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[Dead Inside] How long to create a character?

Started by chadu, February 26, 2004, 05:53:47 AM

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Out of curiosity, I'm wondering if any Forge-folk out there who've purchased or played Dead Inside could give me a read on how long it took you to create a character? (In my drafting and playtest phases, it only took me a minute or two to whip out characters; playtesters reported five to ten minutes; I'd like to hear how it's working "in the wild.")

Thank you,

Chad Underkoffler []

Atomic Sock Monkey Press

Available Now: Truth & Justice


It took me about half an hour to whip out two characters for the session I ran recently, and that was the first time I'd written up characters. A lot of that was scribbling down some background.


Quote from: BryantIt took me about half an hour to whip out two characters for the session I ran recently, and that was the first time I'd written up characters. A lot of that was scribbling down some background.

15 minutes a pop, with prose background write-up, first time out of the gate, right?

Not too bad.

Chad Underkoffler []

Atomic Sock Monkey Press

Available Now: Truth & Justice