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Equat1on -- any buzz?

Started by epweissengruber, September 27, 2005, 11:13:18 PM

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While at Phantasm, I came across the game Equat1on.

It is a sci-fi game that claims to support both tabletop and LARP play.  I saw it playtested and it resolved tactical conflicts of 6 to 8 PCs vs a similar number of NPC quickly and efficiently.

I am trying to get more feedback from those who might have seen the game at GenCon.

1) Does the game offer anything more than a functional post-Traveller generic sci-fi game?
2) Do the mechanics really enable an integration of LARP and tabletop play?
3) Is their idea of a subscription-based distribution model a workable one?

Here is the homepage:

And here is a recent blog on the game:

Justin D. Jacobson

Not very helpful, but... My booth was right next to theirs. They're nice guys (which isn't particularly relevant), and they've got a ton of passion for the project (which is).
Facing off against Captain Ahab, Dr. Fu Manchu, and Prof. Moriarty? Sure!

Passages - Victorian era, literary-based high adventure!