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General Forge Forums => Publishing => Topic started by: Michael Hopcroft on October 24, 2003, 08:58:28 PM

Title: Ads for sale or exchange
Post by: Michael Hopcroft on October 24, 2003, 08:58:28 PM
My next book, Steel Roses, has  a scheudled street date (that is, the date the PDF will be uploaded to RPGNow ( of November 15th, and it looks like it will have evry indication of being on time. It's a relatively small book, but it's the first new HeartQuest release since Diceless. And i wanted to try something different with this book, and build my links to some other publishers who could use a boost.

I'm going to start putting ads and promo pieces in the back of my books, both PDF and print. Most of them will be for Seraphim guard products, for obvious reasons, but I also want to showcase some of the other publishers out there. I don't want to put in too many at the risk of alienating my reader, but I do want to include a few ads for a few different games that people might otherwise miss.

So here's the deal. Publishers who are interested in this sort of "product placement" can contact me. If we can agree to terms, that is an exchange of either advertising or money, then you will be asked so send me a full-page B&W/Greyscale TIF file containing your ad in 150+ dpi resoultion. We can arrange the details at the time. If you want to just pay cash for the ad, we can work out the details of how much cash is due when we talk. If you;d rather do a swap, then I'll ahve my layout guru prepare an ad for a current or future Seraphi Guard product and send it to you under the same conditions by a method of your choosing.

Call it a sort of mutual back-scratching among the small presses in this industry, especially the ones who rely on the internet for distribution.