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[TSOY] Freebooters

Started by John Harper, March 29, 2006, 11:23:12 AM

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John Harper

Doh! You're totally right about key scenes, Wil. Specific outcomes are a no-no. And several 1-2xp key scenes would be better, yeah.

We actually started playing at 8PM. Let's call it three and a half. :)
Agon: An ancient Greek RPG. Prove the glory of your name!


I played Gull Trecher, drunkard cutthroat. Key of the Drunkard was my idea, mine! though not specifically for this character/scenario, it's just something I've been using to explain Keys and their goodness, ever since talking to a friend about his "drunk bard" character in D&D. When I saw that John had given this Key to one of the characters, I figured I had to play him.

The main problem I had was pursuing the key maguffin rather than pursuing my Key of the Drunkard. I tried to get in to the Black Veil by roughing up the majordomo, but he won the conflict and convinced me there was a better tavern nearby. I'd lost the conflict, and going to a tavern did hit one of my keys, so off I went, but that took me out of the action. And with the others seemingly on top of getting the key, I didn't feel that I had much motivation to go back after it. I could have used, but didn't think of proposing, some kind of scene at the other tavern with an overt supernatural reminder that I needed to pursue the key "or else...!" I didn't come back in until the other three were trapped in Madame Pearl's boudoir and seemed to need rescuing, and my reason was a rather lame "well I guess I should go try to find the key since the others haven't come out yet."

Of course, if we'd had more time, I could've just waited for the others to get the key and then (threaten to) kill one of them to get it for myself, what with being a dangerous cutthroat.

I also felt that Groffo's mission was a distraction more than anything, and that I too readily agreed to go along with West. That has me wondering now, was Groffo's mission tailored to each character? If he'd caught me instead of West, would it have been something to do with my Key of the Drunkard, rather than West's Key of greed? It did seem that you had that all prepared in advance.

It was definitely a fun game, easy to get into and easy to keep moving.

John Harper

I totally fumbled that scene with Gull and the majordomo. It was a clear case of "say yes" not "roll the dice." You had the great idea of going into the Black Veil to raid their liquor supplies. I should have just stepped aside and let that happen. Oh well... live and learn.

Groffo's task was made up on the spot. It was a kind of distraction, intended to force a choice from the player: Pursue the brass key for your vow/mission, or go off on a side-quest of your own. Jason (playing Wester) made his choice, and kind of dragged Gull along with him. The "collect the debt" scene(s) did get a bit out of hand, though. When I write up the scenario, I'm going to make Groffo's tasks more clear and simple, and also make it clear that they're worth XP.
Agon: An ancient Greek RPG. Prove the glory of your name!


I did think the side mission had value in that it provided "more stuff going on" in the story, and more opportunties for cross weaving stuff.  And Jason am I correct in thinking you had fun with your mission?

I like Phil's idea of tailoring the mission to the character.  In the done up version, you could have a mission for each pre-gen that plays on their other key.  Because "collecting money" was certainly a big pull for Wester.  In fact, I wonder if the opening scene with Groffo should, instead of a "everybody rolls against Groffo" be "the players roll against each other, and the low man gets caught".  That way you'd always have a one (and only one) side mission.  Plus its always more fun to punk another player than it is an NPC :)