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Why Some Publishers Are Digitizing Themselves

Started by Grex, June 25, 2005, 04:34:53 PM

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Best regards,

Andy Kitkowski


Entirely on topic, actually!  That pretty much explains why some folks are embracing Creative Commons.  Clinton and Keith S are going this route, it would be interesting to see the results.

On a personal level, TSOY attracted my attention once I finally got a print (well laid out) copy because of the game itself.  But because of the Creative Commons license attached to it, I've been more interested in getting involved with projects involving this game than any other game I can easily remember.

The ability to make text your own, manipulate and distribute it with the consent of the author, is a powerful motivation for creative wannabes like me.  As an (ex) academic (Philosophy, Sociology), I totally fucking wish more academics did the same as the author referenced in the article, especially in the field of Philosophy.

The Story Games Community - It's like RPGNet for small press games and new play styles.


Thank you for fixing the broken link.

I don't publish anything at all, but when I stumbled over this article over at I thought to myself "Myself, I'll bet this could come in useful over at the Forge"

The net has indeed changed the way we disseminate information! :^)
Best regards,


Thank you for sharing that article...:)

As for academics: As someone that has been published a number of times and makes my living as a professor, I have absolutely no problem with people quoting anything/everything I have academically published provided they cite the source.

William Andersen
Games from ComStar Media, LLC