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Sons of Kargzant at the Printers.

Started by Simon Bray, April 15, 2004, 05:49:01 PM

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Simon Bray


SoK is at the printers now. We don't yet have a firm release date,
because the company which handles the preparatory work for the fine
colour covers is closed for this week, but we would expect to have
the books in 2-3 weeks.

In our (not so) humble opinion, it's a great book, in many ways our
best yet. However, when putting it together it became clear that we
actually had more excellent material than we could squeeze into
those 64 pages. As a result, we are also going to be producing a
follow-on book, 'Secrets of the Char-Un.' This will include a
complete scanerio, pregenerated characters, further details on a
complete player clan, more story seeds, hints about the Char-Un's
role in the Hero Wars, and more!

However, both as an experiment and also so as not to tie up funds
and introduce extra delays into our production schedule, we do not
plan to produce this as a hardcopy book. Instead, it will be made
available as a pay-to-download PDF, probably through RPGnow.

As a reward for those kind and discerning souls who order from us
direct (remember: we make up to ten times as much profit from direct
sales as those through intermediaries, and all that money gets
ploughed back into UW and its productions), we will be offering a
special cut-price offer. Prices are not yet fixed, but the full rate
through RPGnow will probably be $8, the price to those who bought
SoK direct from us, $5.

This will be very much an experiment. If anyone has any particular
experiences with RPGnow and wants to commend it to us or warn us
away, we'd like to hear from you.

All the best

Mark & Simon

The Unspoken Word

Mike Holmes

Well, James' game shop is between where I work, and where I live. So I can drop in and see him at any day on my way home from work.

So, y'know, if ya need me to bust his chops for yas all, jus lemme know.

Er, uh, rather, he's a good guy. I don't think you'll have any problem with his services.

Member of Indie Netgaming
-Get your indie game fix online.

Mark Galeotti


The 'Sons of Kargzant' are unleashed! This book is now printed: some orders
were posted out with the contributors' copies today, the rest will be going
out in the first half of next week.

It's a very fine book, written by Wesley Quadros, Martin Laurie, Simon Bray,
Mark Galeotti and Brand Robins and illustrated by Dan Barker, Simon Bray,
Dario Corallo, Christina DeLong, Jessica Edstrom, Sarah Evans, Jenny Fromm,
Mark Galeotti, Malin Hellmer, Jean-Luc Sala, Darran Sims, Viktor Slazai and
Peter Town. A fine colour map of Erigia by Wesley Quadros is on the back
cover (a larger, A3 version will be available shortly). Go to for sample pages
(you see, you don't have to rely on our judgement that it's a fine book!)
and information on ordering the book, while I also paste the table of
contents below. As well as the Char-Un homeland and 26 spirit practices, it
includes key NPCs, information on the tribes, language and culture of the
Char-Un, a scenario and several story seeds, a gazetteer of Erigia and
information about the terrible beasts of the steppe and much, much more.

All the best



Introduction       3
THE CHAR-UN              4
The Char-Un Nation    4
               Promantis of Penkratos              5
Tribe and Power among the People    6
               Orgrol the Fat  7
               Orglosin              9
               Chinijin                9
               Tutavak               10
What the Elder Told Me             11
The Char-Un Year         14
               Char-Un Rites 15
The Char-Un Language             16
The Char-Un at War    18
The Funerary Rites of the Char-Un     23
               The Barrow Tree            24
The Skyburn    25
               Fallen Star         26
Erigia: a gazetteer         27
               Mighty Char-Un              34
Your First Char-Un Hero            35
Homeland: the Char-Un             36
Brotherhoods, Sister Pacts and Societies        38
The Char-Un Traditions             39
               The Path of Fire              40
               The Path of Earth          44
               The Path of Dawn and Dusk   47
               The Enaree       50
               Ghost Whispers             52
ADVENTURE WITH THE CHAR-UN!               53
Char-Un Rider Initiation             54
The Laguros     57
The Char-Un Abroad   58
Beasts and Blossoms of the Savage Steppes                59
Index                     64
A HREF=>Mythic Russia: heroism and adventure in the land of the Firebird</A>

joshua neff

Arg! If only I had some money!

Is SoK going to be sold in retail stores? In Britain? I'll be in the UK for 2 weeks in June. Would it be cheaper to buy it there than to order it & have it shipped to the US?

"You can't ignore a rain of toads!"--Mike Holmes

Mark Galeotti

Quote from: joshua neffIs SoK going to be sold in retail stores? In Britain? I'll be in the UK for 2 weeks in June. Would it be cheaper to buy it there than to order it & have it shipped to the US?
It will be sold in retail stores with the wit and wisdom to stock it! You could wait, but if you buy it from us direct, it turns up on your doorstep as quicky as airmail can provide and at a price which, given the weakness of the US$ is pretty comparable with buying it from a British shop.

All the best

A HREF=>Mythic Russia: heroism and adventure in the land of the Firebird</A>