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Appalachia Now!

Started by hardcoremoose, April 11, 2002, 11:02:06 PM

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Mike Holmes

Quote from: Skippy
But my point was...
I know. And my point was, actually that I agree. And I think that other modifications to the hilbiliease are in order.

For example, from my limited knowledge of Arkasanian, I beleieve that Luved'uns would be Kin. But, as a Yankee, don't trust my word on this. I was hoping to get more responses from those more likely to be in the know. Please feel free to continue to elucidate on the topic.

So, I did not mean to impugn whatever sense of honor you get from being from Ozark, Mr. Skippy, and I hope that we can avoid any bloodshed at dawn. Do be aware, however that I was trained by my father in Sabre dueling from an early age, and I am quite proficient shuld the need arise to defend myself.

Mike "Wisconsin Yankee in King Knipe's Court" Holmes
Member of Indie Netgaming
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Skippy, Mike...

I like Luvved Uns, so that's probably stayin'.  The other terminology is up for debate...especially Verchooz, and whatever I'm going to call the character Specialties (Knaks, Hobbeez...I dunno).

I grew up in the backwoods portions of the northern Lower Peninsula, so my redneck heritage remains untainted.  Nonetheless, I aint a true hillbilly, and would appreciate any help I could get.

Thanks guys.

Da' Moose


Well, as far as my two cents go, I like Luvved Uns also.  Based on my limited exposure, the word Kin for a Hillbilly carries the same connotations as the word Family, if your last name is Corleone.  And contrary to the common misconception that there are few branches in most hillbilly family trees, they merely keep track of extended relations, giving the impression that they breed tightly (although that happens occasionally as well).  Don't think of it as a family tree, but more like a family Hedgerow (but that's a yankee word.)  

Oh BTW, Mike, I take no more pride in having spent time in Arkansas than I do in the fact that I spent time in, say, Wisconsin for example. <smirk>

Skippy, sucking on a Thomas Kemper's root beer.
Scott Heyden

"If I could orally gratify myself, you'd have to roll me to work."


Um. Whoa.

First of all, the speech patterns just sound weird. I know the point of the game is to be humorous, and therefore things will be exaggerated, but, no, they don't talk like that in Appalachia. You're trying to make it too "southern."

I would also give a little more structure in Clan names. (Clan names, what the hell? God, that sound so weird.) My recommendation would be to stick to Irish, Scottish, and English names, the first two with very Americanized spellings. My family names are Williams, MacMillan, and Conner. Depending on where in Appalachia this takes place, Portuguese names with butchered spellings are good too. Melungeons, and all that.

And, come on, if you really want to do it right, you need more vehicles. Wooden-bedded trucks with gun racks.

And, yes, I speak from experience. I was born and raised in West Virginia. My mother's family live in the Ohio Valley, my father's family lives in the southernmost portion of the state, in the hills/mountains. My father ran moonshine and my great grandfather lost his leg at the hip in the coal mines.

Mike Holmes

I may have been too hasty in using the term Appalachia. I think what Scott is going for is an amalgam of all recognized redneck tongues. So this would also includ the Appalachians of much further south than where you are from Reddest, as well as places as far away as the Ozarks and potentially even places like Upper Michican (for exaggerated examples of that sort of dialect see the movie Escanaba in da Moonlight).

And Scott want's a funny exaggerated version anyhow, and I'm guessing a somewhat archaic version as well (perhaps depression era). The problem with trying for all this is that there might not be a perfect way to do it. Perhaps I was hasty when I called for people to comment, perhaps Scotts versions are just fine. FWIW, his terms do seem to catch that Bugs Bunny Hillbilly attitude to me. :-)

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