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Started by Tobias, December 08, 2005, 10:38:43 AM

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QuoteTroy - How about I include it, but make it's clear that it's the aliens sorta mis-using the term (the 'inappropriate TV jargon' mentioned earlier?)

-Ummmm....well, it's worth a try :)  If they are something that you really like in your game, then really it's something you should include.  I just offered a personal oppinion.  I don't care for them, but so what?  Your idea might just work.  And I sincerely hope it does.  I love to see people's ideas succeed.




Found a way to work around but still incorporate:

The text will mention bling and just use it, but at the first mention, there will be a footnote.

Bling. v. A shortened method of saying BLI-ing (Bee-Ly-ing), the process of altering a creature's BLI (Basic Lifeform Indicators).

But the Bee-Lying would be in phonetic characters.

Further about the game:

I want to have an

Audience Approval Rating

At the end of each show, the big question is: how did it go over with the audience? Luckily, EPM (Extreme Planet Makeover) does have an audience we can ask - you, the players! After the end of each show, you can state your approval rating for this show. Your reason for giving this rating may be anything you want - especially your own pleasure in this episode! Whatever benefited or detrimented your fun - you are the sole decision maker. There's one slight caveat - you may not give a rating more than 2 points different from the rating you gave the previous show.

(Initital Approval Rating may be any score above 6, approval ratings are scaled 1-10, and give feedback into Endgame - Endgame may be triggered when the planned number of shows has happened, or prematurely from low Approval Ratings (group average too low for a certain period).)
Tobias op den Brouw

- DitV misses dead gods in Augurann
- My GroupDesign .pdf.


Quote from: Joshua BishopRoby on December 09, 2005, 05:51:28 PM
Well, since you're talking about a film crew, what's to stop you from having every player make both a dino and a crew member?  You could even divvy up the GM tasks according to the film crew roles -- the producer, director, editor, host, etc.  Then you'd have a clear motive for players challenging other players, through their particular film crew roles.
I am, of course, all for this since it's the rules mechanic that's eating my brain right now. But it's turning out to be pretty rules-heavy as far as implementing it. It seems to have the right bits to fly, but it means really nailing down what each member of the production crew can or can't do.

Or does it? Now that I think about it... maybe it could be written in the spirit of cooperation. Well, I think it's worth considering, anyway.