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Code of Unaris - Actual Play

Started by GaryTP, November 28, 2004, 04:57:14 PM

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Callan S.

Personally I still find that sort of thing dodgey. I mean, the GM is comparing the PC's stat to perhaps an NPC's stat, highest wins. It looks as though the GM didn't just decide what happens...if you forget who decided the NPC's stat values.

It does channel GM creativity in a vague way. Ie, a rent a cop with an incredible spot skill is going to raise some player eyebrows. Therefore the GM isn't rewarded for doing that, therefore creatively he's channeled somewhat by the rule. But I still think of it as a wet paper bag of a creative channeling device.

Fortunately the system isn't all about that. Hacking is where the players interact with the system significantly. Indeed, I'd say such a skill system ensures that focus. Which is important to note.
Philosopher Gamer


Hi Noon.

R: Dodgy. Guess that depends on the kind of relationship that exists between the players and the gamemaster. Some players tend to be confrontational, thinking the gamemaster is out to get them, while some gamemasters tend to be controlling and railroading. Then there are players and gamemasters who wish to cooperatively explore their environment. If you trust that your gamemaster will give you challenges that push you to your limits, but still give you a way to succeed, then that's (in my opinion) one of the best groups to play within. If, on the other hand, you are told everything, know all the odds, know the gamemaster will not let you win, conversely, that he won't let you die, then the fun, danger, and suspense sort of goes out the door. At least, that's what myself and my gaming groups have found.

Re: Comparison of stats. Unaris was built for smooth chat play, one with few pauses. This was the solution that best presented itself at the time, a system does not get in the way of the characters being in the moment. In addition, players can augment any of their skills by taking actions that give them temporary bonuses (typically +1, +2, or +3) to a skill.

I've updated my lifejournal with another log :)
