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The Questing Beast

Started by James V. West, December 23, 2001, 01:12:00 PM

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James V. West

Hey all!

First off, I hope everyone is having a fantastic holiday season.

I posted the first draft of The Questing Beast. I'm posting about here just in case you didn't see the post about it in my forum.

Here's the link:

Keep in mind this IS a rough draft. Slam my writing, slam the system, slam the art...hit me. Just tell me what you think.

James V. West


Hi James,

I read Questing Beast and liked it. The premise is a nice one, but I do wonder why you chose the Arthurian period with its stock NPCs... the era has its draws of-course, with chivalry, treachery, magic and a magial, epic sweep. Its just that I think the over-done Arthurian interpretations may get in the way of the player's own stories.

The art-work is OK. But I think could be moreevocative of your game's mood. For paper publication a few larger pieces would also help the game.


Paul Elliott

Zozer Game Designs: Home to ultra-lite game The Ladder, ZENOBIA the fantasy Roman RPG, and Japanese cyberpunk game ZAIBATSU, Cthulhu add-ons, ancient Greeks and more -  //

James V. West

Thanks for the comments, Mithras.

Actually, I don't think the Arthurian theme is limiting at all. If you read the romances, most of the time King Arthur is merely in the background providing a solid focal point. He's the hub at the wheel. The stories involve all these different knights who go on quests either for the King, because of the King, or completely independent of him. There is no limitation as to story style, content, or direction. Anything goes. Its pure fantasy.

The artwork is loose and fast. That's how I usually work. I also do some very tight and detailed work but not often. My preference is to get the exaggeration and the emotion in there.




At one point you give some animals for the Arthurian characters, some of which (Gawain is, IIRC a Lizard?!?) I really don't understand.  I've got two questions/suggestions for you:

a) Is this a 'sample' and not necessarily definitive, list?  State either way in the text.

b) -Why- did you chose these animals for these characters?  I'd also include this in the text, if only to give good solid examples of why these characters are portrayed by these animals.
-- Josh

James V. West

I'm answering Thededine's questions in the Random Order Creations forum under the "Animal Forms" thread.