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An RPG in development.

Started by mallninja0088, April 23, 2002, 09:08:33 PM

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Right now I am working on creating an RPG.  I want it to be flexible enough to play about any genre of games(not fantasy though.), but have a specific setting.  I want it to incorporate gamist ideas, narritavist ideas, as well as simulationist ideas.  

Here are the bare bones of it:

Each character is defined by Traits.  Traits represent everything from the characters strength, lock picking abilities, charm, and anything else you can think of.  I don't have a trait list set in stone but I am working on it.  The list will be divided into different sections, one being in the physical abilities of the character, one being in the (if I am making sense about this) mental, or learned skills of your character such as driving a car, or piloting a plane.  Another section would be on the social skills of your character.  Another woud be on the miscillanious parts of your character such as how much luck he or she has.  

Action Rolls will be made by rolling a die (a D10 or D20, what about other dice?  what do you think would work?) and adding the appropriate trait modifier.  

I am new to designing my own games.  I am not sure about some parts of the process.  I am still trying to work out some things that bug me.  What do you think?  What coul d be improved?  I want the game to have a little bit of comedy in it, as well as combat and chases and such.

~Brad~   :-) 8-)



Before anyone responds to this thread can I ask that ninja read EVERY SINGLE THREAD on the first two pages of this forum.

That will save SO much time and effort.

Those threads will give you an idea what the response of the folks here will be (as you are not the first to ask a question like this) and hopefully will provide you with enough information to get started so that when you come back with your game you'll actually have specific questions and an actual game to reference.


ok....disregard the post then!!!
~Brad~   :-) 8-)