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Retailer Survey Results From GTS2004

Started by HinterWelt, April 08, 2004, 04:12:36 AM

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I posted this over on RPG.Net and I thought people might be interested over here also even if the tier system does not interest.

We finally have compiled the retailer surveys from GTS 2004. The" target="_blank"> results are interesting to say the least. As I thought, we are in the wrong business (RPGs) :-D. CCGs and Miniatures (including clicky) dominate the results. No big surprise their but an interesting factoid anyway. Also, I was a little surprised at the 86% responding that they carry indie titles. A useful one for manufacturers is the majority of respondents say they hear of new product through Distributors and from customers. Tells you to keep in contact with those distributors!

HinterWelt Enterprises
The Next Level in RPGs
William E. Corrie III