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Punk, coming at ya.

Started by Tim Denee, April 16, 2002, 10:36:24 AM

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Tim Denee

Check this out man

I changed stuff. Too much to list here, really, but I've tried to incorporate all your wonderful suggestions.

So, does it work?


Looks cool to me, but why all the Fight Club references?  I've not seen it so I don't get the relevance.  I would use straight punk lyric quotes by preference - like the Clash's London Calling and Know Your Rights (few truer words were ever said than in that track).  Also Asian Dub Foundation, Billy Bragg, AOS3, the inimitable 'Pistols...

For the US angle, RATM definately, also Anti-Flag, Bad Religion, and quite a chunk of hiphop - Public Enemy frex.  This syncs the cross-over to the likes of Bob Marley.

I feel the young bloods concepts needs to distinguish between Fluffies and Spikies; this is a highly relevant issue du jour.  Also references from No Logo and the internationalists would not be amiss.

Potentially, "Intifada" could be another setting.

"markovian process, lead us not in vain - prove to our descendants what we did to them, then make us go away!" - bad religion
Impeach the bomber boys:

"He who loves practice without theory is like the sailor who boards ship without a rudder and compass and never knows where he may cast."
- Leonardo da Vinci

Ben Morgan

QuoteFor the US angle, RATM definately, also Anti-Flag, Bad Religion, and quite a chunk of hiphop - Public Enemy frex. This syncs the cross-over to the likes of Bob Marley.

Dead Kennedys, Black Flag, Ramones.

I'm going to stop now, because this post doesn't really have anything to do with games.

Still going over the rules for Punk; looks nifty so far, though.
-----[Ben Morgan]-----[]-----
"I cast a spell! I wanna cast... Magic... Missile!"  -- Galstaff, Sorcerer of Light


So far, I like this game. I also encourage the use of band quotes (keep some of the Fight Club quotes tho). I want to say I agree with your decision to keep katanapunk.
There's something fresh about all this, find it and hold on to it. I like the "fuck that" mechanic. I think the "no" mechanic may need some work. This is about all I can say without playtesting. Keep working on this project please. We need more games like this.
-Jeremiah J. Davis
"Girl you know I love you. now ya gotta die." ICP

Tim Denee

Thanks guys.

OK, I'll admit it, I'm far from familiar with punk music, or the actual punk scene itself...
I have no idea what the difference between a Fluffy and a Spikey is.
I looked into lyrics, but they just didn't seem right without the accompanying music... I dunno. I'm not very familiar with most of the bands you mentioned; if anyone knows any good lyrics they think should be quoted, post them here please (unless that's against forum policy or something).
I love Fight Club. Love it love it love it. It was a big influence (until I realized I'd never be able to capture the feeling of Fight Club in an RPG, so I should just make a screwing-the-system one instead).

I know it needs more work, but I don't really know what to target. It needs playtesting. But I don't have a gaming group.



God Tim, I could bury this board in lyrics :)  You don't want that.

I must say I LOVE the "fuck that" mechanic.  Its glorious.

Fluffies and Spikeys are two schools of thought in the modern resistant movement - Spikeys are up for tangling with the cops ("by any means necessary") and Fluffies don't if they can at all avoid it ("violence is never the solution").  Both sides denounce each other for corrupting the movement.  I considered proposing that Fluffies don't get to say "fuck that", they have to say "Peace, man" instead... but it would need to be worked in.

"And we could spend our whole lives waiting for the thunderbolt to come / We could spend our whole lives waiting for some justice to be done / Unless we make our own..."
- New Model Army

"Politics walks on all fours / And the scores on the doors are the cause of the wars / 'Cos this pen-pushing bill-passing bullshit still proves lethal / Communication is only possible between equals"
- AOS3

"So we steal, so what, so far, so good / We're Robin Hoods, for the good of the losers / The boozers, the ugly, the crazy / The drunks and the punks / The perverts, the lazy... / The trouble here is that trouble never happens / There's bubbles to burst, so making trouble's a first / Rhythm and rhyme, partners in crime / Going for the prime time - I'm gonna get mine."
- Pop Will Eat Itself

"automatons with business suits clinging black boxes / sequestering the blueprints of daily life / contented, free of care, they rejoice in morning ritual / as they file like drone ant colonies to their office in the sky / i don't ask questions, don't promote demonstrations / don't look for new consensus, don't stray from constitution / if i pierce the complexity i won't find salvation / just the bald and overt truth of the evil and deception"
- Bad Religion
Impeach the bomber boys:

"He who loves practice without theory is like the sailor who boards ship without a rudder and compass and never knows where he may cast."
- Leonardo da Vinci

Ferry Bazelmans

I was reading your first lyrics (New Model Army) and the first thing that popped into my mind was Bad Religion's Inner Logic. And lo and behold, there it was, waiting at the bottom of the post. :)

The BlackLight Bar, home of Soap: the game of soap opera mayhem.
Now available as a $2.95 Adobe PDF (Paypal only)

Ron Edwards


You do too have a group. Find someone you know and like, and who goes "spoo" at the punk references. Grab a couple beers. Play a few scenes.



i dig it, particularly the anarchic vibe that permeates the whole game.  this is definitely a game that pits the GM against the players in a pretty direct fashion (with delicious profanity no less), so as a GM who's generally sympathetic to his characters, it's going to be interesting playtesting this one...

looking forward to it.

Rafael Chandler, Neoplastic Press
The Books of Pandemonium



Just got a chance to look over Punk 2.0.  Very cool sir...a few minor changes, but they're pretty powerful.  I'd be interested in seeing how it shakes out in actual play - I'm curious to see how often Rights are used and how it affects the pacing of the game.  You gotta' find a few friends and try it out (well, don't "gotta'", but it would sure be cool if you did).

BTW, sorry your fan art thread got cancelled.  I love the pics.

- Scott