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Matrix Games and Universalis - similar but different

Started by MatrixGamer, April 13, 2005, 05:49:54 PM

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Quote from: komradebob
I'm surprised that noone has mentioned the similarity in that both Uni and MG/Pbom have an explicit rule for adding rules during play.

Both games are examples of Nomics (self amending games - see Peter Suber on Google).

"Politics by other means" is completely built on the notion that players will taylor the game to fit the scenario as it is played. In fact if you do not win the game to shape the rules then it is very hard to win the game.

The real world example would be WW2. Britain and Fracne started the war ready to fight the last war. The Germans changed the rules and pulled a blitz. After they became bogged down in Russia they lost the initiative and we started defining the war rules. Strategic bombing, where we would invade, how much gas we gave to Patton, etc. The German's tried to turn it around again with the V1 and V2 but it was too late. If they had built jets that would have done it as well. And of course we pulled off the biggest rules change when we dropped the bomb on Japan.

Chris Engle
Hamster Press
Chris Engle
Hamster Press = Engle Matrix Games

Mike Holmes

We actually came up with the rule before discovering Nomic, as I recal. Basically the train of thought goes:

1. In most RPGs the GM is in charge of deciding what drifted rules are used.
2. Universalis has no sole GM.
3. Players can take this ability on themselves, subject as usual to other players challenging their ideas.

It's just an inevitable conclusion that one comes to when you assume that no one individual has final say on what the rules of the game are. You pay your player currency to make any changes you see fit, or to prevent bad ones.

Member of Indie Netgaming
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I came up with it before I know of nomic as well. It just flowed from the logic. If people can make arguments about anything, why can't they change the rules?

Chris Engle
Chris Engle
Hamster Press = Engle Matrix Games