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What if Elfworld looked like this...

Started by tldenmark, September 22, 2001, 05:18:00 AM

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Jason L Blair

Ooooh, I like pictures.

Very nice, man. Very nice.

Jason L Blair
Writer, Game Designer

Ron Edwards


The art is beautiful, of course, and I rather like the idea of all the art in Elfworld being regal, classical, gorgeous ... and not at all overtly "evil" in a stereotypical sense.

See what I mean? Here you are, reading about these awful, horrible, way too powerful bastards, and looking at these classical-ideal portraits and scenes. I really like the cognitive dissonance that generates.

My only concern is how well the art translates to the medium of paper and print - at least the piece you have posted would seem best on glossy/plate paper. Does it print well in black & white, on plain paper?



On 2001-09-24 10:20, Ron Edwards wrote:
My only concern is how well the art translates to the medium of paper and print - at least the piece you have posted would seem best on glossy/plate paper. Does it print well in black & white, on plain paper?

RPG's usually demand line art because their budgets are very tight, and they need something that reproduces well on cheaper quality printing.

Fortunately I've worked in printing long enough to have picked up a few tricks.  This piece was done in watercolor with Pen & ink, and contrast pushed in Photoshop.

1. Watercolor reproduces beautifully, it just does.
2. Pen & Ink lines holds the drawing together, even if some of the subtler tones drop out.
3. Photoshop manipulation will help the image have enough contrast.

BTW.  I wish I could have done the cover art for Sorcerer.  Love that game!




I want to be you when I grow up!


Jürgen Mayer

Very nice pic, Thomas! I like the watercolor style. If you can get this printed in such a quality, go for it!

Jürgen Mayer
Jürgen Mayer
Disaster Machine Productions

Kyle Voltti

When they speak their voices are the sound of dried leaves blown by the wind. Their skin, cold to the touch, is as brittle as paper thin glass and as hard and unyielding as steel.  As their eyes peer at you, you try to shrink in on yourself to try to will yourself to disappear from their view.  Their words, thick and syrupy, pour over you like silk and fill you with an all consuming unnamable dread. You stare at the floor, sweat pouring from your brow, as you try, desperately, to cling to any sliver of hope that you might be saved.  They caress your cheek and you want to scream and run but your body betrays you. Your mind races franticly remembering the prayers your mother taught you to keep you safe in the dark.  Trying to retain that last thread of sanity.  They raise your face to meet theirs. Your mind screams,  "God, why do they draw it out? Why can't they just kill me?  Please don't let them make me look into their eyes. Don't let them look into my soul.  Don't let them know all of me." As your eyes meet theirs your mouth opens in a silent cry and you finally understand.  You never had a chance.  There was never any hope.  You were theirs the moment they saw you.  It's the last thing you ever think.

That's what I think of when I think of the Elves and I have to say, admittedly not having seen any of your other elves, that this style is really good for conveying that sense of beauty and all consuming fear.
Kyle Voltti