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Unfortunate Destinies

Started by Dav, March 26, 2002, 05:53:52 AM

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Hey all;

I just wanted to say that I have been on a creative blitz.  To this end, my visuals guy (Jason Gunn) and I have set-up a new web-publishing company (Unfortunate Destinies).  I just wanted to bounce the four basic games off of people.  Two are small (8-20 page), two are big (roughly 72 page).

**Violence Future:  The officially retitled Japanese nightmare.  It is 90% finished, manuscript-wise.  This has already been hashed through, and I am nearing playtest phase.  So, enough on this for now.  Check the earlier Indie Design thread (titled: Eternal Twilight) for more info.

**T.I.T.S.: The working title for a space opera.  Gundam meets Exo-Squad meets GI Joe.  The basic concept is a level-based experience.  However, there are only four levels.  Each time you advance, the scope of the game increases (and the acronym changes).  
    Level 1: Thought-Integrated Titanium Suit.  You are a single soldier in your mech.

    Level 2: Tactical Interaction and Threat Suppression.  You are now a squad.

    Level 3: Technocratic Intranational Terran Society.  You are now an entire military concern.

    Level 4: the Typhoon Initiative, Theatre: Space.  Think bigger.

The system remains constant for every level, just the ramifications get bigger.  1 point of damage at Level 1 is a small cut.  1 point of damage at Level 4 means you've just lost Tanzania.  Anyway, the broad outlines are finished.  (By the way, this is the other "bigger game")

**Clockstopper.  The general idea is that you live in 1984-land.  You wake-up one day, and your clock has reached the 11th Hour.  You now have less than one week to live.  Why?  Go.  (influenced by the Utopian/Distopian writings such as Farenheit 451, 1984, and Brave New World... as well as "Repent Harlequin!" said the Tick-Tock Man.

**C&C (Charts & Charts).  The ENTIRE game is chart-based.  Nothing but charts.  Roll on the charts.  For those chart-loving nut-cases.  (This is a joke-type game)

Those are the first four games, with more likely to follow.  I think Clockstopper and C&C will be freebies, the other two will be $5-10.  So, do any float anyone's boat?


Le Joueur

Quote from: Dav**Clockstopper.
A word to the wise, beware the Nickleodeon movie coming out very shortly....

Fang Langford
Fang Langford is the creator of Scattershot presents: Universe 6 - The World of the Modern Fantastic.  Please stop by and help!

Clinton R. Nixon


They all sound like fun (well, except C&C), but I'm most excited about Clockstopper and Violence Future. If Clockstopper's done well, I think it could be a huge hit. Everyone's read the source literature, but there's no relevant game (Paranoia comes closest, and I don't agree with the somehow-universal opinion that Paranoia is good.)
Clinton R. Nixon
CRN Games


Quote from: Dav
**T.I.T.S.: The working title for a space opera.

Worst. Acronym. Ever.

No, really, you're joking, right?

Ron Edwards

Hi Dav,

"Unfortunate Destinies" ...?

Um, how about another name? Gloomy Fates. Depressing Endings. Bad Luck. Ummm .... well, another name, anyway.

As for T.I.T.S., you know what you're getting into with that one.




Yes, the acronym will change by the time it is finished.  We were very punchy when we formulated the name.

And DAMN NICKELODEON!   All right, I will change it to Clockwise, or Deadline, or something else.  I come up with a good title and they screw me!  


Le Joueur

Quote from: Ron EdwardsHi Dav,

"Unfortunate Destinies" ...?

Um, how about another name? Gloomy Fates. Depressing Endings. Bad Luck. Ummm .... well, another name, anyway.
I remember the second or third time I saw that 'space colony serial, that Paramount may or may not have stolen for Deep Space 9' show, I turned to my partner and said "No wonder they're already up to 5; with a name like Babel #, they're just asking for trouble."  "That's Babylon 5."  "Oh (darn, they ruined another joke)."

Fang Langford
Fang Langford is the creator of Scattershot presents: Universe 6 - The World of the Modern Fantastic.  Please stop by and help!


Quote from: Mytholder
Quote from: Dav
**T.I.T.S.: The working title for a space opera.

Worst. Acronym. Ever.

No, really, you're joking, right?

Thank you for saying that. A new acronym is "mandatory" unless you are going for crude humor and want stats like A$$ for assets or BUTT (Battle Unit tactical Transporter) which could actually be funny to my inner 14 year old.


Quote from: DavHey all;

**Clockstopper.  The general idea is that you live in 1984-land.  You wake-up one day, and your clock has reached the 11th Hour.  You now have less than one week to live.  Why?  Go.  (influenced by the Utopian/Distopian writings such as Farenheit 451, 1984, and Brave New World... as well as "Repent Harlequin!" said the Tick-Tock Man.

**C&C (Charts & Charts).  The ENTIRE game is chart-based.  Nothing but charts.  Roll on the charts.  For those chart-loving nut-cases.  (This is a joke-type game)

Those are the first four games, with more likely to follow.  I think Clockstopper and C&C will be freebies, the other two will be $5-10.  So, do any float anyone's boat?


Clockstopper doesn't quite  work for me, much too dark and I am not that fond of experiemental games to play. But if it free I will download it, if only to learn more about game design and I'll bet its a good read.

Since Clockstoppers is in use how about Dying Hour or Dying Day for a title instead.

C&C sounds like a either a funny read or a D&D game aide. Fix it up, OGL it and sell it D&D'rs are crazy like that. Oh and please put in a chart called "Music Factory"

Mike Holmes

Do Charts and Charts! Do it first! I wanna make up a programatic version so I can run it and see what adventures spew forth in a matter of milliseconds!

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