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[Crescent City - Tarot RPG System] Playtesters Wanted!

Started by Jason Mical, August 22, 2005, 08:02:09 PM

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Jason Mical

I'm looking for folks interested in giving the mechanics of Crescent City a good test-run with their game groups. Each player will need their own 78-card Tarot deck. I'm most interested in feedback on how the challenge system works (is it too arbitrary? Does the Gamemaster need more limitations?), and whether the scale of challenges presented in the tables is too easy, too difficult, or just about right.

I'm also curious to know what kind of story you decide to use the system for: whether you're taking the core setting of 1920s New Orleans, or moving it somewhere else.

Fixing typos, grammar, and other oversights is always appreciated as well.


Comments can either go here, or to the email address at the end of that document.

Thanks in advance!
My body seemed a boat, my clothes the sails, myself the captain.