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General Forge Forums => Conventions => Topic started by: DaGreatJL on December 04, 2003, 06:25:14 PM

Title: Anybody going to Dundracon?
Post by: DaGreatJL on December 04, 2003, 06:25:14 PM
Hey, I know it's a little early, but I was wondering if any other Forgites were planning on going to Dundracon in February. I'd like to get a chance to play with some of the other people from this forum, if possible.
Title: With bells On!
Post by: Michael Hopcroft on December 13, 2003, 10:47:25 AM
I'll be at DunDraCon. I have the time off, I have the flight and hoytel reserved, and I may have a game running (if it gets approved). For me, it's mainly a business trip in which I will be metting with some clients.

If my HeartQuest Slayers game is approved, I'm sure that you might be able to sign up for it somehow. I perosnally am hoping that I get into one of Doc Cross' legenedary TOON games, but somehow I doubt that will happen (it never does). If past experience is any indication, I'll be lucky to get into any of the games I want. Even my own.

I also applied to do a seminar.
Title: Hmmmmmmmm
Post by: Dregg on December 16, 2003, 09:00:44 PM
Arg! I'm on the wrong coast now...
I'm going to see if I can get the west coast half of Chapter 13 Press to participate.
I used to be a regular at Dundracon, brings back fond memories.

Title: Anybody going to Dundracon?
Post by: James Holloway on January 08, 2004, 11:37:20 PM
I'll be there, although probably not on Valentine's day. I'll be running some minis games, but apart from that my time's my own.
Title: Anybody going to Dundracon?
Post by: PeterAdkison on January 19, 2004, 10:56:02 PM
I'll be at DunDraCon, but only Sun night and Monday. I'm playing in a Wushu game at midnight Sun evening, it's being organized by Ross Winn. Monday I'll mainly be staffing the Gen Con booth (we're going to most of the southwestern US shows this year to promote Gen Con So Cal). Given the time constraints I probably won't be able to add another game, but please come by and say hi!
Title: Anybody going to Dundracon?
Post by: Ulmo on January 22, 2004, 09:14:22 PM
I should be there most of the convention.  Though I didnt get a game into the schedule I plan on trying out My Life with Master.   Probably better to do it this way anyway.  I dont think I could handle the normal 8-10 players that you get at a DunDraCon game.  

Jim Shumaker
Title: Anybody going to Dundracon?
Post by: tldenmark on February 04, 2004, 10:22:37 PM
Quote from: UlmoI dont think I could handle the normal 8-10 players that you get at a DunDraCon game.  Jim Shumaker

I love Dundracon, but I stopped volunteering to run RPG's because 10 player games are just too much for me to handle!

I still run other non-rpg events to get my free pass in. I'll be running a Dungeoneer tournament on Saturday at 5pm.