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Sorcerer for YA Fantasy Fiction

Started by Judd, January 05, 2005, 02:01:34 PM

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Inspirations:  high fantasy young adult novels, The Golden Compass, Narnia and Harry Potter.

Demons are: animal familiars summoned by wizards, apprentices and the gifted that are in fact manifestations of the summoner's own psyche.

Humanity is: heroism and daring.

Humanity loss for turning down a chance to be a hero or stand up for what's right.

Humanity gain for taking a chance for a just cause.

(Humanity's weak, might need an extra item here for a plural definition or might have to scrap this all together)

When you reach Humanity 0 your demon dies a tragic death and you take on one of their physical animal traits along with an additional price relating to this trait.


Predator: -1 when not hunting in some manner

Herd: -1 when you act alone, not following others

Lizard: -1 when intense emotions are involved

Nocturnal: -1 when you have to operate during the day

Pack: -1 when an order isn't clearly established in some manner among the group

Stamina Descriptors
What was happening in the world that forged your body?

War: You have been trained to make war.

Riots: Life on the streets has taught you to look after yourself.

Peace: You have lived a life of peace and tranquility, all play and no life or death exertions.

Where did you get your education?

Cloistered: You were raised and educated by the faithful.

Streets: Bartering, the short-con and where to find a warm place to sleep were what the world taught you.

Apprentice of X:  You were taught all you needed to know by one powerful adult, a master in their craft.

Where within you does your magic come from?

Anger:  Your beasts are strongest when they are founded on anger and aggression.

Curiousity:  Your beasts often are summoned in order to discover and seek out information.

Love:  Your beasts often have passionate feelings that you might not even consciously know you have.

Ron Edwards

Hi Judd,

I suggest that "standing up for what's right" is a perfectly sufficient Humanity definition for this material. The role of bravery and various other things like it can be worked out through play - in some ways, that's what a protagonist is for.
