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Started by Kirk Mitchell, May 21, 2004, 05:06:51 AM

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Kirk Mitchell

The .doc file is the older version, so ignore it. I'll delete it soon.

What the text is meant to say is "What would you do for the people you care for, and everything that you have ever wanted?" No matter how I look at it, I don't think that it could be misunderstood. And I didn't miss a word.

Yup, the intro is coming, it was in the previous version, and will be coming soon.

Brainwashing is a slow process. You can't just expect to brainwash somebody in a minute. But the rest of the damage points is duly noted and will be changed in the next version. And why do you think that the damage is in the wrong place?

An oddit, which will be explained in the setting intro, and probably should be explained in the Oddit section, is a physical representation of human ideas and concepts, coming directly from the dream world.

Will change point allocation (how does 3 points in each stat and 14 to divide between them sound?) and Willing to Will. There is no maximum for any of the stats except for belief, which is given a 1 to 5 score, completely up to the player.

There is no maximum for core human emotions. Fight is a very basic response to danger. Flight is also a very basic respsonse to danger. Fuck is the need to reproduce and Eat is a basic need to get sustainance. Malice, Anger and Contempt are higher level emotions. Animals do not kill each other out of Malice or Contempt.

You can have a timeline for each card if you like, or one big one, but you can't have a timeline without any cards (which should be obvious).

Ok. Got to go, will finish post soon.
Teddy Bears Are Cool: My art and design place on the internet tubes.

Kin: A Game About Family

Kirk Mitchell

Nowhere did I say Belief shattered in the damage section, so I'm not quite sure what you're talking about.

Destiny pool I think needs its own section in the mechanics section, so I will add it. Essentially, earlier on in the thread, we discussed how to present the mechanic where cards from previous draws could be used to replace subsequent cards. The destiny pool is a place on the char sheet (which hasn't been made yet) where these cards are noted down.

Oddits don't have a "strength" they are measured by the amount of believers they have (dogma) and their ability to manipulate their environment (deformation).

Does it really matter what the Oddit turns into? It just ceases to exist because the belief that it was founded on cannot sustain it anymore. But I do agree that the distance should be clarified. Maybe it should be accompanied by a follower at all times. Thoughts?

As for fairness, as I see it (whether right or wrong), the game is narrativist, and as such doesn't need to be "fair". The GM has control of the outside world, and should play the game to create a story with the players, the GM isn't trying to kill the players, but play with them. The game doesn't reward or punish running around and killing people, and running around killing people does not increase a character's in game effectiveness. Only story power really counts, and in the end, going towards the character's goals rewards the players at the end: they get to have more input on how the game ends. It depends on the character that is being played. Sure, if the character is a psychopathic killer and their goal is to murder everyone in the world (or specific people) then the game will reward that sort of play. If the character is a person who helps people and their goal is to save people or make the world a nicer place or what have you, the game will reward that too.

Teddy Bears Are Cool: My art and design place on the internet tubes.

Kin: A Game About Family