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UNY-Con Seminar: Understanding Roleplaying

Started by lumpley, October 01, 2004, 03:27:44 PM

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I'm running a seminar at UNY-Con this fall. "Understanding Roleplaying," and here's the description:
QuoteLets open role-playing up and muck around in its guts. I'll lay out a state-of-the-art description of what really happens when you role-play, and we'll go from there. We can dig into the nitty gritty of RPG design, playing and GMing, dealing with dysfunction, choosing and adapting rules, or even take on the biggie: creative agenda and social dynamics. Whatever way we go, we'll always fall back on the gold standard of RPG theory: actual play.
Guaranteed to kick conventional wisdom down and take its lunch money.
I'm envisioning it as a short, live version of what we do here, is all. I think I've got a pretty good handle, but if anybody has advice, lay it on me!
