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Origins of TROS

Started by Malechi, February 29, 2004, 07:46:15 AM

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Jake Norwood

Quote from: StephenOut of designers' curiosity, Jake, what were your influences for TROS?  Why did you make the design choices you did?  Why a Priorities chargen system rather than, say, universal point-build like GURPS or HERO?  Questions like that.

No intent of criticism involved -- I just like reading about how ideas travel from one work to another.


(oh, Hi Joel! Good to see you)

Influences? Maybe every game I every played? I dunno...

The priority system was chosen because it embodied the design philosophy of TROS: you have to choose, but not without sacrificing something else. I believe the idea was from Shadowrun. It's also faster than point-systems, which is a big thing with me.

Combat: primary influence was a game called Dzikie Pola, from Poland. It was rough, but had some great ideas.

Dice: Probably more a Wick thing than a WW thing.  WW was, in fact, a game system I tried very, very hard NOT to take any influence from. I originally had a roll 1d10 sort of mechanic, but loads of dice made the math easier and gave a tactile sensation.

I'm not sure that anything else was an overt issue, except maybe some of the mood form WFRP.

"Civilized men are more discourteous than savages because they know they can be impolite without having their skulls split, as a general thing." -R.E. Howard The Tower of the Elephant