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[Delphian Tides] PDF for feedback

Started by Jason Petrasko, January 16, 2005, 06:40:03 PM

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Spooky Fanboy

One last question, and then I'll quit:

How soon are you going to add more examples to your current e-book? I think I have character creation down, but as far as cobbling together adversaries, running players through chime events, knowing some good examples of what secrets maji keep, etc. I'd like to have some examples. Examples are a big help to me: they're what helped get me through Fastlane.

Or are those for the release of the main book/.pdf?
Proudly having no idea what he's doing since 1970!

Jason Petrasko

Hmm, I really want to keep the ebook form limited. I don't have much desire to publish everything online. How about another idea?

I should be able to put up an actual play post this friday night (after my next session) that will answer your questions. If you want to list specific areas go ahead and I'll make sure I include them.
