Hi all,
I'll be at Philcon this weekend demoing BW and supporting the Forge. If anyone lives in the area and wants to come out and hang around our table and pitch/demo Sorcerer, Universalis, MLwM, Pax Draconis, FVLMINATA or anything else you have handy, let me know or just come on by!
Supposedly we have a table, but I am getting the sense that Philcon isn't that focused on gaming (though Philly does have a great gaming scene. Wierd).
Quote from: Below is my ad/post from rpg.net:
The murderous, cutthroat and all around swell Burning Wheel demo team (Dro, Abzu, Tae Poong and Eruditus) will be at Philcon (http://www.philcon.org) in scenic Philadelphia this weekend.
We'll be running our melee demos, Poisonous Ambition and Eruditus' wild and new Burning Wheel Arena!
Come on by on saturday and join the mayhem.
Well, Philcon was interesting. It's 99% a SciFi con, focusing (nearly) entirely on its panels and guests.
No gaming track to speak of, simply an open gaming room. No schedule posted, no mention of it in the program (beyond the location on a map).
Despite it all, I ran BW demos all day saturday (and for a few hours sunday) for interested parties. Sales were, um, slow. Only three sets.
And there really wasn't a proper place or a way to set up the Forge stuff. So I struck out on that end.
In my defense I have to say that I was led to believe that Philcon was going to be a bigger gaming con than it was. Ah well, we'll try different tactics next time around.
But never fear, much conventioneering coming up this winter! Vericon, Recess, Ubercon all in January and February.