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Price Setting in the Gaming World

Started by Dav, January 31, 2002, 08:54:48 PM

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The 24.95 instead of 25 is not for comparison purposes but for impulse buys.  Multiples of five form the break points when people are considering a product.  It doesn't matter that you mentally round up because if you take the time that means you've had the book in your hands another second or two.  That's another second my book has to wow you.
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Ron Edwards


What, is the stated policy in the guidelines not clear?

Please do not resurrect older threads by replying to them directly. Instead, begin new threads that include a link to the old one. A lot of intervening dialogue has occurred since this thread was concluded, and resurrecting it "in the middle" causes confusion.

I wish there was some way to lock threads that didn't connote some sort of badness going on, but there isn't. So we have to practice this judgment on an individual basis.

Now - to the topic at hand, I suggest that woodelf has asked an extremely valid question, namely, does the conventional wisdom regarding 24.95 vs. 25.00 mean jack shit? I also suggest that merely asserting Yea or Nay is a meaningless response. If people are interested, and if they have something to contribute to the issue besides such assertions, then I ask, please, start another thread.