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[DitV] Hafið

Started by Jason Morningstar, April 06, 2005, 04:23:37 PM

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Jason Morningstar

Hafið (The Sea) - Has anybody seen this film?

It's like a Dogs town without the Dogs.  Everything goes to hell.  As I was watching it I kept thinking, "what would happen if somebody came in to set their house in order?".  I really enjoyed it.  

DitV town coming up...a few questions it raises about Stewardship, though:

It's about a family patriarch and his conniving adult children.  Since they are all grown and gone, he no longer has Stewardship over them, right?  And since they live far, far away, they answer to their own (distant) Branch Stewards rather than the local Steward in Dad's town, right?


The Sea: I'll check it out.

QuoteSince they are all grown and gone, he no longer has Stewardship over them, right? And since they live far, far away, they answer to their own (distant) Branch Stewards rather than the local Steward in Dad's town, right?
Choose whichever you prefer:
a) Check with your players.
b) Right and right!
