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[Realm] Females in Control - The Matriarch

Started by sayter, November 25, 2005, 06:16:17 PM

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indeed, they are tucked into a plateau, surrounded by mountains with one real approach, which is a plain about 200 miles wide. Its a limited field of approach and the flatness of that part of land makes it essentially impossible to slip in unnoticed. Those who go through the mountains have to content with the natural defenses (animals, monsters, and the terrain itself) as well as the guard posted in those remote reaches. approach by sea is all but impossible, as the mountains themselves form thick coral reefs off the coast. Boats, therefore, cannot really approach safely.

The only downside to that of course is the Cyrue themselves cannot perform trade by sea, making all exports need to be done via roads using caravans. This can be dangerous, but the Cyrue have allies and their skilled warriors to escort caravans. And attacking the caravans is equivalent to suicide to brigands and their neighboring nations...because the Cyrue can simly cease export as they have a total monopoly of their metals in the region.

i like the idea of males being in the above mentioned positions. It really does add a certain element to the society. I think I may have to research this a bit, and make it all mesh well. Thanks for the excellent sources of info.
Chris DeChamplain
-Realm- RPG


Quote from: sayter on December 03, 2005, 04:39:26 PM
approach by sea is all but impossible, as the mountains themselves form thick coral reefs off the coast. Boats, therefore, cannot really approach safely.

Hmmm... mountains don't form coral reefs IIRC.  The reefs are built up by generations of coral colonies (the reef itself is actually composed of the skeletons of dead polyps).  But mountains make an effective barrier to sea invasion if they come right up to the coastline (i.e. the cliffs of Dover).  Which doesn't preclude coral reefs along the coast, of course.
Currently working on: Alien Angels, Dreamguards, Immaculate


ah, yes, a good point. and my bad. a miswording. the mountains border the coast, AND there are coral reefs :)
Chris DeChamplain
-Realm- RPG


I agree with an earlier point regarding property. It would really help consolidate the females power if they were the only landowners as well.
-Between- RPG


I think I agree to a point as well...Afterall, if I lived in a society where my every whim was tended to by a have little need for a house.
Chris DeChamplain
-Realm- RPG


You alluded to the division of labor by saying the women do the heavy work. Division of labor is important because it defines power.

For example: In southern Mexican native populations women own the land but men farm it. Ownership is important but these are not matriachal societies. They have different tracks of power. Women gain power acting as merchants and land owners. Men gain status by farm labor and war.

A division of labor that tells why the men are in the role they are in and why they accept it and like it will go a long way towards making your world believable.

Chris Engle
Hamster Press = Engle Matrix Games
Chris Engle
Hamster Press = Engle Matrix Games