah, right; how fast does grass grow?

Fang Langford