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[Sorcerer] Suburban Fairy Tale: Grade-School Sorcerers

Started by Judd, May 25, 2004, 05:46:11 AM

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More Thoughts

I'm thinking about what I would have done differently.

I didn't put together a map.  If I ran this setting again, I'd make a list of places and have the players color a tremendous posterboard map with crayons and markers.

In my others games, the relatiionships between the Sorcerers and the Demons were a huge part of play.  In this game they felt flat.  I think the real Demons behind these character's actions were their parents.

If I ran this puppy again, I'd have some kind of mechanic where the Demons had to reflect some part of their parents.  I think this would charge the Demons upand make them more meaningful, the relationships more intense.  Tonight the Demons and Sorcerer interactions felt rather flat.

When running children as Sorcerers, the true Demons are the parents.


Aw, look at our kids, all growed up.

Today we are going to play our second and final game of this scenario, not being fully satisfied with the closure gained on the last episode.  We gathered together on Monday and aged the characters, taking them just out of college.  

Essentially, we brought them all just to the player's real ages, give or take.  It was interesting, deciding how they had spent the years in between, thinking of what had become of these kids.

Here's how they turned out:

da...Manny played by Miriam

Appearance: hand-me downs

Telltale: disheveled

Stamina: 3 Tomboy CHANGED TO Manual Labor

Will: Ignored/Neglected CHANGED TO Loner

Lore: 3 Animal Hermit CHANGED TO Forest Caretaker

Cover: Last Child CHANGED TO Old Soul

Past: Old Soul CHANGED TO Forest Nymph

Price: -1 Inadequate CHANGED TO Scarred

Kicker: Manny get's a call from a friend at a party and hears her party animal bachus Demon playing piano and wooping it up with her alchoholic father.

Demon: pet snail (passer) CHANGED TO Vincent, a statue of a satyr in Sigmund's parent's estate's garden.

Desire/Need: Mayhem/a rip roaring out of control good time

Josie...Jo, played by Robert


Telltale: elfin look

Stamina: 2 Tomboy CHANGED TO Take Back the Night Kickboxer

Will: 5 Shrinked CHANGED TO Empowered (Still Shrinked)

Lore: 3 Changeling

Cover: 3 Serial Runaway CHANGED TO Activist Militant

Past: 4 Knight CHANGED TO Knight Champion of the Night

Price: -1 Impulsive

Kicker: Kid she handed her former Demon, the 13th Fairy over to is on a milk carton.

Demon: A jaded unicorn that often passes as a motorcycle

Desire/Need: Not Sure/To protect purity

Sigmund played by Matt

Appearance: school prep/Playboy

Telltale: Flashing eyes

Stamina: 3 Cute CHANGED TO Handsome

Will: 3 Spaz CHANGED TO Twitchy

Lore: 4 Terrorized CHANGED TO Terrorizing

Cover: 2 Shrink's Kid CHANGED TO Get's Good Grades

Past: 4 Dragonmaster CHANGED TO FIre Master

Price: -1 Paranoid

Kicker: Sigmund returns home to find the good librarian's name in the local obituary.

Demon: gargoyle

Desire/Need: Mayhem/Must Burn People

We're playing tonight and I haven't touched or thought about a Bang, having had my head down on real world projects.  Ironic that in a game like this adult responsiblities would keep me away from game prep.  Perhaps I wasn't paying attention or I failed a Humanity check.

Ideas appreciated.


Before bang-thoughts, a question: did the definition of Humanity change?
Doyce Testerman ~
Someone gets into trouble, then get get out of it again; people love that story -- they never get tired of it.


Quote from: DoyceBefore bang-thoughts, a question: did the definition of Humanity change?

No, it has stayed the same.  Sorry, I should have mentioned that.


QuoteOriginally posted by Paka
Kicker: Manny get's a call from a friend at a party and hears her party animal bachus Demon playing piano and wooping it up with her alchoholic father.

This opened with a great argument between Manny and her Demon, the lusty Vince.  It went really well and established their relationship and deepened her interaction with her father, now just a lonely old man who lives alone, all of his children having long since abandoned him.

It set up nicely when Signmund's Demon burned the father later, although none of the characters ever found out in game.

QuoteOriginally posted by Paka

Kicker: Kid she handed her former Demon, the 13th Fairy over to is on a milk carton.

This pushed Jo right through the adventure, looking for this kid.  It didn't have the dramatic immediacy that I like in a Kicker, though.

QuoteOriginally posted by Paka
Kicker: Sigmund returns home to find the good librarian's name in the local obituary.

Again, not exactly dramatically immediate but it worked to drive the adventure.


QuoteOriginally posted by Geburah

A group of kids have stolen some garden statuary from Sigmund's parents' estate and are breaking it to pieces with baseball bats and big hammers, singing "sicks and stones, sticks and stones" over and over.

Sigmund finds an old picture of his father hugging and kissing a little girl Sigmund has never seen before.

The Goblin King wants to leave a memento on his old girlfriend's grave and charges Sigmund with finding something appropriate.

A school fair is taking place at their old school, with all kinds of entertainement, including a show put on by the schoolkids: Little Red Riding Hood.

Damien is now the school PE teacher, and they see him slipping into the girls' locker room after a lesson.

I was busy last week and used many of Geburah's Bangs right outta the box, with very little chances.  There are a few I missed that I liked so much that I read 'em out loud to the group so they could know they were out there but didn't manage to happen.  The group had even discussed how Damien was probably a gym teacher the week before.

In the end, they found that Damien had eaten the Big Bad Wolf, devoured him when he found out he was a nancy-pants cross-dresser.  In doing so, Damien became the new BBW.

The school play was a way for Damien to strengthen the Big Bad's power.  He gave the kid playing the Big Bad Wolf in the play a gun to shoot the other students with and the kid was set to do it.

Naturally, the PC's intervened, dragged Damien off to Fairyland and saved the day.

They cut Damien open and the many people he had eaten came tumbling out, just like in a fairy tale.

I had mentioned in the beginning of the game about how in the Fairyland, they could now see the lights from the local mall's parking lot spilling into the twilight.

It was a good game and a fulfilling ending.