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Inactive Forums => Destroy All Games => Topic started by: unodiablo on September 28, 2001, 08:51:00 PM

Title: Destroy All Games
Post by: unodiablo on September 28, 2001, 08:51:00 PM
Hi Forgers & CoRE members,

Just a little note to let you know I've put up a (terrible) site with my two games on it; Dead Meat, and 2 Page Action Movie RPG.

The link on Jared's site is still good for Dead Meat. Just trying to get into this web page design thing. Something tells me geocities isn't the way to go. :smile:

The new version of Dead Meat could be done in a week or two. Now if I could just round up some players. (sigh)

Title: Destroy All Games
Post by: unodiablo on November 08, 2001, 04:45:00 PM
Just a quick update...

'Two Page Action Movie RPG' has been updated. I changed the target number for feature characters & villians, and adjusted the text accordingly.

We played this week, and it worked great! I'll post an update after next weeks' session in Actual Play. Is anyone interested in my Plot sheets for adventures? I could turn those into .html and post them easily enough. They could be used for Feng Shui, Extreme Vengeance, and HKAT! as well.

I've also added an .rtf character sheet for 2PAM on the site as well.


[ This Message was edited by: unodiablo on 2001-11-08 11:45 ]