@ i recently fell in love with Wikipedia and the whole wiki idea.
@ How does one go about starting a Wiki site? Let's write out a "How to Start a Wiki for RPG"
So far i have....
1) Get a Domain Name - Use one of the many Domain Registration services to secure the name you want. How this is done is beyond the scope of this project.
2) Get a Host - Find a web host that will support your site. It may be possible to combine steps 1 and 2 by finding a site that will host and let you pick a name under their domain. How this is done is beyond the scope of this project.
3) Get a Wiki that your host can support and install it.
If you've got a host that supports PHP, PmWiki (http://www.pmichaud.com/pmwiki/) is pretty damn great. I'm using it to power the entire Anvilwerks site.
For me, part of using the Wiki was deciding how to structure it. PmWiki supports categories, which helped. By blocking off an Anvilwerks category, and making it editable by me, I was able to add new categories, like the RPG Laboratory, which anyone can use.
Quote from: Clinton R. NixonIf you've got a host that supports PHP, PmWiki (http://www.pmichaud.com/pmwiki/) is pretty damn great. I'm using it to power the entire Anvilwerks site.
@ Thanks. My boss has server space and it runs PHP already... so i might be in luck there.