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Two CCG Icons + A little imagination needed

Started by daMoose_Neo, November 02, 2005, 03:27:21 AM

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I need to get two icons made for the next release of our card game Final Twilight, circular, 82 pixels x 82 pixels.
I need a touch of imagination as well- I know the factions I'm representing, but I'm unsure about one of the icons what imagry is appropriate/cool.
First icon is for an organization called the Disciples - I'm looking for a pentagonal design with triangles in each corner.
The one I'm having difficulty placing is for the "Spirit Magic", I'm considering an ethreal icon, but I want to avoid conflicting with another.
PM me if interested, rates are negotiable, let me know what you're looking for in the PM. I can supply a sketch for the first icon as well as image files of the existing icons for reference.

Nate Petersen / daMoose
Neo Productions Unlimited! Publisher of Final Twilight card game, Imp Game RPG, and more titles to come!