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[Revisionist History] New draft needs critical eyes.

Started by Trevis Martin, March 25, 2005, 08:32:38 AM

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Trevis Martin

Hi folks.  

Its me again. I've revised my game Revisionist History and I'd like some feedback on it.  Its a game written for online play like Neel Krishnaswami's Lexicon.  It is meant for Play by post either on a wiki, mail list or bulletin board.

In this game  all the players take on the roles of scholars who discover a story through their research, and who try to shape it to their own ends

Do the rules seem understandable?

Are there any holes where you aren't sure what should be done?

Do you think the rewards for the specific types of posts are in the right order and value?  

I've addressed some of the concerns from the last thread on this.  If you want to reference that one its:

I'm definately looking for a few people to playtest the mechanics, even just a few posts.  I can provide a venue there on my wiki or on the forums that are attached to it.

Thanks for your attention.




I think you want this link instead? :)

Mandatory reading for all GroupDesign individuals, methinks. Haven't gone over it with the fine-tooth comb yet, but it's on the to-do list.
Tobias op den Brouw

- DitV misses dead gods in Augurann
- My GroupDesign .pdf.

Trevis Martin

Yep, darn links.  That's the one.  Thanks tobias

