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Publishing sans budget?

Started by Resonantg, August 08, 2005, 05:33:49 PM

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I have looked around and haven't found much in the way of referance on the Forge about this that answers directly to this topic.  Sometimes, we game designers are completely unable to fund the projects we are working on by ourselves and need to find someone to either help them publish or fund this.  I figured I'd ask if anyone has any advice, pro or con, regarding finding a publishing partner, investor or whatnot to help make the designer's dream a reality?  This can also go for those who are completely lacking either entrepeneurial accumen or business sense I guess.

Many apologizies if this is out of line.

St. Paul, MN

See my game development blog at:


The first place you should look is Clinton's article on "publishing on the cheap". Today, due to the miracle of the internet and modern--free--software, anyone can publish with literal zero start-up costs.
--Timothy Walters Kleinert